Websites change. Perma Links don’t. helps scholars, journals, courts, and others create permanent records of the web sources they cite. is simple, free to use, and is built and supported by libraries.

Websites change. Perma Links don’t.

One good reason to use How about 404?

Websites change, go away, and get taken down. When linked citations lead to broken, blank, altered, or even malicious pages, that’s called link rot.

Link rot affects everyone who cites links

Over 50% of cited links in Supreme Court opinions no longer point to the intended page. Roughly 70% of cited links in academic legal journals and 20% of all science, technology and medicine articles suffer from link rot.

Link rot destroys the integrity of your citations

Links start healthy. New citations have been vetted and verified.

After one year. After a year, over 20% of cited links may be dead or otherwise inacessible.

After five years. After five years, the situation is much worse — over 50% of cited links can be afftected.

As time goes on. Link rot is inevitable and rarely reversible. The longer the wait, the more likely a link will have rotted.

Data taken from “Perma: Scoping and Addressing the Problem of Link and Reference Rot in Legal Citations,” Jonathan Zittrain, Kendra Albert & Lawrence Lessig. Harvard Law Review. March 17, 2014.

Meet the Perma Link.

A Perma Link is a reliable, unbreakable link to an unalterable record of any page you’ve cited. It’s a time capsule for a web page, which your readers can easily access.

We’re committed to preservation

Websites change, go away, and get taken down. When they do, linked citations can lead to broken, blank, unintentional, or even malicious pages. This decay is called “link rot.” helps scholars, journals and courts prevent link rot by creating permanent, reliable, unalterable links to the online sources cited in their work.

All about Perma Links

Frequently asked questions

Once you capture a Perma Link, neither its content nor its address will change, no matter what happens to the original link.

More questions? Get more answers.

It’s easy to make and use a Perma Link.

Copy. Paste. Perma.

Step 1 Find the page you want to preserve. Copy its URL and open

1. A graph of citations before link rot
1. A graph of citations before link rot

Step 2 Add your URL to Select Create Perma Link and does the rest.

Step 3 Get your Perma Link. builds your new record in a matter of moments. When it’s finished, you have a chance to delete or annotate it.

2. A graph of citations at the start of link rot
3. A graph of citations with typical link rot

Step 4 Use the Perma Link in your citations. Use your Perma Link as you would the original cited URL. Your citation is safe from link rot — it will never change or break. has already preserved thousands of links for users all over the world.

Links preserved
Archiving organizations

Built to last.

Libraries are in the forever business. We’re committed to preserving your digital records to the same standards that we preserve physical records. That’s why over 150 journals, courts, and universities trust us with their citations.

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Harvard Library Innovation Lab IMLS Internet Archive CloudFlare, Inc. Digital Public Library of America Legal Information Preservation Alliance Dyn Berkman Center for Internet and Society