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/loli/ - Lolis

Lolis are Love, Lolis are Life


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File: c65a3a17bbf33d9⋯.jpg (82.24 KB, 877x616, 877:616, sample.JPG)

ba3698 No.67593[Reply]

Story translated to english, you still need the rest tough.



ff9e57 No.67598

File: 53959495fa10d0c⋯.png (437.96 KB, 588x510, 98:85, 2017-04-26_194204.png)

www.bestfallen.com/ is a pedophile forum created by chaosscizzors. The levels of sickfuckery are so high there that it even uses a loli's kooch as …

5a6817 No.67611

do you have the others works translated too?

5b5bab No.67613


Are you really this retard?

560a58 No.67623

Could you translate his Mango03 Hana?


File: 1468661016527.jpg (82.84 KB, 960x540, 16:9, TickleTickle.jpg)

354008 No.44860[Reply]

Thread 17

Previous Thread: https://8ch.net/loli/res/32856.html

Game download: unteralterbach(dot)net/index(dot)en(dot)html#download

English walkthrough: sites(dot)google(dot)com/site/unteralterbachquickguide/unteralterbach-guide-ver-1-3-english

492 posts and 263 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

cd723f No.67610


no wonder I couldn't fuckin find it…

Thanks man, once I get a song trapped in my head its stuck until I listed to it again, its particularly annoying when I don't know how the song goes.

440e9f No.67616

File: 73063fce9ca290b⋯.webm (4.85 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Emily horny.webm)




I got you family

7493e8 No.67619


omg thank you so much T_T <3

de4848 No.67620


Do you have the witches one too? that one is broken as well.

6878bb No.67622


Says file already exists:


File: 8bd4061cb8ce89e⋯.png (453.53 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, image.png)

66ff62 No.66681[Reply]

This is space to show your original art, your original drawings, illustrations, sketches, projects, concepts, or anything else you want to show to us made by your hands.

To promote yourself.

To ask for tips that make you to improve your work quality.

Feel free to show to the community your talent!

22 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

000000 No.67563


Have you made a VN, or have thought to make a VN someday?

555a8c No.67572

File: b960e9125db7083⋯.jpg (192.33 KB, 941x852, 941:852, 3.jpg)


I really want but I have no time \:

7d2f73 No.67617

File: 08ab16d06cf3c11⋯.png (700.18 KB, 1200x2100, 4:7, lilly ref.png)

File: 99bb22e94539b68⋯.png (206.07 KB, 1000x1300, 10:13, stained.png)

File: 1fd0485d0e77c11⋯.png (906.2 KB, 1600x1900, 16:19, masturbation session.png)

Here's some stupid drawings of my oc character of which I try to shove down my pixiv/e621 viewerbase's throats.

Atleast that's what I feel like sometimes when my mediocre fanart of cartoon/game characters get tons of likes and comments of praise from folk and my more original junk gets ignored. It's kind of the reason a lot of my stuff just ends up floating around the web without me posting it on my own. I love doing fannart, but I also love doing some original stuff once in a while.

bdc7f9 No.67618


I think caterpillar eyebrows are just an acquired taste.

a5eaf1 No.67621

File: 37f0c08682854d3⋯.jpg (51.62 KB, 600x338, 300:169, loliart.jpg)

File: 1460958833085.jpg (193.8 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, 000.jpg)

e66dd2 No.40131[Reply]

I've only seen a few of these if someone could post more or the artist of this one.

62 posts and 134 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ceca66 No.67506

File: ca006a950ac0cf0⋯.jpg (311.23 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_6584.JPG)

File: 861c021e577795f⋯.jpg (57.53 KB, 600x338, 300:169, IMG_6585.JPG)

File: 47f2c6b1e3a369e⋯.jpg (58.51 KB, 600x338, 300:169, IMG_6586.JPG)

File: c3f7d7a7b9703a4⋯.jpg (48.92 KB, 600x338, 300:169, IMG_6587.JPG)

File: e0cf4046fabade1⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 600x338, 300:169, IMG_6588.JPG)

fba009 No.67534


Wish I could be that black haired girl.

a3ea3e No.67569


Good goyim.

56b623 No.67612

File: 5f920a3c79b3b7d⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Raped by Niggers No Captio….jpg)

03e52b No.67615

File: a9766d7dc21e3b1⋯.jpg (58.14 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 05e305d9310aac1844ed37be03….jpg)

File: f1652eeb7c7fec2⋯.jpg (175.28 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 024582ff3ef082f826dfe51aab….jpg)

File: 537dcfd1932f80d⋯.jpg (179.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 17629321234894313582.jpg)

File: ab3148c0af3c90f⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 10241555010366775536bbc.jpg)

File: 0b825dd70e87d36⋯.jpg (84.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1781529484453322842.jpg)

>interracial lolicon

Temon is great for this

File: 0b980eaf568932a⋯.jpg (211.71 KB, 900x861, 300:287, new image.jpg)

6fbc55 No.66743[Reply]

Welcome all artists and lolicons to Drawthread 19! We encourage everyone to keep our activities nice and civil!

- FOR REQUESTERS, please add "+REQUEST" in the subject title. This makes easier for artists to look for request posts.

- Give detailed information about characters. Avoid the artists to make unnecessary questions.

- Keep your number of requests reasonable (maximum 4 per thread for an user).

- Be patient. Artists decide what requests to take and how much time spend on them.

- ONE posting of references allowed for a request during the drawthread. You can BUMP your request in the next thread, but accept your request isn't appealing after one or two consecutive bumps.

- FOR ARTISTS, try to add "+DELIVERY" in the subject tab.

- Also, please check for old requests before seeking for the new ones, even in old drawthreads. A good surprise for an anon's old request is always appreciated!

- Constructive criticism is encouraged. Flames are not!

- Please, REPORT spammers and abusers.

- This is a thread for original art. If you are looking for nude filtering, see >>54294 , or coloring/editing, see >>33289 .

- COMMISSIONS: Old commissions thread ( >>35741 ) is broken. Please use >>65806 or >>65208 . Support your favorite artists!

And most importantly, have fun!


323 posts and 249 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

1e8b26 No.67588


Don't dream pal, this kind of threads are impossible in france, because this kind of stuff is prohibited.

And yes, a lot of french (German too) cartoons need more visibility, for exemple this >>66845, the characters (not only the mains) are cute, the animation is very good, the ambience is great, the stories are cute.

71d1d3 No.67601

File: 4768b7673f569b5⋯.png (139.94 KB, 524x474, 262:237, portia.png)

820076 No.67603

File: 9238d22ac923a2c⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 540x354, 90:59, Wendy's Final Form.jpg)

Since wendys' twitter is super sassy right now…

/r/ Wendy's as a smug loli in red&white striped stockings, riding anon's dick smuggly.

f9d894 No.67607

File: 35ae8a8b3a6388e⋯.jpg (171.59 KB, 670x720, 67:72, MouthyMei.jpg)

File: 38efd4079f6c54a⋯.jpg (18.1 KB, 704x400, 44:25, FMA25-12.jpg)

File: 1eb9efa88cc09b2⋯.jpg (25.18 KB, 509x285, 509:285, fma_2_op_2_screen_sho_by_t….jpg)

File: 4d325533be7c76d⋯.jpg (250.97 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 7a3fbb0ebf7d3dd3a3e9f7f7e6….jpg)

Requesting Mei Chang presenting herself or getting fucked in this position.

40c4a0 No.67614


>less than 25 hours

>sorry for taking so long

good work, champ

File: 1452369711254.jpg (101.75 KB, 501x709, 501:709, dropplets.jpg)

f00644 No.35191[Reply]

Post true love here. Adult x Loli.

42 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

4f3d8f No.46267


Whats the title of your pic?

a13f09 No.46294


excellent post

f2e6e9 No.46321


>stop spoonfeeding

stop being a whiny bitch

37e4ae No.46325

File: 1471088169500-0.jpg (390.8 KB, 590x836, 295:418, __gii_nago_rachel_alucard_….jpg)

File: 1471088169500-1.jpg (931.97 KB, 1415x2000, 283:400, __nago_rachel_alucard_and_….jpg)

File: 1471088169501-2.jpg (212.14 KB, 1000x956, 250:239, __rachel_alucard_and_ragna….jpg)

File: 1471088169501-3.png (884.67 KB, 707x1000, 707:1000, __gii_nago_rachel_alucard_….png)

Ragna the Lolicon Blood X Rachel Alucard

70083f No.67606

File: 34efee22c46f082⋯.jpg (314.35 KB, 621x800, 621:800, 1.jpg)

File: 116a1320096a1ae⋯.jpg (130.92 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 2.jpg)

File: f4043fe49139558⋯.jpg (250.1 KB, 850x1275, 2:3, 3.jpg)

cuddles and hugs

File: 5fb9a79f546aabd⋯.png (541.51 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 8409e6b2828bfc6161da140270….png)

d2848a No.62578[Reply]

just naked, no penetration, maybe masturbation but mainly just nudes

36 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

d99d5d No.67527

File: 8b4ae025d6e8307⋯.jpg (52.2 KB, 607x800, 607:800, bb91cd5a0d8b6c78b051cbb7e6….jpg)

File: 3dc29ebef9345ac⋯.jpg (181.39 KB, 477x540, 53:60, 174df748b7ab0482975841c119….jpg)

File: 2f7499798b19a54⋯.jpg (193.02 KB, 1100x778, 550:389, 0407c9160f0312d127bbe69eaa….jpg)

File: 387eaf48f16660f⋯.jpeg (215.48 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, 2a8ebf27f578ceeee0104f843….jpeg)

File: 36df60fee1bcaff⋯.jpg (97.56 KB, 493x739, 493:739, abc045d2ae107515e4dddb8d6b….jpg)

d99d5d No.67528

File: 6370c9a657a9798⋯.jpg (246.35 KB, 1115x1600, 223:320, d130a5a15013786e052a6ef7b3….jpg)

File: 6dc9348d20a5d4c⋯.jpg (40.77 KB, 460x600, 23:30, 3c35ebebd884d1fbd814caf40d….jpg)

File: c94ea9b324d7dc3⋯.jpg (120.98 KB, 470x660, 47:66, 0e25e8ef6a7325034f1a4e24ac….jpg)

File: 429ddf5ff8c31cb⋯.jpg (94.03 KB, 500x640, 25:32, 71fe21c052aa8652167a3d38b3….jpg)

File: 32e36707fb6e8ae⋯.jpg (142.58 KB, 958x1061, 958:1061, 14093cb4b99bda96f17c805a26….jpg)

d99d5d No.67529

File: c3b2cb1d3c49794⋯.jpg (65.77 KB, 450x635, 90:127, c41ee8845296a2bd9396a94603….jpg)

File: a48417a83e91767⋯.jpg (725.2 KB, 1285x1812, 1285:1812, c136f8ebd2090d5edb01346ae4….jpg)

File: b872eee92c14f06⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, 400x750, 8:15, c36b59c71964f5f3b4804ff75d….jpg)

File: 134d0421808e570⋯.jpg (121.89 KB, 744x878, 372:439, 205e3e01ed213d53fe4ce6816b….jpg)

File: 19089747568f599⋯.jpg (284.6 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 14c7bccd5c6ad480f965d9893c….jpg)

6b7562 No.67570


Do you have more of the first girl?

678549 No.67605

File: 558739e06fc952e⋯.jpg (109.37 KB, 678x900, 113:150, 1.jpg)

File: bc0d9994670922e⋯.gif (25.72 KB, 465x698, 465:698, 2.gif)

File: 0ec216080b20e6e⋯.jpg (79.41 KB, 800x724, 200:181, 3.jpg)

File: 6caeb5d0be176a6⋯.jpg (61.36 KB, 565x800, 113:160, 4.jpg)


Close as I can find

File: 5d5227d454f1dfe⋯.jpg (106.7 KB, 680x989, 680:989, 1492890087296.jpg)

e98cc8 No.67209[Reply]

If you got a loli right now what would you make her do?

30 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

2efdad No.67553

File: e559e58d7912814⋯.jpg (222.88 KB, 1020x680, 3:2, chateau-de-epinay-49_d.JPG)

File: a69f9a50cbd645f⋯.jpg (89.8 KB, 850x704, 425:352, 4c3dc6aff5c669147d40eed940….jpg)

File: cd6c71be25f99bf⋯.png (179.33 KB, 507x800, 507:800, 1429213464532-1.png)

File: 9203604f501582c⋯.jpeg (420.88 KB, 2300x3258, 1150:1629, puregoodness.jpeg)


Of course I'm basing this story in a world where current bureaucratic structures do not exist and where I can adopt a barbarian child.

b9cb64 No.67559

I wouldn't do anything to her, considering she would clearly be giving the orders.


Ummm, let her use my face as a potty? Duh?

1a7b13 No.67561


The only reasonable thing:

head patting.

2efdad No.67565

File: b1d3a660a0becd4⋯.png (1006.54 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 6093e91a10143e659346778f9e….png)


I like the head patting thing.

d99c55 No.67595

File: 980a0501a0b5910⋯.jpg (51.84 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1.jpg)

File: f8b7cccdcc390ce⋯.jpg (458.01 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 2.jpg)

File: 16f4e5755b49099⋯.jpg (142.22 KB, 850x638, 425:319, 3.jpg)

File: 5d2f860861c00ca⋯.jpg (128.07 KB, 850x1336, 425:668, 4.jpg)


If she enjoys wetting then she would be in a diaper whenever we went out in the car, to protect the seat from pee.

But at home she would be allowed to take off her diaper and put on her big girl clothes. Then she could wet herself whenever she felt like it, as long as she was wetting herself in her own bedroom. Of course we would have waterproof covers on all the furniture in her room and a sealed non carpet floor for easier pee cleanup. But since she likes being wet I wouldn't require her to clean up. She could just wear her wet clothes and sleep in her wet bed as much as she likes.

Occasionally if the pee smell in her room got too musty I would help her clean up her room and wash her sheets and all the furniture covers, but otherwise I'd just let her enjoy wetting herself.

File: 0fb523c3d167122⋯.jpg (224.88 KB, 800x800, 1:1, show-cover-loud-house.jpg)

11d59f No.53496[Reply]

120 posts and 183 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

981a38 No.66673


ha, just felt like seconding a buddy artist, and had nowhere else to drop it.

glad ya liked it!

0a6a04 No.66676


Patreon has their own loli rules though, it just got Shads nuked for the same reason. He had to put it back up without referencing his site at all.

Not sure if the booru guy will have a problem, but it's possible.

6489a5 No.67047

File: 3283b8bf665bfc8⋯.png (248.58 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, a6e0f1a76758711ecc0404d508….png)

eeb6ce No.67590

File: 8836b82c333cf26⋯.jpg (201.53 KB, 595x597, 595:597, 000o1ab6.JPG)




cb5b42 No.67594

File: 297ffb8edc0bd20⋯.png (239.32 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ronnieannell2.png)

File: 65648d488f88622⋯.jpg (8.94 KB, 255x156, 85:52, 3507484aa652d0e9139aacbc50….jpg)

0d3d69 No.67258[Reply]

I need this in my life.

15 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

860088 No.67495

File: 0ab522c31bd69c9⋯.jpg (107.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Orson_et_Olivia_-_01_-_Hen….jpg)


There are very few. But yes, they were MUCH more lenient in the 80s. And they just didn't have the animation production to get around to clothes-less young characters in the 60s and 70s, back when it just wasn't so loudly declared evilbadwrong by the Professionally Offended Minority fringe group. It wasn't wrong, it just wasn't thought of. It's not sexual, they don't even have boobs. But all that was needed to tip the scales was the unrelenting protest loudmouths. Another case of "we'll agree to your crazy demands if you'll just be quiet."

Does Olivia, a brit animated in France, count as western?


d85fdc No.67498



Let's hear some suggestions for Loli Ashi and her sisters.

fff549 No.67499


a good ol' pussy spreading would be nice, it's weird how people just focuses in her ass…


>But that's wrong. There was a handful of naked lolis in cartoons in the 80s

yeah pal, in the "80's" when people was not so fucked up like now with feminism and the "correct manners" every attempt of recent cartoons for being "naughty" has just been a shitty effort to say "look at me guys im so against the establishment i'm so brave!"

but, the real deal was the web reaction, every time a tv show dared to taunt us with some kind of erotism the web responded with porn i wonder…what will happening with this demostration?

cuz if you don't have noticed by now SHE.WAS,NAKED.HER.ENTIRE.FUCKING.LIFE. as a baby, as a child as a woman

ashi porn must be overflowing the nsfw sites and become the symbol of nsfw cartoons (and of course american lolis)…it's just the right thing to do

95e976 No.67500


Giant loli yuri orgy. Fingering, cunnilingus, maybe using the handles of their weapons as makeshift dildos.

bcb85d No.67591


Plenty of time. You have no idea how deep rooted the anti-pedo hysteria has become. I mean fuck, some poor guy got kicked off a plane because he had his daughter with him and someone immediately thought "ADULT MAN + LITTLE GIRL = PEDOPHIIIIIIIIILE".

File: 9de52d5da74f6a0⋯.webm (9.56 MB, 980x551, 980:551, wow.webm)

a171ed No.60572[Reply]

Post your high quality loli videos(with sound). Only the best for this thread! I'll start with my all-time favorite!

218 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

6261c7 No.65872


It got deleted. Reupload please?

c82b94 No.66024

File: fb6a414794f5fc4⋯.webm (7.4 MB, 1024x720, 64:45, webm.webm)

1564b9 No.66099


I love anal like this one.

6261c7 No.67174


000000 No.67577


zomg sauce pls!!1

File: 61a8915de3c3a8f⋯.jpg (14.02 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

699e89 No.67205[Reply]

Is this alright If we have one thread for the sake of lovers of loli on steam. I would love to have friends to play games that are more open minded and from some chans then normal peeps.

It just feels better. share some names and games that you like. and maybe even talk about what kinda loli stuff you like. My steam Id is cottoneyefox

699e89 No.67206

File: f16882d63ce47ff⋯.jpg (607.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, a90b7b15aec5555df1c9606c99….jpg)

I should of posted this instead

cf3e77 No.67251

I can't find your name.

7b82db No.67574

File: 38cac2fba0f45c6⋯.jpg (119.99 KB, 772x1032, 193:258, 20170325_185910.jpg)

Are people to shy to do this. i don't think peeps like this idea

57cad4 No.67575


>publicly post identifying information about yourself along with the fact the you like masturbating to drawings of naked children in a society where theres a witch hunt against pedophiles

I can't imagine why people aren't jumping at the opportunity.

6d4a93 No.67584


You can always just have an alt loli account if your real steam ID is that heavily tied to your real ID/friends.

I dont use steam anymore, but when I did, I had +10 loli friends and a loli steam avatar + was in 10 different loli groups. nobody cares

File: eb7393825b1cc90⋯.jpeg (350.63 KB, 850x1105, 10:13, 65122de1f6f66ff8412faa798….jpeg)

4e03cb No.58377[Reply]

we need more loli in control

101 posts and 103 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

4e03cb No.67245

File: 4a556a3da966f55⋯.jpg (439.16 KB, 592x888, 2:3, 7d6b5e8d8e2d4a7d07b4b9c02e….jpg)

4e03cb No.67478

File: 54f6cdb2ac8de6e⋯.png (37.04 KB, 212x200, 53:50, 1412257600146.png)

4e03cb No.67538

File: a529ed99aac6b24⋯.jpg (129.54 KB, 1280x815, 256:163, c6b3294b8dd9c6da9e4cd96262….jpg)

c74949 No.67558


Woah, be careful! They might cut a perfectly good dildo with that thing.

64ad6d No.67564



File: 322083f4af0c10b⋯.jpg (332.17 KB, 913x1181, 913:1181, 1425061495777.jpg)

cf4cf0 No.48470[Reply]

Hi guys, I recently acquired this board after the previous owner went inactive. To make this short and sweet, I want to hear what you guys think should be added or removed from the board, if anything. Also, please don't hesitate to report any spam/brownpills, I'll be monitoring the report log daily.

224 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.
Post last edited at

a39d8f No.67333


You really shouldn't criticize yourself like that, anon. It's good that you're recognizing your shitposting for what it is, but you should still keep a positive outlook on life.

Well, I suppose calling anyone anon with these IDs on is kind of pointless, considering they are the antithesis of anonymity.

664f22 No.67350


If the IDs are stopping your anonymity then you aren't using 8ch right. Tor, VPN, these are all tools you should be using if you value your anonymity, and with the right setup all your posts will have different ids.

000000 No.67412


Any chance to restore Nidolis thread?

b1d059 No.67526


>if you're not incredibly autistic you're not allowed to care about anonymity

Great argument.

And even if someone did that, the IDs make it look like it's a different person, which defeats the point of anonymity in the first place.

Adding IDs degrades any imageboard's community and has literally no benefit in any situation whatsoever, so why the fuck would you want them?

10b4c0 No.67550


>I'm butthurt because I can't samefag anymore

IDs have done nothing but improve the board.

File: 884215a50b2de01⋯.jpg (66.98 KB, 600x726, 100:121, e6e.jpg)

75eb0a No.67502[Reply]

Any of the girls they were removed from r34

28a247 No.67513

File: 9606f3b315f6fdf⋯.jpg (328.72 KB, 1280x1306, 640:653, despicable me 3.jpg)

File: b8d76b5badb418b⋯.jpg (171.42 KB, 1132x909, 1132:909, despicable me 2.jpg)

File: 9bdfc650f14c8a8⋯.jpg (865.61 KB, 1532x2000, 383:500, despicable me.jpg)

257d6e No.67514


Last I've checked, there's still plenty on the site.

f7ad93 No.67520

File: ff96064470f0900⋯.jpg (122.67 KB, 1200x1283, 1200:1283, 00ab6ab3cae838e58884gbea04….jpg)

File: c2f69f260c40c5e⋯.jpg (277.92 KB, 1025x1280, 205:256, 93787.jpg)

File: 5931f991b496f54⋯.jpg (113.42 KB, 747x1151, 747:1151, 93793.jpg)

File: 979e7c7d444de84⋯.jpg (131.51 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, 93878.jpg)

File: a843be06d0f4745⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1500x795, 100:53, 100307.jpg)

75eb0a No.67532

File: 3a5dc0580ffc06b⋯.jpg (63.68 KB, 840x532, 30:19, 1792663 - Despicable_Me Ma….jpg)

I've only found a couple I'm hoping there's some other good ones people have

000000 No.67547

There are some images of these girls with Gru?

(Seriously, this movie should be more 'pedophile' and not with that stupid Minions).

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