Beeminder API

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
By dreeves

robot bee

We’re delighted to announce that the Beeminder API is now open to the public! Before you dive into the full documentation, let’s start with a taste of this beeliciousness. First, grab your personal auth token from Let’s pretend it’s TOOLEGIT. You can now add a data point to your graph from the command line like so:

curl --data 'auth_token=TOOLEGIT&timestamp=1346774400&value=1&comment=api+test'

Programmatic adding of data points is the biggie but the API supports most of everything else you can do from the website. [1] In fact, our soon-to-be-announced Android and iPhone apps use our API. (UPDATE: Android/iPhone announcement.) For that kind of fanciness, we support oauth as well as the dirt simple personal auth tokens like in the above example.

Our amazing beta users [2] of the Beeminder API have already done some wonderful things with it:

Some of the above use the kludgetastic alpha version of the API and haven’t been converted yet. We’ll try to get everyone to publish their hacks and mashups — perhaps to — when they upgrade to the new API.

UPDATE: More tools people are building with the Beeminder API (as Ezra Bradford points out, we should dub this the Apiary!)…

Finally, here’s a list of devices and apps we plan to integrate with [3] but, as you can see, there are more than we can get to in a reasonable time. (See also our previous list of tracking apps.) So don’t wait for us — start mashing things up!

UPDATE: We moved the list of upcoming integrations to the Beeminder forum.



[1] Please let us know if there’s something you want to automate that the API doesn’t yet support!

[2] Special thanks to John Millikin for finding a small security hole!

[3] Devices and apps we currently integrate with: TagTime, Withings, GreenGoose, Tallybee, RunKeeper, Gmail. UPDATE: Trello, Fitbit, RescueTime, Github. ANOTHER UPDATE: See the bottom of for the full list.


Image credit: Buzzbee the Robot Bee by Pete, aka buildersstudio on Etsy.

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  • David

    This is exciting news!

    I’m not sure that this is something you want to encourage, but I’m going to pledge $20 for the fitbit integration. Get that working, and I’ll donate $20. And I’m the sort of b@$#%d who usually mugs shareware developers. What you’re doing is really, really cool.

    Many thanks,

  • muflax

    I’ve finished a Ruby gem for the API. It’s over on Github and at “gem install beeminder”. It supports the full API and has yet another CLI tool for fast updates. (Hey, maybe mine can be the canonical version from now on.)

    (Dunno if I should announce this anywhere else too. If so, just say so.)

  • muflax

    I also hacked together a simple script to send my Fitocracy score to Beeminder and put it in a cronjob.

    Yay fully automated graphs!

  • Daniel Reeves

    Thanks David! $20 is nothing to sneeze at when you’re barely ramen-profitable. :) Even more motivating is your enthusiasm. Fitbit is indeed around the top of our list for device integrations.

  • Daniel Reeves

    Holy cow, thanks so much for making a gem! We had meant to have one ready ourselves for our API announcement, but you beat us to the punch. We’re kind of beside ourselves that there’s a developer community like this already! We love you people!

  • Daniel Reeves

    Nice! Do you know Fitocracy’s API plans? I see you’re scraping them. Get with the program, Fitocracy! :)

  • muflax

    No clue, but according to a recent blog post, it’s planned at some point. So far they seem to focus mostly on tweaking the interface yet again, so I don’t have high hopes for a release any time soon. :)

  • Theun

    Cool stuff!
    Also great to see Anki in the list! I didn’t expect that one, but was hoping it could integrate with Beeminder :D.

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  • Justyn

    Great news!

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  • Justyn

    Another one for the infinitely long list of websites to integrate with is time tracking service Toggl (, popular with freelancers and it has an API…

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  • Daniel Reeves

    Guess what? This is what:

    We’re not totally confident in it yet so we haven’t announced it more widely but let us know if it works for you, and if you owe us $20. :)

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  • Pingback: Beeminder ♥ RescueTime | Beeminder Blog()

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  • Jayvan J Santos

    I’ll wait for Endomondo integration..

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  • Pedro

    I’ve been using a quick and dirty Python script to send my workout from runtastic to beeminder. Unfortunately, runtastic doesn’t have a public api, so I have to scrape data from my feed, but it works very well.

    It would be great if you could integrate with zapier. We’d have a lot of integrations ready to use.