自己紹介  エジプト遺産の歴史的危機  

TBS 日立 世界ふしぎ発見



TBS 日立 世界ふしぎ発見



是非彼の TEDxKyoto 講演も御覧ください.

(Source: the-pineapple-blog, via the-pineapple-blog)

4 years ago
7 notes
Yuki Kawae, Giza

Yuki Kawae, Giza

4 years ago
1 note
Yuki Kawae, Giza

Yuki Kawae, Giza

4 years ago
1 note
The first glimpse of a royal pair statue, January 18, 1910.
Archaeologist George Reisner wrote in his diary: “In the evening, just before work stopped, a small boy appeared suddenly at my side and said, “Come,”.
His workers had uncovered a statue of...

The first glimpse of a royal pair statue, January 18, 1910.

Archaeologist George Reisner wrote in his diary: “In the evening, just before work stopped, a small boy appeared suddenly at my side and said, “Come,”.

His workers had uncovered a statue of King Menkaure and his queen Khamerernebty II.

“A photograph was taken in fading light, and an armed guard of twenty men put on for the night.”

The statue is now on display at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Photograph: Badawi Ahmed.

4 years ago
1 note
JFICイベント 駐日エジプト・アラブ共和国大使館&国際交流基金 共同特別講演会「古代エジプトのミステリアスな女性たち」





4 years ago
0 notes


Indiana Jones Mystery Package

We don’t really even know how to start this post. Yesterday we received a package addressed to “Henry Walton Jones, Jr.”. We sort-of shrugged it off and put it in our bin of mail for student workers to sort and deliver to the right faculty member— we get the wrong mail a lot.

Little did we know what we were looking at. When our student mail worker snapped out of his finals-tired haze and realized who Dr. Jones was, we were sort of in luck: this package wasn’t meant for a random professor in the Stat department. It is addressed to “Indiana” Jones.

What we know: The package contained an incredibly detailed replica of “University of Chicago Professor” Abner Ravenwood’s journal from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. It looks only sort of like this one, but almost exactly like this one, so much so that we thought it might have been the one that was for sale on Ebay had we not seen some telling inconsistencies in cover color and “Ex Libris” page (and distinct lack of sword). The book itself is a bit dusty, and the cover is teal fabric with a red velvet spine, with weathered inserts and many postcards/pictures of Marion Ravenwood (and some cool old replica money) included. It’s clear that it is mostly, but not completely handmade, as although the included paper is weathered all of the “handwriting” and calligraphy lacks the telltale pressure marks of actual handwriting. 

What we don’t know: Why this came to us. The package does not actually have real stamps on it— the outside of the package was crinkly and dirty as if it came through the mail, but the stamps themselves are pasted on and look like they have been photocopied. There is no US postage on the package, but we did receive it in a bin of mail, and it is addressed to the physical address of our building, Rosenwald Hall, which has a distinctly different address from any other buildings where it might be appropriate to send it (Haskell Hall or the Oriental Institute Museum). However, although now home to the Econ department and College Admissions, Rosenwald Hall used to be the home to our departments of geology and geography

If you’re an applicant and sent this to us: Why? How? Did you make it? Why so awesome? If you’re a member of the University community and this belongs to you or you’ve gotten one like it before, PLEASE tell us how you acquired it, and whether or not yours came with a description— or if we’re making a big deal out of the fact that you accidentally slipped a gift for a friend in to the inter-university mail system. If you are an Indiana Jones enthusiast and have any idea who may have sent this to us or who made it, let us know that, too. 

We know this sounds like a joke/hoax… it’s not (at least, from our end).  Any hints, ideas, thoughts, or explanations are appreciated. We’ve been completely baffled as to why this was sent to us, in mostly a good way, but it’s clear this is a neat thing that either belongs somewhere else— or belongs in the halls of UChicago admissions history.

Internet: help us out. If you’re on Reddit (we’re not) or any other nerdly social media sites where we might get information about this, feel free to post far and wide and e-mail any answers, clues, ideas, thoughts, or musings to indianajonesjournal@uchicago.edu  (yes, we did set up an email account just to deal with this thing). 

**Update: we have heard from Lucasfilm (nerd sidebar: OMG SO COOL) that this is not some type of viral marketing package for any upcoming Indiana Jones films or events. We have narrowed the likely maker down to the most-accurate Ebay match (seller “Ravenbar”) but have not been able to get in touch with the seller, nor do we have any sense of why this would have made its way to our office. More photos of the journal can be found in the Chicago Red Eye here. We will be placing this in the University of Chicago library’s Special Collections once our mystery has been solved, so to those who have asked if it is for sale, sadly, the answer is no. Thanks to all who have sent tips or ideas (and to all of the news organizations that found this cool enough to pick it up)— please keep the ideas coming!**

4 years ago
10,970 notes
Yuki Kawae, Giza

Yuki Kawae, Giza

4 years ago
1 note
Pharaoh's playground revealed by missing fractals

ナイルの氾濫などによって生まれたフラクタル幾何パターンが、ダフシュールでは大規模(じつに6キロ四方)に渡り欠如している。スネフェルや古王国時代の王達の土地の改良の結果ではないかという示唆。これは面白いアプローチ方法。 (Yuki)

4 years ago
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ピラミッド:素粒子で「レントゲン」撮影計画 東大地震研


4 years ago
0 notes
Ichiroh Kanaya, Yukinori Kawae, Kosuke Sato, and Hiroyuki Kamei made a presentation at the 1st international conference on Virtual Archaeology.
サンクトペテルブルグで開催された第1回 Virtual Archaeology 国際会議で発表してきました.

Ichiroh Kanaya, Yukinori Kawae, Kosuke Sato, and Hiroyuki Kamei made a presentation at the 1st international conference on Virtual Archaeology.

サンクトペテルブルグで開催された第1回 Virtual Archaeology 国際会議で発表してきました.

4 years ago
1 note