
Makiko Segawa






瀬川牧子/Makiko Segawa

JFJN代表、ジャーナリスト。『産経新聞』記者、『The Wall Street Journal 』東京支局記者を経て、2012年『国境なき記者団』日本特派員に/International journalist, Japan Correspondent of Reporters Without Borders, fixer and local producer for oversea media.


Damon Coulter






ディモン・コーター/Damon Coulter

フォトジャーナリスト。日本在住。英国人。『Los Angeles Times』(米)、『The Wall Street Journal』(米)、『The Independent』(英)、『The Daily Mirror』(英)『The Economist』(英)、『The Financial Times』(英)などに寄稿/British photojournalist living in Japan. “Los Angeles Times” (USA), “The Wall Street Journal” (USA), “The Independent” (UK), “The Daily Mirror” (United Kingdom) “The Economist” (United Kingdom), “The Financial Times” (United Kingdom ) contributed to like.



キム チャンギュ/kim changkyu

『タンジ日報』副編集長。ジャーナリスト。ソウル在住。犯罪・人権問題(拉致被害者)などが専門。著書に『この中に凡人はいない』がある。日本語も堪能/ Editor and Journalist in Deputy at  one of the most popular online media “Tanji Daily News”(
based in Seoul.His specialized field covers a series of  investigate reports on human right issues, press freedom  on Korean peninsula and Japan in light of “Abductions/Abductees by North Korea”, crimes–etc. This year, publish his book bases on interviews with high profiles in South Korea with its title of ” No Ordinary Person Here”. He is a commander of Japanese and Korean.


Kim Shyheon






キム シヒョン/Kim Shyheon

映像プロデューサー&ディレクター。ソウル在住。国際衛星放送局『アリアンTV』のプロデューサー。韓国や日本の歴史、文化、教育、米軍基地問題などを中心にドキュメンタリー映像を制作。セウォル号沈没事件も担当した。『KBS』『MBC』『EBS』などの韓国の放送局でも活躍中。企業CMなどのプロモーションビデオ制作も行なう。国際写真家集団『マグナムフォト』所属カメラマンの映像作品などもプロデュースした/12 year experienced producer and director covering all kinds of fields in documentaries of Korean and Japanese social, cultural, investigative, educational, historical issues of far east region, including cooperate video works. Capable of English and Korean. Her clients are such as Korean Broadcasting System ArirangTV, MBC, EBS.As the latest works, produced the film about the Magnum Photographers in the program named “I n Frame”, Arirang TV in English.


Michael Penn






マイケル・ペン/Michael Penn

ジャーナリスト、ビデオジャーナリスト。東京を中心に活動。『新月通信』社長/Print and video journalist based in Tokyo. president of the Shingetsu News Agency.


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嘉悦基光/Motomitsu Kaetsu

フィルム・ディレクター、カメラマン、映像ジャーナリスト。『Asia News International( インド)』『KOMPAS TV (インドネシア)』『Vietnam TV(ベトナム)』『MRTV(ミャンマー)』など、インド・東南アジアを中心にニュースドキュメンタリー番組を配信している2014年、映像制作プロダクション 『Raybase LLC』を設立 。プロモーションビデオ、コマーシャル、コーポレートビデオ、ドキュメンタリー、ニュース、ドラマ、Web、映画などの映像制作・配信 サービスをスタートした/An award-winning Film Director/Cameraman/Video Journalist. Highly
educated and skilled in Cinematography, Directing, Editing and
Producing for film productions. Advanced knowledge of Adobe Photoshop,Illustrator, Microsoft Office, and other third party applications.Since 2012, keep distributing news documentaries to 9 countries in theregion of India and South East Asia such as Asia News
International(India), KOMPAS TV (Indonesia), Vietnam TV(Vietnam),
MRTV(Myammer) and other TV run by the states. In April 2014,
Established a video production company Raybase LLC in Tokyo providing the distribution service of news stories, web, films, promotional video, commercials, cooperate video, documentaries and others with high quality and enriched creativity.


Nathalie Kyoko Stucky






ナタリー・キョウコ・スタッキー/Nathalie Kyoko Stucky

『Japan Subculture Research Center』編集長。ジャーナリスト。政治・経済からサブカルチャーまで、東京を拠点に活動。『The Daily Beast』(米)、『Vice News』(米)、『Snatch Magazine』(仏)、『So Film Magazine』(仏)などの欧米メディアに寄稿。英語・フランス語・日本語での通訳兼コーディネートを手がける/Based in Tokyo, she is editor in chief of ‘Subculture Research Centre’ covering everything from political & economic issues to subculture. She’s also contributed to Western media such as “The Daily Beast” (the United States), “Vice News” (the United States), “Snatch Magazine” (France), “So Film Magazine” (Brans). Professional translation level in English, French, Japanese.


Richard Atrero de Guzman






リチャード・アトレロ・デ・グズマン/Richard Atrero de Guzman

写真家、映像作家、ジャーナリスト、プロデューサー。東京在住。フィリピン・マニラ出身。「バハグ(Bahag)」の名前でも活動。『Bahaghari World Photography』代表。これまでに

Tokyo based Photographer/filmmaker Richard Atrero de Guzman (b.1974) goes by the name Bahaghari/bahag & Bahagski. His photographs have been published in local and international publications. Despite photographing the glossy world of fashion and advertising, de Guzman’s heart is inclined to produce socially relevant work in the tradition of documentary photography and photojournalism.
Travelling the globe for the past eight years, de Guzman has been commissioned by core civic institutions like the United Nations and the Drik Picture Library in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is represented internationally by M4 Collective and Bahaghari World Photography Philippines.

Specialties:Documentary Photography or Photojournalism/editorial campaigns and Lifestyle Fashion Photography.His media clients vast wide range such as Aljazeerah, Russia Today, Ruptly—etc distributing breaking news on Japan with latest video footage around the world on daily basis.


Takaho Murakami






村上隆保/Takaho Murakami

フリー編集者、ライター。新聞、雑誌、書籍、Webメディアなどで活動中。/Freelance editor,freelance writer.