Free bondage sex videos, fetish movies, torture clips in the Internet Sex BDSM Tube online with tons of kinky and pervert videos for real sadism and masochism lovers. You May Be A Submissive If... - If you see a "Mix-Master" in the store and think it's a new self-stimulating toy, you may be a submissive. - If you hear the drinking toast "Bottoms up!" and instantly obey, you may be a submissive. - If you are more concerned about the skin on your ass then that on your face you may be a submissive. - If you get excited when you see an ad for "Flag Day" because you think someone mispelled a word, you may be a submissive. - If a friend of yours tells you she can't get out of the house because she's all tied up....and you get jealous, you may be a submissive. - If you walk by dog obedience classes and offer to demonstrate from the dog's perspective, you may be a submissive. - If stocks and bonds fascinate you, but you could not care less what happens on Wall Street, you may be a submissive.- If you smile and think of a thin, flexible rod when you hear the word "switch", you may be a submissive. - If you think the best part of going to church is getting to kneel, you may be a submissive. (The same holds true if you make up extra sins at confession so you can get a heavier penance). - If you get excited while looking through the cooking implements draw of the kitchen, you may be a submissive. - If you visit Alcatraz, stand for hours in a dark cell, and come out flushed and smiling, you may be a submissive. - If you hear the term "House Whip" on CNN and then get disappointed that they're talking about politics, you may be a submissive. - If you surf the net to find your own webmaster, you may be a submissive. If you go to the paint store just for the stir sticks, you may be a submissive. - If you hear a confused person say, "Beat me!" and you automatically yell out "Me next!," you may be a submissive. - If you actually wish your Mastercard would give you orders, you may be a submissive. - If you anxiously wait to get from publishing houses the form letter stating "Thank you for your submission.", you may be a submissive. - If you think that the three basic materials for bed sheets are linen, silk and leather, you may be a submissive (or at the least, kinky in general).- If you're envious of the neighbour dog's new spike collar & leash, you may be a submissive. - If you call your personal vibrator "Sir," you may be a submissive. - If you go to the pet store, look at the leather collars, and pick out two or three that match some outfits you own, you may be a submissive! - If you think your panties look best on you when pulled down around your knees, you may be a submissive. - If you see a road sign displaying, "Chains required" and wonder if that means, whips are optional, you may be a submissive. - If you can't make up your mind, you may be a submissive. - If you read a headline about sub warfare, and picture two naked women cat-fighting over a handsome Dom, you may well be a submissive. - If your closet is full of knee pads, but you don't play sports, you may be submissive. - If you dream of a beautiful leather jacket with a full face hood, you may be a submissive. - If you think "I've always wanted to see what pony gear looks like ON someone!" when a Bridal Fashion Show is to be held in your town, you may be submissive.......
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