newsokur 内の starg2 によるリンク Culture Exchange: Welcome /r/europe friends!

[–]ronin08 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

In the Meiji period, "learn from the West" was a huge thing in Japan. Many of the "founders" of the modern Japan studied somewhere in Europe, not the USA. Recently it's true that American influence seems to be stronger. Still, universities here have more professors specializing in German, French, English etc than American (U.S.) literature. Classical music and confectionery from Europe are everywhere, and professionals travel to Europe to study.

Also, we buy European (mostly German and French) cars. Far more than American cars.

newsokur 内の starg2 によるリンク Culture Exchange: Welcome /r/europe friends!

[–]ronin08 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

If some of you guys have ever been to Germany/Europe what surprised you the most when you've been there?

I've been to Berlin recently. Surprised by how freely people smoke on street. It used to be like that in Japan too, maybe 20 years ago, but it's almost disappeared here in Tokyo (prohibited by many municipal-level laws). This partly has to affect the cleanliness thing.

I felt familiar with the types of the cars on road - German and Japanese carmakers do seem to sell a lot of similar types (well, very roughly speaking). I got a quite different impression when in the USA. Their cars are ... huge.

lowlevelaware 内の RomoloJPN によるリンク 外国人が日本で仕事を見つけるのって

[–]ronin08 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)


MachineLearning 内の ronin08 によるリンク [R] Federated Learning: Collaborative Machine Learning without Centralized Training Data

[–]ronin08[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just a non-expert guess, but there is more room for reducing CPU power consumption than communication in the coming years? I would guess that there is a harder physical limit for the signal to travel through X km, than CPUs with decreasing sizes.

Disregarding the graphics/LCD/backlight (which will stay the same over different learning strategies), communication seems to consume quite a lot.

newsokur 内の starg2 によるリンク Welkom in Japan! Cultural Exchange with /r/thenetherlands

[–]ronin08 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

There have been studies saying that the Japanese written language takes more time to learn, and that it's faster to read once you have learned. So it kind of pays off.

Also, in my experience, as a kid it took six years to learn a set of kanji that allows you to read newspapers without any issues. 0.1 years for the English alphabet, but 5 years for a full set of newspaper-level English words and phrases.

thenetherlands 内の jippiejee によるリンク Hello Japan! Today we're hosting r/newsokur for a Cultural Exchange...

[–]ronin08 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm looking for jobs overseas as a junior software engineer (half seriously, half just to keep my mind open). What would be the job prospect for me in the Netherlands? I often see Amsterdam being referred to as one of the top cities for IT jobs in Europe.

I remember reading there was an unusually good work permit situation for Japanese nationals in the Netherlands for historical reasons. Not sure how it is now.

On a related note, what are interesting IT startups in/from the Netherlands?

EDIT: found this - there was no need for work permit. (But it is required now.)

newsokur 内の ronin08 によるリンク TIL 医学的には耳かきをする意味はない。耳垢が取れることよりも奥に押し込んだり内部を傷つけて悪化させてしまうことが多い

[–]ronin08[S] 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

綿棒に関しては 英語の商品の注意書きでよくあるのは
Do not insert swab into ear canal.


japan 内の bonesupren によるリンク The Japanese dubbed version of Hollywood's / Scarlett Johansson's "Ghost In The Shell" to use the same original voice actors and actresses as the original Japanese anime / original Japanese director approves of and blesses Hollywood adaptation

[–]ronin08 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd really like to see these roles performed as I felt / envisioned them.

I beg to differ. I think 自分 (jibun) should be read 'self' (the actors themselves) here. 1) Using jibun in the meaning of 'I' (the speaker) is a bit Osakaben-like. 2) That reading makes him overly pushy, as in 'the actors should behave exactly how I think they should'.

Technically one of the translation of 自分の感じたまま is indeed "as I felt", but given what he says afterwards (e.g. "Everybody is a professional"), a more likely interpretation here is something along the line of "I'd hope that they perform these roles in a manner they feel right".

newsokur 内の z8Qx-z1Xs によるリンク TIL: アメリカのamazon(自前配達業者)は商品をドアの前に放り出していくのは普通らしい。もう日本の宅配便もこれでいいやん

[–]ronin08 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (0子コメント)



newsokur 内の ronin08 によるリンク 2ch.netなどが利用している高速化サービスCloudflareに脆弱性 メモリの内容を吐き出してユーザとのHTTPセッションのデータを外に見せてしまう

[–]ronin08[S] 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

redditユーザも影響をうけるといってる人がother discussionsにいるけど、fake newsっぽい。少なくとも のリストにはない。


japan 内の ronin08 によるリンク Readings on feminism and the situation of women in Japan?

[–]ronin08[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Looks very interesting. Will try the university library I have access to. Thanks a lot!

newsokur 内の ronin08 によるリンク 「脱成長派」への反論 上野千鶴子氏の「移民論」と日本特殊性論の左派的転用

[–]ronin08[S] 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)



newsokur 内の ronin08 によるリンク 与謝野信氏がドイツ証券に復職、株式業務で-千代田区長選後1週間

[–]ronin08[S] 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

