全 2 件のコメント

[–]H0ck3yal 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bro this seems like the question to ask on r/Hookers but when it comes to backpage (I haven't used it but) I've heard it's hit or miss. If your in NorCal and close to Reno I'd advise going to the brothel there.

[–]KNOWLEDGEoverTIME 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Here's what you need to know. Only idiots get caught using escorts. You need to use escort review boards in your local area. Google your city and escort review boards. Go ONLY for escorts that have been reviewed by several other "clients". This way, you are able to ensure a few things, that the girl is real, that her service is quality and worth you money, and that she is not some type of undercover police sting operation. Follow this rule and it won't lead you astray. I've been using escorts myself and have had no problems and several very positive experiences. I will caution you, fucking 8's and 9's as soon as you first meet them with zero effort can become very addicting. But as a lawyer you will be able to afford this. Backpage is a terrible idea. Stick to escort agencies, they have the hottest girls, best service and are the safest. Again, use google. Type "your city" escort agency into google.

I live in Canada where escorts are plenty and semi-legal so your experience may vary, but my advice is fairly general and can be applied to using escorts in any part of the world. Let me know if you have any more questions.