Upspin is an experimental project to build a framework for naming
and sharing files and other data securely, uniformly, and globally:
a global name system of sorts.
It is not a file system, but a set of protocols and reference
implementations that can be used to join things like file systems
and other storage services to the name space.
Performance is not a primary goal. Uniformity and security are.
- The Upspin Overview document provides a high-level
introduction to Upspin.
- The Signing up a new user document describes the process for
generating keys and registering a user with the Upspin key server.
- The Upspin Security document describes Upspin’s security
- The Upspin Access Control document describes
Upspin’s access control mechanisms.
- The Upspin Configuration document describes Upspin’s
configuration file format and settings.
- The Setting up
document explains how
to set up your own Upspin installation on a Linux server.
- The Usage Examples document demonstrates some
common usage scenarios.
- The Mascot document introduces our mascot, Augie,
including downloadable images and usage information.
- The RPC document is a semiformal
description of the wire protocol used to communicate between clients
and servers.