The WorldBrain (Re)search-Engine

Create, Search & Share your Personal Web of Knowledge.

We are not there yet, but these are the features we work towards:

Search across all apps

Full-Text Search your Browsing History, Bookmarks, Evernote, Pocket, Email, Mendeley & many more.
(30 sec survey: Which ones would you like?)

Link & associate content

Manually link content with each other and let the software analyse a variety of connections – so that you can find your knowledge, just like your brain remembers it: by making associations.

Own your data

Everything is stored & processed locally. Nothing ever leaves your computer without your approval.

Share with the community

Voluntarily share meta-data, content recommendations, notes and valuable connections with your friends and followers.

Watch our Vision Video

The WorldBrain project works on a structural solution to online misinformation and more trustworthy content on the web.
In our vision video you’ll see how we aim to approach this.

Openness. Without compromise.


WorldBrain is currently released under GPL-3, but will soon be re-released with a maximum permissive License.
Jump to our GitHub repository>>

Open Data

We want to promote an open web by providing a set of APIs that import/translate/expose data in interoperable and widely accepted data formats.

Open Ecosystem

With the APIs of the (Re)search-Engine we aim to facilitate an ecosystem of innovative applications capable of tapping into highly valuable, human-curated data.

Open Organisation

Not only with our software, but also as an organisation, we strive to work in the open and towards maximum transparency.

Our Collaborations