Sunday 23 April 2017


The police must end their abuse of anti-terror legislation

There was a good deal of justifiable anger over the Brown Shirt tactics of the Labour Party in ejecting an 82-year-old German-Jewish émigré from its conference in Brighton for having the effrontery to heckle Jack Straw's foreign policy speech. But the most bizarre aspect of the affair was the use of the Terrorism Act 2000 to detain Walter Wolfgang, albeit briefly, as he tried to get back in.

Why on earth did the police invoke counter-terrorist legislation against an individual who patently was not intent on any terrorist activity, had been given security clearance when his pass was issued and who would, presumably, have been quite content to answer any questions the officer wished to ask him?

The use of Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000 has become increasingly controversial. It bestows exceptional powers on the police to stop and search at random, once a particular geographical area has been designated by a chief officer as one that might be targeted by terrorists, and authorised as such by the Home Secretary.

Brighton in the week of the Labour conference was clearly a possible target, so authority was given to use the Act there. On occasions, the whole of London has been given a blanket designation under Section 44, though this has to be renewed every 28 days. As opposed to normal stop and search powers, "reasonable suspicion" that an offence is being committed is not needed.

After the carnage in the capital on July 7, those of us who live and work there want the police to have the powers that improve the chances of intercepting potential bombers. But Section 44 is often deployed against people who would normally be regarded as protesters, not terrorists. In the financial year after the Act came into force - which included the period of the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington - there were 8,500 stops and searches under the Act. The following year, there were 21,500 and for the financial year 2003-04, the last for which figures available, there were 29,407.

Although these interceptions led to some arrests for terrorism-related offences (though not of terrorists themselves), people stopped under Section 44 powers were eight times more likely to be arrested for other offences, including motoring infractions. This suggests, at the very least, that the powers are being used in a pretty arbitrary way, despite assurances from the Government that they would be deployed only when there is "a good reason to believe that there is genuinely a terrorist threat". In his annual review of the Terrorism Act, Lord Carlile said the use of Section 44 "could be cut by at least 50 per cent without significant risk to the public or detriment to policing".

Among those on the receiving end of the Terrorism Act were dozens of protesters outside Europe's biggest arms fair, in London's Docklands in 2003. When the legality of the use of Section 44 was tested by Liberty, the civil rights organisation, the High Court said the police commander had been entitled to apply the powers because the arms fair was controversial, was happening near an airport and was close to the site of a previous terrorist incident.

However, the Appeal Court said that if the police were given exceptional powers because of threats to public safety, they had to be used with the "appropriate circumspection" and it was "a fairly close call" as to whether they had been in this instance, though police were given the benefit of the doubt.

Liberty is taking this case to the House of Lords; and the signs are, not least in Brighton last week, that the police have still to take on board the court's and Lord Carlile's concerns about the way the powers are used. Earlier this year, a group of trainspotters was detained and searched under Section 44 at Basingstoke station, which was on a list of possible terrorist targets drawn up by the Home Office.

By taking photographs of carriages and noting down serial numbers, the spotters were accused of behaving like a reconnaissance unit for a terrorist cell. They were forced to empty their pockets, explain their actions and prove their identity.

Two years ago, anti-war protesters - many of them elderly veterans of 1960s ban-the-bomb marches - were stopped under Section 44 on their way to RAF Fairford, Glos, used by American B-52 bombers during the Iraq conflict. Again, these were quite clearly demonstrators. At the time, David Blunkett, then home secretary, said: "Powers under this legislation are applied solely for the prevention and investigation of acts of terrorism."

Yet among those stopped was an 11-year-old girl, who was required to empty her pockets, before being handed a notification slip under the Act - one of more than 1,000 issued to protesters. In July, a cricketer on his way to a match was stopped at King's Cross station in London under Section 44 powers and questioned over his possession of a bat. The police thought he might have been travelling to Scotland to cause trouble at the G8 summit. Maybe so. But why use anti-terror laws for what was a potential public order offence at worst?

The reason this matters is that, last week, Tony Blair said, in the context of crime and anti-social behaviour, that he did not think "that the traditional law can give law-abiding people adequate protection". He added: "Whatever powers the police need to crack down on this, I will give them." At the risk of sounding naive, given its supine state, it remains Parliament's function to make the law, and it is time it woke from its slumber and stopped this drift into a police state. At Labour's conference last week more than 600 people were stopped under Section 44.

Of course there is a balance to be struck between ensuring that the police have effective counter-terrorism powers and the freedom of the citizen to go about his daily business unmolested. There are times when exceptional measures are warranted to override the normal expectation that the police will intervene in our lives only if there is reasonable suspicion of a crime being committed. But it is wrong to use them to stifle lawful protest.

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