Anonymous asked: There's gotta be some way to reset society to a lower-degeneracy state without violating the NAP. Is it possible to create an anti-degenerate meme stronger than the equivalent pro-degenerate meme?

‘Degeneracy’ was spammed as an ironic meme on /pol/ for months before newfags started taking it seriously, it’s a meaningless buzzword

And if you’re silly enough to take it seriously then I’m a commander of the degenerate hordes. I’m a Degeneralissimo. Why would I help you?

I’ve been saying here for a while that the sexual revolution is a product of technology that can’t be uninvented. If you want to live in a society without the normalization of premarital sex you either need a time machine or you need to reduce the GDP of the country until no one can afford antibiotics, condoms, or hormonal birth control even on the black market.

  1. mitoticcephalopod reblogged this from sadoeconomist
  2. remedialaction said: Depends, hows your grasp of history? Not well if you think things are really any more “degenerate” now.
  3. shieldfoss reblogged this from sadoeconomist
  4. neoliberalism-nightly said: patent laws making it hard to get antibiotics on the market and maybe that will be enough to lower degeneracy
  5. argumate said: Degeneracy 2020
  6. drethelin reblogged this from sadoeconomist
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