For children in Myanmar with innocent eyes, looking toward the future

Akie Abe (The Japanese first lady) X Masaru Emoto


In 2005, Dr. Emoto declared at the Headquarters of the United Nations that he was going to distribute 650,000,000 copies of the book “Message from Water” free to all children in the world.
Since then, the free distribution movement for “Message from Water” has spread worldwide and the book has since been translated into thirty languages and delivered to thousands of children.
Mrs. Akie Abe, the First Lady of the 90th and 96th Prime Minister of Japan, has published “Message from Water” in Burmese and has distributed it to local children.
We wanted to know why Mrs. Abe chose Myanmar out of all the countries in the world? In addition, what motivated her to do such thing?

In “month” of “year” Dr. Emoto sat with Mrs Abe to talk about her involvement with the Emoto Peace Project.


Emoto :

Thank you very much for your cooperation for our “Emoto Peace Project”. I have always wanted to talk with you regarding your involvement with our project.
Since the Aum incident of March 1995, where a Japanese cult group attacked a Tokyo subway train with Sarin Gas, for some reason the term “Hado” has become confused and labeled as a cult group.
Because of this confusion, our children’s book “Message from water” has not been accepted in Japanese educational sites or schools.
We have even heard that some of the teachers are protesting, saying it is completely out of question to use a book that is (in their opinion) not scientifically proven as a children’s textbook. Because of this, our wonderful book and message is unable to be spread in Japan.
However, outside of Japan, many people understand and they support our project. It is with thanks to those people, that the book has been translated into thirty different languages and has continued to spread all over the world.
We have been working on this project for some time in Japan, and the Emoto Peace Project (EPP) has become an incorporated non-profit organization in July 2011. At present we are trying very hard to come in contact with as many people as possible all over the world, so they too can know about the message from water.
It is this reason that we decided our talk today should be about “EPP”.

Inspired by Burmese people who look toward the “Future” rather than behind at the “Past”.


When did your relationship with Myanmar begin? I recognize that Myanmar used to be Burma and was a military dictated country.

Abe :

It started around 2005, so not that long ago.


I see 2005 was a good year! . It was also in 2005 that I made the declaration at the United Nations. But, why Myanmar?


I have always wanted to help children in poor countries. My husband suggested that I look at Myanmar. The reason why he suggested Myanmar was when his father was the Foreign Minister, he travelled as his Father’s secretary and visited Asian countries with Prime Minister Nakasone. During this time he visited Myanmar as well. At that time, the Japanese government was talking with several countries regarding the war compensation. My husband felt that Myanmar was the only positive country that looked toward the future, and not in the past. They even sang Japanese military songs for them! Maybe it was because there were times that Japan and Burma used to fight the war together. He felt that Myanmar was a very pro-Japanese country. When I heard this story from him, I felt so strongly that I want to return something good to such a nice country. However, to tell you the truth, at that time I didn’t even know where Myanmar was!
But I felt compelled, as though something had led me to connect with Myanmar.


There is not a lot of information about Myanmar in Japan. What kind of educational system for children do they have?

Abe :

There is a system of public schools but the fact is that many poor children and children living in the countryside are not able to attend school. When I published the Burma version of “Message from Water”, I asked the cooperation of a non-profit organization called Greater Mekong Initiative (e.g. GMI). Mr. Iwaki from GMI helped me with many things, including translation. He is Burmese and has acquired Japanese citizenship. He works tirelessly for his mother country in Japan.
In Myanmar, aside from public schools, there are other schools operated by temples. GMI is supporting the establishment of many of these schools run by temples. Many of the Burmese books of “Message from water” are distributed through these schools.

Emoto :

I see. I recall there used to be many temple schools in Japan during the Edo period and it is said that because of these schools the Japanese literacy rates were high. I am surprised to hear that there are still temple schools. It must be necessary for children who are poor.
What has been the reaction to the book?

Abe :

Myanmar is a Buddhist country, and so there are many Monks. Particularly in a city called Mandalay. We distributed the books to temple schools in Mandalay. In Myanmar, there is a unique culture where all men have to train as a Monk twice in their lifetime. Because of this culture, the status of Monk is very high and well respected by people.
These Monks understand the book and its message very well. When we show the book to them they say “Yes, Yes, I understand it very well”. They know the power prayers have to change reality, so they understand that words change the water.
Thankfully, poor children in Myanmar don’t become street children. They train as a Monk or Nun and by doing so, they receive food and place to stay. It is because of this that the teaching of Buddhism has spread so widely in the country.

Regenerate Fukushima by creating a positive “Fukushima-Brand”.

Emoto :

masaru emotoLet’s change the subject. A neighboring country of Myanmar, Thailand, is also a very pro-Japanese country and I am very famous in Thailand! People in Thailand tell me that they are going to strongly petition that the Nobel Prize to be given to me!
In Chiang-Rai, Thailand, there is a wonderful project operated by a group that are creating a community for Fukushima people to immigrate, and live on land donated by the group. The bigger project at hand is to make a Hemp village through creating a Hemp Farm.
They have the idea that growing hemp will help decontaminate the land of Fukushima. Of course it is important to follow the regulatory procedures for growing Hemp in Thailand, but it is possible to get permission.
Of course, it is legally fine for people from Fukushima to move to Thailand and work on these hemp farms. They can make a healthy living by growing good quality industrial Hemp, making products out of it, and making money from it. This would also help increase awareness and knowledge of Hemp all over the world.

Abe :

Hemp cannot be overlooked for many of our Japanese industries and I hope for it to become the “Fukushima Brand” of the future.

Emoto :

Yes, that is the goal. I repeatedly tell people that if it is used the right way, there is no other plant can be as useful for human beings and the environment than Hemp. Therefore, I believe that to regenerate the land of Fukushima, growing Hemp and establishing in people’s minds its benefits would bring a positive result for the future.

Abe :

I think it is a great idea! Especially for the regeneration and decontamination of Fukushima, I hope this project achieves a positive outcome. By all means, I wish for it to be realized.

Emoto :

Let’s talk about the book again. The children’s version of “Message from Water” is spreading all over the world more and more. Your Burmese version of the book is one of them. I really appreciate your cooperation. How many copies did you print at first?

Abe :

I printed 1000 copies at first. I tried to distribute them myself, by my own hand as much as possible. We used a well-known character in Myanmar to make it familiar with local children. I tried to distribute the books to the children in Temple Schools rather than to the children in public schools. More needs to be distributed so I need to make another genuine effort and print more.
emoto, abe

Water is a semiconductor, which connects science and religion.

Emoto :

I published two books called “Crystal photo book of Heart Sutra” and “Japanese Religion”. I am not a Priest or a Monk. So why am I doing such thing?
It is because I came to realize that Hado is some kind of a semiconductor that connects science and religion. When I first published “Message from Water” in June 1999, it was written in both Japanese and English, and it soon spread all over in Europe.
A Russian version was soon published and I was invited to be part of a cruising tour for Spiritual Religious Group in the Adriatic Sea. I gave some lectures to them.
Not only Christian but also Islamic and Buddhist people give the book very high regard for its credibility. For them it was very important that people were able to see the ‘invisible’ through watching the crystal photographs.
I will continue to let mothers know the existence of this book, outside of religion, to spread the truth of water to our children. I feel this is my life’s mission.

Abe :

I completely agree with you. Even for a child who cannot read, they are able to understand quite easily just by looking at the pictures. This message is very important for development of children’s awareness and giving a more meaningful education.

Emoto :

I think the book “Message from Water” has a very strong energy. Nowadays, good quality energy is missing. Instead, we see the bad energy spreading all over the world. It is important to enhance children’s pure heart and natural state by giving them good and positive energy.
It is common that people tend to think that population increase will lead to a food-crisis. However I think the more that population increases, the more the collective energy will increase.
Look at China and India. Those two countries have had a population explosion however their industries are having remarkable achievements and the countries are becoming much wealthier than before.
I believe that if we educate children correctly, the earth will be filled with positive energy.
For this to happen it is important that we give them the education they need. The future of the earth would be ruined if we did not try to increase the number of children. However, it is necessary to teach them the essential truth.
Our DNA has the all information we need. We just need to help them awaken. When we go back through the past in history, we have our parents and their parents and so on until we reach the beginning. Here we have something great. The God who created human beings gave us wonderful DNA inside our body. If we are able to remember the truth of our DNA, all the problems we are facing should be resolved.

The key to unlocking this is “Water”.

Our first step must be to show crystal photographs to children. Only by doing so, all children would be able to understand the truth. I think those “awakened” children will then be able to make their own positive way when they become adults.

Abe :

It is interesting that the water is a semiconductor of everything.
Does this mean the consciousness is more important than having “good” water?

Emoto :

I think we should see it like this. “Water = Consciousness”

The key is to support them by helping them become independent, rather than just giving them ‘the goods’.

Abe :

I think there are many people just saying “world peace” but not knowing what to do about it. I think it is important that you do what you can do, to achieve your dreams. This then is how you will find the next goal.
I gave the books to children in Myanmar and I want to continue spreading this book to more children. I believe this will help to make a bright future.

Emoto :

I sincerely hope that there will be more and more people like you in the world.

Abe :

GMI is supporting the countries of the Mekong Basin in a variety of ways, as best they can. All their activities are covered by donations, which means finances are very tight.
However, we believe in taking things step by step. Doing so will lead us to another step.
We want to support them toward becoming financially independent, not just being reliant on our support.

Proofread by Emma Sargent

Akie Abe

akie abeBorn in Tokyo, 1962. Graduated from Sacred Heart Professional Training School.
She is the first lady of Prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe.

Her blog :
NPO Greater Mekong Initiative :

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