A period life table is based on the mortality experience of a population during a relatively short period of time. Here we present the 2013 period life table for the Social Security area population. For this table, the period life expectancy at a given age is the average remaining number of years expected prior to death for a person at that exact age, born on January 1, using the mortality rates for 2013 over the course of his or her remaining life.

Period Life Table, 2013
Male Female
probability a
Number of
lives b
probability a
Number of
lives b
0 0.006519 100,000 76.28 0.005377 100,000 81.05
1 0.000462 99,348 75.78 0.000379 99,462 80.49
2 0.000291 99,302 74.82 0.000221 99,425 79.52
3 0.000209 99,273 73.84 0.000162 99,403 78.54
4 0.000176 99,252 72.85 0.000133 99,387 77.55
5 0.000159 99,235 71.87 0.000119 99,373 76.56
6 0.000146 99,219 70.88 0.000109 99,361 75.57
7 0.000133 99,205 69.89 0.000101 99,351 74.58
8 0.000118 99,192 68.90 0.000096 99,341 73.58
9 0.000102 99,180 67.90 0.000093 99,331 72.59
10 0.000091 99,170 66.91 0.000094 99,322 71.60
11 0.000096 99,161 65.92 0.000100 99,312 70.60
12 0.000128 99,151 64.92 0.000112 99,303 69.61
13 0.000195 99,138 63.93 0.000134 99,291 68.62
14 0.000288 99,119 62.94 0.000162 99,278 67.63
15 0.000389 99,091 61.96 0.000194 99,262 66.64
16 0.000492 99,052 60.99 0.000226 99,243 65.65
17 0.000607 99,003 60.02 0.000261 99,220 64.67
18 0.000735 98,943 59.05 0.000297 99,194 63.68
19 0.000869 98,870 58.09 0.000334 99,165 62.70
20 0.001011 98,785 57.14 0.000373 99,132 61.72
21 0.001145 98,685 56.20 0.000412 99,095 60.75
22 0.001246 98,572 55.27 0.000446 99,054 59.77
23 0.001301 98,449 54.33 0.000472 99,010 58.80
24 0.001321 98,321 53.40 0.000493 98,963 57.82
25 0.001330 98,191 52.47 0.000513 98,915 56.85
26 0.001345 98,060 51.54 0.000537 98,864 55.88
27 0.001363 97,928 50.61 0.000563 98,811 54.91
28 0.001391 97,795 49.68 0.000593 98,755 53.94
29 0.001427 97,659 48.75 0.000627 98,697 52.97
30 0.001467 97,519 47.82 0.000664 98,635 52.01
31 0.001505 97,376 46.89 0.000705 98,569 51.04
32 0.001541 97,230 45.96 0.000748 98,500 50.08
33 0.001573 97,080 45.03 0.000794 98,426 49.11
34 0.001606 96,927 44.10 0.000845 98,348 48.15
35 0.001648 96,772 43.17 0.000903 98,265 47.19
36 0.001704 96,612 42.24 0.000968 98,176 46.23
37 0.001774 96,448 41.31 0.001038 98,081 45.28
38 0.001861 96,277 40.38 0.001113 97,979 44.33
39 0.001967 96,097 39.46 0.001196 97,870 43.37
40 0.002092 95,908 38.53 0.001287 97,753 42.43
41 0.002240 95,708 37.61 0.001393 97,627 41.48
42 0.002418 95,493 36.70 0.001517 97,491 40.54
43 0.002629 95,262 35.78 0.001662 97,343 39.60
44 0.002873 95,012 34.88 0.001827 97,182 38.66
45 0.003146 94,739 33.98 0.002005 97,004 37.73
46 0.003447 94,441 33.08 0.002198 96,810 36.81
47 0.003787 94,115 32.19 0.002412 96,597 35.89
48 0.004167 93,759 31.32 0.002648 96,364 34.97
49 0.004586 93,368 30.44 0.002904 96,109 34.06
50 0.005038 92,940 29.58 0.003182 95,829 33.16
51 0.005520 92,472 28.73 0.003473 95,524 32.27
52 0.006036 91,961 27.89 0.003767 95,193 31.38
53 0.006587 91,406 27.05 0.004058 94,834 30.49
54 0.007170 90,804 26.23 0.004352 94,449 29.62
55 0.007801 90,153 25.41 0.004681 94,038 28.74
56 0.008466 89,450 24.61 0.005040 93,598 27.88
57 0.009133 88,693 23.82 0.005400 93,126 27.01
58 0.009792 87,883 23.03 0.005756 92,623 26.16
59 0.010462 87,022 22.25 0.006128 92,090 25.31
60 0.011197 86,112 21.48 0.006545 91,526 24.46
61 0.012009 85,147 20.72 0.007034 90,927 23.62
62 0.012867 84,125 19.97 0.007607 90,287 22.78
63 0.013772 83,042 19.22 0.008281 89,600 21.95
64 0.014749 81,899 18.48 0.009057 88,858 21.13
65 0.015852 80,691 17.75 0.009953 88,054 20.32
66 0.017097 79,412 17.03 0.010950 87,177 19.52
67 0.018463 78,054 16.32 0.012010 86,223 18.73
68 0.019959 76,613 15.61 0.013124 85,187 17.95
69 0.021616 75,084 14.92 0.014330 84,069 17.18
70 0.023528 73,461 14.24 0.015728 82,864 16.43
71 0.025693 71,732 13.57 0.017338 81,561 15.68
72 0.028041 69,889 12.92 0.019108 80,147 14.95
73 0.030567 67,930 12.27 0.021041 78,616 14.23
74 0.033347 65,853 11.65 0.023191 76,961 13.53
75 0.036572 63,657 11.03 0.025713 75,177 12.83
76 0.040276 61,329 10.43 0.028609 73,244 12.16
77 0.044348 58,859 9.85 0.031760 71,148 11.50
78 0.048797 56,249 9.28 0.035157 68,888 10.86
79 0.053739 53,504 8.73 0.038920 66,467 10.24
80 0.059403 50,629 8.20 0.043289 63,880 9.64
81 0.065873 47,621 7.68 0.048356 61,114 9.05
82 0.073082 44,484 7.19 0.054041 58,159 8.48
83 0.081070 41,233 6.72 0.060384 55,016 7.94
84 0.089947 37,890 6.27 0.067498 51,694 7.42
85 0.099842 34,482 5.84 0.075516 48,205 6.92
86 0.110863 31,040 5.43 0.084556 44,565 6.44
87 0.123088 27,598 5.04 0.094703 40,796 5.99
88 0.136563 24,201 4.68 0.106014 36,933 5.57
89 0.151299 20,896 4.34 0.118513 33,017 5.17
90 0.167291 17,735 4.03 0.132206 29,104 4.80
91 0.184520 14,768 3.74 0.147092 25,257 4.45
92 0.202954 12,043 3.47 0.163154 21,542 4.13
93 0.222555 9,599 3.23 0.180371 18,027 3.84
94 0.243272 7,463 3.01 0.198714 14,775 3.57
95 0.263821 5,647 2.82 0.217264 11,839 3.34
96 0.283833 4,157 2.64 0.235735 9,267 3.12
97 0.302916 2,977 2.49 0.253810 7,083 2.93
98 0.320672 2,075 2.36 0.271155 5,285 2.76
99 0.336706 1,410 2.24 0.287424 3,852 2.60
100 0.353541 935 2.12 0.304670 2,745 2.45
101 0.371218 605 2.01 0.322950 1,909 2.30
102 0.389779 380 1.90 0.342327 1,292 2.17
103 0.409268 232 1.80 0.362867 850 2.03
104 0.429732 137 1.70 0.384639 541 1.91
105 0.451218 78 1.60 0.407717 333 1.78
106 0.473779 43 1.51 0.432180 197 1.67
107 0.497468 23 1.42 0.458111 112 1.56
108 0.522341 11 1.34 0.485597 61 1.45
109 0.548458 5 1.26 0.514733 31 1.35
110 0.575881 2 1.18 0.545617 15 1.26
111 0.604675 1 1.11 0.578354 7 1.17
112 0.634909 0 1.04 0.613055 3 1.08
113 0.666655 0 0.97 0.649839 1 1.00
114 0.699987 0 0.90 0.688829 0 0.92
115 0.734987 0 0.84 0.730159 0 0.85
116 0.771736 0 0.78 0.771736 0 0.78
117 0.810323 0 0.72 0.810323 0 0.72
118 0.850839 0 0.67 0.850839 0 0.67
119 0.893381 0 0.61 0.893381 0 0.61

a Probability of dying within one year.
b Number of survivors out of 100,000 born alive.

Note: The period life expectancy at a given age for 2013 represents the average number of years of life remaining if a group of persons at that age were to experience the mortality rates for 2013 over the course of their remaining life.

Source: Social Security Administration, Estimates from the 2016 Trustees Report.

The Social Security area population is comprised of (1) residents of the 50 States and the District of Columbia (adjusted for net census undercount); (2) civilian residents of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands; (3) Federal civilian employees and persons in the U.S. Armed Forces abroad and their dependents; (4) non-citizens living abroad who are insured for Social Security benefits; and (5) all other U.S. citizens abroad.