Don Cheadle is known for his embodiment of real and fictional characters for the silver screen. He has built a reputation as one of the world’s best thespians during his multi-decade acting career. He also attended highschool in my hometown, (Denver) a fact for which I am distinctly proud. Well, now he will become known as the man who was integral to bringing about the inevitable fall of Donald Trump.
During a twitter exchange with Trump supports, Cheadle is asked why he harbors such antipathy towards Donald Trump. In response Cheadle offers tweets which bring Trump’s inherent racism to light. These tweets are a summary of a conversation that Trump initiated while playing some golf with strangers a while back. The father of Don Cheadle’s friend was in attendance. It is during this conversation that Trump asks if any of his golfing compatriots had ever engaged in sexual relations with a black woman-he replaces “woman” with the word “n***er”. Cheadle’s tweets have now gone viral:
Cheadle was asked why he didn’t bring these accusations to light during the election cycle. Cheadle replied to this question in another tweet, implying that it would not have made much of a difference in the minds of Trump's supporters:
Donald Trump should not be our president. Click on the link below for the full story.
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