Essay Three – America Held an Election in 2016: Russia Won!

Prior to being elected President in 1952, Dwight Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe in World War II, and the first Supreme Commander of NATO. The influential commentator and historian Walter Lippmann stated: “Eisenhower brought NATO its greatest ally—the Republican Party”. It now appears that Trump is attempting to lead… Continue reading Essay Three – America Held an Election in 2016: Russia Won!

Essay Two – the “Big Lie” and “Big Brother”

“Big Brother” is a fictional character in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is the leader of a totalitarian state wielding total power and every citizen is under constant surveillance through visual telescreens. Trump relies on the “Big Lie”, as discussed in Essay One. He lies about almost everything, and cannot escape his reality television… Continue reading Essay Two – the “Big Lie” and “Big Brother”

Essay One – The Trojan Horse of Trumpo-Fascism and “The Big Lie”

Cassandra, the daughter of King Priam of Troy, had the gift of prophecy, and she foresaw the destruction of the city during the Trojan wars. She warned that Greek warriors were hiding inside a huge wooden horse that the Greeks had built as a peace offering to Troy. In spite of her fervent pleas, the… Continue reading Essay One – The Trojan Horse of Trumpo-Fascism and “The Big Lie”