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~22 人のユーザーが現在閲覧しています
A subreddit dedicated tracking inane communist spam.
All are welcome for the most part, but we kindly ask alt-righters and the like (this includes posters from /r/the_donald) to fuck off.
Quick guidelines to posting in /r/enoughcommiespam:
Be excellent to each other, and remain civil in discussions
Hate speech is banned; This includes racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, etc
Posts must be related to communism, other unrelated posts will be removed
We reserve the right to moderate at our discretion
The full set of rules can be found by clicking here.
Please report any rule-breaking comments or posts you come across, thanks!
Anti Commie Rersources
"That isn't communism" (self.EnoughCommieSpam)
LoveMashine69 が 20分前 投稿
If your system needs to exist under such perfect conditions to exist and is so susceptible to being turned into some dictatorship, then your system may as well not exist. Communism will make you a slave to the state. You won't get to play your music, you wont get to study arts, you'll work and contribute to the community just like everyone else. Your hours will be dictated by the government and what you do with your funds will be wholy dependent on what the government wants to offer you. Communism is shit.
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