The Two Chief Systems
“There is only the Atom and the Void” (Democritus, Fifth century BCE)
One of the most troublesome aspects of existence has been the fact that nobody has a fully coherent explanation of reality. Throughout the development of human discourse on this subject the great and revolutionary thinkers have been unpleasantly difficult: that is about to change. Contained within these notes is a portrait of the hows and whys of the creation of matter. The challenge for this work is to fashion the unifying concepts in ordinary English without the use of symbols beyond the common alphabet or the use of jargon. The challenge for the reader is to complete this short paper and decide if you truly think differently.
System One: The Void
If it is the case that you would like to maintain that material has always been present, then we have a problem. To assert that the Universe is static is at least counter-intuitive; Everything must have an origin. The essence of the quality of existence is the necessity of a constant. The need for a constant, while being self-evident, is clearly demonstrated in the obscure symbols of Quantification logic. The previously given “constants” cannot hold: the masses of individual elementary Particles are unstable; the speed of light is quite alterable; mathematical constants will disappear when humanity dies: the only possible constant is the Void. Notes on the Universe If we are going to successfully communicate we must allow the terms we use to be quite specific. While this may be obvious, a word like “Universe” can easily collapse in the hands of specialists. When references are made to “Universes”, as in a plurality of Universae, the dialogue is in trouble. So let us agree that “Universe” necessarily refers to one conceptual vision.
There are two general statements that can be logically inferred from the concept of Universe: (One) The Universe has no boundary. (Two) The Universe is complete. While an unbounded Universe may be hard to grasp conceptually, the opposite, that the Universe has edges, is unacceptable. To assert that “the Universe exists” begs the question and becomes circular. The statement “the Universe simply is” is incomplete. The word “Universe” is derived from the base word “One” and extrapolates to mean Thing or Material Object. The word “is” derives from the ancient word “esse” meaning in. “The Universe is” can deductively be reworked to mean “The Thing in…” or “The One in…” (The Void). Whereas “The Void” is a noun that acts like a verb. So “The Void is” means “The area of empty space in…” (The Universe) The One is in the Void: The Void is in the One. The concept of the Universe’s “is”ness will be shown to operate differently depending on which of the chief systems are being considered: the Void or the Physical. In either system the Universe has the quality of ontology or being. The essence of that quality is that it has no end point as a total system, but it also establishes the Universe as two systems, one of which (The Void) is not dependant on the other. The Physical Universe must totally break down to complete the cycle. The concept of a Universe that is complete and unbounded has difficulty seeming valid in the current manifestation of a Universe composed of material. In order to properly relate to the conceptual picture of a complete unbounded Universe we must project back to the point before Matter existed – The Void State.
“Nature abhors a vacuum” (Aristotle, fourth century BCE)
Truly, we have extreme difficulty envisioning a Void. We can picture a Void, but how does one get something from nothing? Philosophers and physicists have been skirting around this issue since the dawn of reason, but the proper logical frame has been lacking. Let us begin by exploring manifestations of Void in our current Universe from Black Holes to the Sub-Atomic. If an object were placed in a Black Hole the result would be that it would be shredded and pulled apart to the point of utter non-existence. The Black Hole itself would become smaller in circumference thereby exerting more pulling force on the surrounding space, which is relatively full. Now we have the first truly radical step: Energy can be destroyed. As nearly every physicist holds as canon that Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, then the implication is that Matter has always been around in one form or another. As long as that arbitrary principle is held, a sensible picture of reality can never be obtained. What must be realized is that in certain circumstances complete annihilation results and causes a force in the surrounding material providing a dynamic of more Particle growth and collision and death. What must be further realized is that the Void operates differently in its initial state of pure vacuous emptiness and the Void has a different dynamic when the Physical world is housed in it. The transformation from the Void to the Physical cannot be explained until we subtly rework some fundamental concepts.
The Sub-Atomic
A rough comparison of the atomic nucleus to the outer orbit of its electron(s) is metaphorically akin to a pinhead in the center of a stadium. The distances at the Sub-Atomic level may be quite small, but they work fine for the scale of the atom. It is appropriate at this point to settle a linguistic shuffle that has long been a confusion among students of physics: Energy is Matter. Just because a field of energy does not present itself clearly to our eyes as discrete Particles does not mean that fields of energy are not composed of discrete Particles – It is just that they are very small. The situation is that Particles on the level of energy fields are so unstable that they lose any sense of what we would normally call individuality. The Particles of energy fields disappear and are replaced so rapidly that we could never see it, but the net result of this dynamic is a constant overall pushing and pulling on the entire Physical Universe. The discreteness of individual Particles in the field deserve special attention. All Particles come into existence based on the dynamics of the field below it, and furthermore are stabilized by the pressures of the fields that are larger. The electron, for example, rests on a field. The field used to be the aether until early twentieth century physicists dispelled the concept. But the aether that the early philosophers conceptualized had no dynamic motion of its own. The key to understanding resides in the fact that while any discrete Particle collapses back into the field and its residual energy is reabsorbed – this process is finite. When the distances become increasingly small the Void obtains, small Black Holes are created and filled instantaneously. We must accept that at the lowest point complete annihilation occurs: without complete destruction the system will not work. Every discrete Particle is the result of a much larger field occupying the area below it (think of fields of hydrogen producing helium as an example.) Of Particles arising from fields, Physicists often refer to the phenomenon as singularities. Every singularity, or Particle, has an initial state that defines the parameters of its quality and within that equation, how much the particular Particle can absorb and still retain its essence. Particles in this circumstance grow to the limits of the available space and material confining it. In a Particles initial stages of existence it maintains a growing dynamic that may be properly referred to as a positive charge.
While it is the case that Nothing lasts forever, Everything has a half-life, That is to say, all Particles decay.
Today scientists have no philosophical difficulty in measuring the half-life of any Particle including complex ones like steel or even proton decay.
As any discrete Particle is actually a construct of smaller Particles, it can further be defined as a system. The dynamic is such that any stability or discreteness is a kind of illusion. The confined parts are removed from their homogeneous environment and are suffocated and consumed within their host. The ensuing war for generally limited resources results in the overall destabilization of the entire discrete system or Particle – in other words, death begins to occur. This is the beginning of a Particle’s negative charge. When a Particle is in its negative state (shrinking toward the Void) it becomes an element with different properties. If we isolate two Particles of the same size and find they are both in the initial stages called growth (positive charge), and furthermore we find them to be within each others zone of effect (that is, close enough to be touching) the result is repulsion. If, however, one is growing and the other is decaying (negative charge) the result is attraction, as the growing Particle may at this point absorb loose destabilizing material from the decaying Particle and the decaying Particle may in turn absorb excess material from the growing Particle thereby forestalling its death. In terms of the Sub-Atomic this process is referred to as Magnetism; in terms of the Cosmic, this process is referred to as Gravity. The clearest example that can be provided to demonstrate this principle is the solar system. The Sun is a large ball of hydrogen (brought together by the field/Particle – growth/decay dynamic) and is in the process of consuming itself. The Sun’s zone of effect extends far past our outer planets orbit. After the Particles of the Sun are pushed into the less dense reaches of outer space, the Particles are overall much less stable and decay en-masse. At that point the huge amounts of decaying Particles begin a system wide contraction or retreat back toward the Sun. One of the results of this process is that our Earth is held in orbit. This picture of a complete unbounded Universe leads to another radical but intuitively sensible point: Space does not move or curve. Space is area. Empty or full, space does not go anywhere. In space, small or large (Void space is always homogeneous), one point is as good as another so deductively it serves no purpose to juxtapose space upon space. Things within space move and curve, but space is simply universal with its properties of completeness and unboundedness. When we talk of space in relation to things within, the long abused property of dimensionality comes into play. The accepted view is that points have zero dimension, lines have one dimension, and an area without volume has two dimensions. The concept of a point having no dimensionality really means that it has no substance. But the connecting of any two points by a line is an arbitrary move and has no genuine substantiality either. In the early nineteen-thirties the logician Kurt Gödel proved the “Incompleteness Theorem” that established the undecidability of truth values for any proposition that is defined by an axiom which is defined by its propositions – a line is one such proposition, therefore it cannot be proven to be defined or measured on any objective scale. The confusion was furthered by Plato’s fictitious world of ideal forms where transdimensional processes were secure.
While it is agreeable that the human invention of multiple dimensions has proven useful in much math and engineering, the fact is that the word “dimension” is derived from the root word “measure”.
“Man is the measure of all things” (Protagoras, Sixth Century BCE)
But dimension causes confusion in that it also implies the ability to layer or stack objects or concepts. But how do we stack when there is no bottom? Dimension zero is a bottom point; without the intervention of lines, dimension zero obtains in total throughout the entirety of the Universe. The Void is the only axiomatic constant that maintains with or without its propositions. The Void condition is achieved when all Particles are removed from the Universe. When all Particles are removed from the Universe the condition of total zero dimensionality occurs: all points are the same (Zero) and equal One (The Ultimate Fractal). It is at this point that the Transformation occurs, but it does not occur as a single singularity located in a specific spot (as the “Big-Bang”ers maintain). Substantiality is a total singularity occurring simultaneously throughout the Cosmos. The result is a field that breaks down almost as quickly as it was formed, leading to large fields of hydrogen and thus beginning our cycle.
Coda: The Universe is not expanding, Material within the Universe is Generally falling Down
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