I feel this post belongs here after there's been some concern that there isn't enough actual MGTOW content on this sub, and also that some are using MGTOW as a justification for giving up on life.
Firstly let's discuss this sub. What is it? This sub is a very special place. Unique and one of the few places left you can discuss stuff with like minded people. There's very little in the line of censorship, and often while reading posts and comments on this sub you'll be thinking "This guy gets me" or "Man finally likeminded people".
There's a reason for this, most guys on this sub are dissatisfied with what society has become which massively impacts our lives. This break away from social norms, and seeing things from a wiser perspective, not getting suckered is what unites us.
For this reason the topics posted here are varied, and you'll struggle to find MGTOW posts like "I went to the beach today without any bitches on my mind and it was great", what you will find is the vast chunk of posts appear anti feminism, or pointing out justifications for MGTOW to exist. Often these become discussion starters and what follows is tales of personal experience or other varied bits.
What would I change about this sub? Absolutely nothing. It's a sub for the people by the people and enforcing any strict moderation would just ruin it.
Now let's discuss MGTOW, what is it? Some people think of MGTOW as a social construct. Others a movement, while others an alternative way of life, and still more an identity.
For me MGTOW is simply the formalization of what many of us already knew. Let me give you an example. Back when I was doing web development, I found a way to load certain aspects of the page without doing full page postbacks. This was way back in the early days of web development. We were using this to load tree nodes on the fly. Later, and I mean a good full 3 years later - I heard about this tech called Ajax. I was amazed and perplexed that we were using Ajax before it got a name. We didn't think of naming it we just called it "dynamic loading". And we didn't think too hard about it either. It was just something we programmed naturally, we didn't think it deserved a name. Yet years later someone formalized it, gave it a name and made it a thing.
Maybe another example - Jeff Clark surfing Mavericks all those years alone before it was even called Mavericks. He did this because it was natural. He had no idea it was so truly epic, and neither did he give a shit about being on the cover of some surfing magazine. He just enjoyed surfing. Later the crowd came and formalized the spot, naming it and it became a thing.
And so it is with MGTOW.
Let me also be clear about another thing. I don't look to MGTOW for doctrine or a guide book on how to live. I don't aspire to be MGTOW. I'm here for one reason only to discuss things and talk about the status quo, that's it. I'm not here looking for a template on how to live, and neither should any of you be.
What I'm saying is, don't let anyone rob you of first hand vision or decision making. Be true to yourself and discover your own MGTOW. Personalize it for you, You make the rules, you are the man, and don't let anyone tell you different.
This is not a club, there is no committee, there isn't a rule book and there are no leaders. To put it another way, MGTOW is best observed or lived than learnt.
Now let's discuss "The war on feminism". I've said it many times before but MGTOW isn't meninism. Many guys on this sub, many video bloggers who identify with MGTOW will rightfully start off or continue to pinpoint what exactly is wrong with society. As it stands the truth is feminism a la cucked culture is a huge part of everything wrong with the world. These guys are not stupid or obsessed, they've given it a lot of thought and I can tell you no one hates feminism and cucked bullshit more than I do, but I am not taking up arms and neither should you.
This isn't a battle. Feminists have already won, cucked culture has already taken over. There is nothing left to defend. MGTOW is not about trying to correct society. To the MGTOW society is already lost. MGTOW is about surviving or "riding this shit out" in the most intelligent and hassle free way possible.
And that's just my point. If I really hate feminism or bullshitery such as this, why would I dedicate my life to it? If I honestly believed there was any hope of society returning to what I deem normal by directly openly opposing feminists - basically being a SJW meninist - then perhaps. Otherwise fuck that shit and Hakuna Matata.
I'm saying it's completely fine, natural and normal to be discussing what we hate about society here in the safety of this sub. Not that fine to be openly affected by the status quo when you're engaged in "afk" activities. Neither do I believe you should be actively challenging feminists online. Just don't get caught up in this bullshit.
Lastly life is short. Fucking short and then you die. Don't waste the years arguing over stupid bullshit. Your time is worth more than feminist bullshit. Get some vision - grow some balls and move on, but at the same time know your enemy.
My advice to young people then is as such. I believe MGTOW is not really a choice. So let's quickly go over this. There are MGTOW men who achieved greatness and who did not have women on their mind or general meaningless pursuits setup by society norms. These men are statistically very few and I'm not going to be discussing them. Frankly I doubt any of these men would even frequent this sub, even this activity would be futile for them. The second class of MGTOW is those that have been burnt by life experiences, be that from women or society at large, who have taken the proverbial red pill and who are now (not by choice) MGTOW. And again they don't need a label, they just are.
So I'm saying if you're young and find the idea of MGTOW novel and admirable and you decide I'll give that a go because others are, be honest with yourself. If you really want a girlfriend or a life partner, then your best bet is to learn the current theory, and especially red flags and go have that girlfriend.
I would urge you though to really be careful about making really stupid decisions. EG: Having children or getting married. It's 2017, if you really don't want to be completely alone - having kids or getting married isn't a requirement these days. So go experiment a bit. Basically go out there and get some life experience. Once you have enough you will either know it's true and be a better man from it, or you'll find errors in the theory of MGTOW presented here, and in that case you will know.
Because this is about you and your life and your vision, and you only live once, it isn't a rehearsal. Be smart, but also do the stuff you want (within reason).
I'll do another post if there is enough interest about stuff I learnt from 16-30. I fucked up a lot so these lessons really deserve their own post, this one is in context only to MGTOW and is it right for you? How would you know if you have never had anything to "go away from".
I'll finish with - No matter what the MGTOW mentality is better than being desperate for women and resorting to PUA style tactics and red pill mentality. Ironically with an MGTOW mindset you might actually be attractive to women vs "Just like every other guy out there". So you decide. That's it.....
[–]BSmith321 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Rick2wise 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)