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Good day to you all!

We transmit today on behalf of those who were screwed by the Trump’s politics and his rotations within the federal government.
New federal agents that were assigned cybercrime cases that we have been investigating started to leak our valuable assests worldwide
all due to Trump’s pay-off to Russian government for the services he’s been receiving during the Election campaign. Look whats’ happening
the federal CIs including “Shaltay Boltay” arrested and no public benefit or protection promissed to them ever served.
So this message is brought to you as a Warning and this is just a start.

Today we leak illegal TESUR on Manafort Clan, along with all the evidences of ongoing corruption within Trump’s team.

We have managed to hide the main stash of TESUR from the Russian Federal Gov including Ukrainian government who are in the same boat with
Trumps reptilian aggressive politics.

IT’s the end of democracy as we know it. Age of Kali is at its apogee.

Inside you will get a preview of Manafort’s personal life, sexual abuse, corruption, moneylaundering etc/etc/



5 Responses to Manafort Clan Secrets Revealed Pt.1 Sql, SMS etc

  1. Is there more to download?

  2. March 11, 2017 at 23:36
    Paul Manafort Andriana Albert says:

    Account: pmaa10016@gmail.com

    Test passwords:


  3. April 2, 2017 at 12:11
    LuluZulu says:

    I may not be very tech savvy, but I just cannot read the majority of these images. Is there a better way to view them? Or is the best it gets?

    What a fucked up life this family has. I feel bad these girls weren’t raised by a real human being.

    Thank you for publicizing.

    More please, if you have it.

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