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[–]fackmegood 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

could you elaborate more who you are referring to? There is a surge of youtubers that are anti-sjws alt-righters etc and then they get an intense number of upvotes. anything thats a bit liberal or "sjw-esque" gets downvote brigaded to death. Same trend in reddit and default subs. Looking at how those people there upvote anything against women or other minorities because sjw is the main problem and how men and white people are the real oppressed ones lmao. There are real problems that minorities face in america but the real issue here is that some guy on the internet said "you cant be racist against white people" jesus. I keep saying this that whenever an elevated status people get any form of criticism they will think its oppression beccause thats the first time they are getting a taste of their own medicine. Something they have been doing to other people for decades.