Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why Time Travel Is Illegal

Let's say that, for your birthday, you get a laser rifle and a time machine.

Well, it's pretty obvious what most of us would do, right?

But people never think past that first step...

Well, still, he died saving millions, right?




So now someone else gets to be the hero by killing you...

Except, of course, it becomes a never ending chain...

There was an awful big pile of future bodies backstage at the Nuhremberg Rally...

Time Travel: leave it to the professionals, OK, kids?

From Mystery In Space #114 (1980), by Gerry Conway & Tom Yeates


Martin Gray said...

I must have read that, but can't remember it at all. And it's a cracker.

Erich said...

Loman: Proof that you can travel through time and still be an idiot. Publicly assassinating Hitler at the height of his political career? No, what you do is go back to World War I, when he was just a lowly soldier, and shoot him during a battle before he has a chance to develop any influence at all.

Besides, I think killing Goebbels and derailing the propaganda machine would probably be more effective at keeping the Nazis out of power...