全 3 件のコメント

[–]wizardofskyrim 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why dont you buy a budget pc without peripherals its only 5000$ but consoles are 300$ plus 50 years of online =5300$

[–]redditmodsarenazis 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You are a blemish on the beautiful face of the PC Masterrace. How dare you call yourself one of us, when in reality you are just as bad as those stupid console players? There is only one truth in life, and that's having superior performance and mocking anyone who does not share my opinion. We have created communities with millions of people who are arrogant smart enough to live by this motto, and you disgrace us with your sub 60FPS gameplay. Who the fuck do you think you are, even owning a PC and not using it to its fullest potential? Can you even see anything on your screen at 1024x768 resolution? I literally can't, because my eyes start bleeding! I recently spent 600$ on a new GPU and then 15 hours tweaking my settings and ini files, then installing mods and updating video card drivers just to play Fallout New Vegas like a true member of the PCMR, and you dare play such an objectively superior game such as the witcher on sub 60FPS? That's it, I just can't anymore. People like you make me sick. You should just downgrade to a peasantbox or a shitstation 4, which have literally no games and run at 3FPS, or even better, you should just fucking kill yourself because our glorious masterrace can't support weaklings like you. Building your own PC is as easy as playing with legos, I literally saw my 2 year old son installing his new PSU recently, so why can't you do it? Huh? I will contact the mods to get you permanently banned from the PCMR sub you fucking degenerate. I showed my girlfriend your post and she is literally in the ER right now because she couldn't stop laughing at how pathetic you are. True story. You have one chance, ONE chance to redeem yourself, if you post a superior i7 GTX1080ti build for at least 2500$ on this sub. You have been given a warning. Expect more warnings to follow if you don't comply. But be careful, you will feel my wrath in 4K! Pff, you probably don't even know what 4K is because your shitty laptop/console downscales everything to literally unplayable 900p. I have a friend who showed me a game running in 900p recently and I got so angry that I killed him and hid his body. That's how superior I am. You can't even upgrade parts on a laptop! What will you do when the GTX 1090 releases end of this year for only 750$?! Jesus, I am so fed up with you inferior people, I'm gonna go get some tendies now to calm down, then maybe I'll ask my mom to buy me some more RAM because as a true member of the Masterrace, you can never have enough BAM in your RAM. See? Even my jokes are objectively better than the joke that is your shitty PC.

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