Why Women Will be Extinct

April 10, 2017

Unlike other animals, humans depend almost entirely on their intelligence for survival. For this reason, human children must be raised and educated for well over a decade, until they’re intelligent enough, and have learned enough, to survive on their own.

One parent could not do this alone; it took two. So nature designed the two genders to perform specialized roles. Men are the bread-winners and protectors, and women are the homemakers.

To ensure that the two would stay together long enough to raise children, nature made women need men, and men love women.

Men are blessed with compassion, honor, mental and physical strength, logic, creativity, and foresight. Man is nature’s noblest and greatest creation. We men love to take on the toughest challenges. Elephants and lions are no match for us. In fact, they need to be protected from us. Even Mother Nature herself can barely hold us back. We overcome the oceans themselves, bridging them, tunneling under them, flying over them, and making islands shaped like palm trees.

Women, meanwhile, scarcely evolved beyond the apes, because they didn’t have to. The genetic difference between two men or two women is under 0.1 percent. The difference between men and women? 1.5 percent, greater that between a chimp and a man. Women may look human, but that’s just a camouflage to conceal their subhuman nature from men. Women lack the compassion, honor, mental and physical strength, logic, creativity, and foresight that men evolved. (Which is why it’s futile to “debate” a woman.) Instead, they evolved to be selfish and manipulative in the extreme, so that they could live off man’s love for them.

This arrangement has worked extraordinarily well for millennia. The two “species” have co-existed side by side, even though they’re very, very different.

Now women have decided they don’t need men anymore. This is a false assumption, and their lives will be ruined because they’re built on this false assumption. Without men, the vast majority of women devolve into apes, AKA broke, crazy, suicidal cat ladies.

Meanwhile, technology is making women obsolete. Already, we men don’t need them for sex (we have porn and sexbots instead), homemaking (we have vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, and laundry machines), or cooking (we have microwave meals and fast food.) The only claim they have left on us is baby-making. Once we invent the artificial womb (or pay those broke cat ladies to rent theirs), we won’t need them for that either. We can simply clone ourselves, and use genomics to replace our wasteful sexual desire with anything we choose.

Women cannot use the same strategy. It is the Y chromosome that makes men men. Without it, women will remain glorified chimps, utterly unable to fend for themselves, just as nature intended.

So women are almost obsolete now, and will be completely useless to men in the near future.

In fact, they’ve become a nuisance, and the greatest threat to civilization, because of their ever-more narcissistic interference in mens’ work.

Consider: If billions of apes were running around our cities, making our lives miserable and making it impossible to get shit done, what would we do? Shoot, poison, or sterilize them to get rid of them.

Men are too compassionate to do that to women, especially since their human disguise still beguiles us. But, now that we can control the gender of our children, we can simply eliminate women from the future.

And that’s what will happen, since women are now of negative value to us, and men are the most rational creatures on the planet.

No “organizing” or “movement” is needed for this, because men value the truth, because women are their own worst enemies, because womens’ herding instincts are making feminism a worldwide phenomenon, and because womens’ Big Lie cannot withstand the harsh scrutiny of the global information superhighway. In the near future, virtually every man will learn the true nature of women through his experiences with twenty-first-century feminist hypergamy, and the ever-growing content that will be easily available on Web sites like this one. Such a man will thank his lucky stars, and stay unmarried. If he chooses to have children, they will likely be improved clones of himself, with the sex drive replaced with something else that he values. One thing you can bet on: He won’t have female children; Why have an evil chimp child, when you can have a noble human child instead?

(Plus, a man needs no one else’s DNA to clone himself. To have a female child, he needs an X chromosome from another man or woman.)

Once women die out (like other hominids did in the past), men can continue on our incredible journey of evolution, unhindered by female idiocy. One day, I suspect we will be indistinguishable from the gods themselves; Already, we can do what the gods of myth could not.

Women had a nice run. But their unevolved “thinking” will cause their own extinction.

I, for one, will not miss them:

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