Welcome to /r/FULLCOMMUNISM, a safe space for socialists of all tendencies.
/r/FULLCOMMUNISM is a light-hearted, 'self-aware' socialist satire subreddit. We gather here to post the freshest communist memes and to engage with a tight-knit community of the radical left on Reddit.
Serious Discussion This Way ☭
Offensive slurs, used in any context, that are also used to demean a person based on their membership to an oppressed group such as race, nationality, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability are strictly prohibited. Posts that contain creepy dudebro vibes or posts which abjectly fetishize comrades, women, or children will also be removed and the poster banned. If you're not sure, ask before you post!
Malicious name-calling and insulting other communists is prohibited.
Taking sides against the motherland is strictly prohibited.
Advocating, sympathizing with, or otherwise holding the view of any fascist tendency is strictly prohibited.
Only links to subreddits included under the 'Allies of the Motherland' list are allowed and must use np. links. Linking to any other subreddit is prohibited.
Apologia for the 'culture' (read: bigotry) of any 4chan-style boards, or encouraging the use of such, will be met with a swift ban.
No linking to or from SRD, meta, or brigade subs. Do not link to any subreddit that you do not have express permission to do so. Evidence of vote-brigading, trolling, or encouraging either will be addressed punitively.
No Liberalism or Social Democracy. No promotion of liberal or social democratic candidates, ironic or otherwise.
Don't break the jerk.
Bans are at moderator discretion.
The /r/FULLCOMMUNISM banguard reserves the right to remove posts deemed spam, low effort, trollish, asking for upvotes, or otherwise not meeting or disrupting community standards.
Above all, /r/FULLCOMMUNISM is a safe space for the radical left on Reddit.
- Allies of the Motherland🔻
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