Building a scalable time-series database using Postgres
April 18, 2017, NYC PostgreSQL User Group
Horizontal scalability for high write rates, distributed query optimizations for performant complex queries.
Engineered up from PostgreSQL. Inherits 20+ years of reliability work and tooling.
Supports full SQL. Can connect with any client or tool that speaks to PostgreSQL.
Trust in PostgreSQL’s 20-year open-source record and strong developer community
Connect via standard ODBC, JDBC, or postgres for 3rd-party viz tools, BI tools, web platforms and ORMs
Leverage your team’s existing comfort with SQL and Postgres
Reuse known and trusted methods for backups, snapshots, replication, and other operational tasks
via standard ODBC, JDBC, Postgres connectors
April 18, 2017, NYC PostgreSQL User Group
March 30, 2017, PGConf US, Jersey City, NJ
March 21, 2017, Eclipse Converge 2017, San Jose, CA
March 15, 2017, Strata - Hadoop World, San Jose, CA