Feminists-Traitors to Society
September 15, 2014
Power is a zero-sum game. Giving it to women means
taking it from men. Since masculinity is defined by power,
the aim is to destroy gender and thereby marriage and family.
The plight of a friend, Gary, illustrated this.
Society has been subverted by the Illuminati (Masonic) Jewish satanic cult, i.e. Communism. Women
(and men like Gary) are brainwashed to accept "feminism" and become traitors to society and themselves.
by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
Formerly-Illuminati Use Women to Destroy Men
When I was young, there was a saying: "Behind every successful man is a woman."
Women used to empower men. How? By accepting their leadership. By being First Mate to their Captain.
The Illuminati realized that this process can work both ways. Instead of empowering men, women can emasculate them by challenging their power.
By teaching women to usurp male power, the Illuminati created a new breed of feckless males incapable of leading families and taking political action.
Recently, I saw an example of how this works. A friend, "Gary," was broken up because his common-law wife left him. The split came after a "domestic assault." She became very argumentative after drinking. He pushed her. She wasn't hurt but she called the police.
As a result, they were physically separated by law, and the relationship ended. I don't like this policy but it does end a lot of dysfunctional relationships.
She had the power in the relationship. He felt resentful and angry. She had insisted that her 20-something daughter live with them over Gary's objections. This daughter made sure everyone was miserable if she was, which was most of the time. It was Gary's house. The woman and daughter lived rent-free.
"Women are an oppressed minority. Rise up against those evil males." (This is typical Communist 'consciousness raising' i.e. indoctrination.)
He recalled a Jane Goodall documentary about chimpanzees. The male chimps sometime go haywire, screaming and yelling and throwing things. The women and children cower in fear. Then the storm passes and the males are all nurturing and welcoming again. He felt that as a male, he was like the chimps. He had let his "evil demon" get the better of him.
To her credit, his ex eventually moved out. But all the furniture was hers. (She had forced him to get rid of his.) Now he's rattling around an empty house trying to rebuild his life. He had let his friendships lapse.
Gary is a mild mannered and capable 55-year-old man. But when he related what his ex had done, his body language was that of a child. Any man who is ruled by a woman becomes a child or a woman.
Heterosexual union is about the exchange of female (worldly) power for male power expressed as love. Men want power. Women want love. Marriage is the exchange of the two, sealed by the bond of sexual exclusivity.
The Illuminati have sabotaged this exchange by exaggerating woman's power and diminishing man's.
When he earns this trust (tantamount to love,) she surrenders her worldly power to him. This is the heterosexual contract: power for love. (Of course, the contract is voided if he doesn't keep his end of the bargain. i.e. love. Thus he will consult her. (Depending on mutual rapport and competence, power might be divided or delegated.)
Men should project power and never show weakness. They should establish their authority from the get-go. A woman can have power or love. But she can't have both. This is the litmus test. If she doesn't agree, move on. You'll save yourself a lifetime of grief.
Related- Makow review of "The Power of Sexual Surrender"
--------- The Agenda Beyond Gender Bending
Makow - How the Rockefellers Re-engineered Women
Linda said (January 14, 2014):
Hey Henry - I don't know if you are familiar with the series Downton Abbey but I just read a quote from an article that I thought was quite telling - particularly because it was made from the entertainment editor of Cosmopolitan (!!!).
Here is the quote - the last sentence in particular:
Jacqui Meddings, entertainment editor of Cosmopolitan, has attributed the success of period dramas such as Downton to old-fashioned success and ‘pure escapism’.
‘If the emails and tweets we receive every Sunday evening are anything to go by, life at Downton definitely appeals to the modern woman,’ she wrote in Reader’s Digest.
‘Men are gentlemen, relationships are openly romantic and everyone dresses beautifully for dinner. What’s not to like? ‘What’s really interesting is how women react to archetypal Edwardian men like the valet Mr Bates. ‘Even in 2013, we’re hard-wired to be attracted to that kind of noble, charming, devoted alpha male.
Hardwired? How about created that way, yet we women have been brainwashed to think otherwise.
BTW - Mr. Bates is one of my favorite characters and in the last episode that aired he will soon be required to defend his beloved Anna.
Sweet justice.
PS. Another show, Call the Midwife, is absolutely fantastic. Even my 18 year old son loves that show.