Your actual reported data. The color shows where you are with respect to your yellow brick road:
good side of the road
right lane
wrong lane
off the road
Yellow brick road ?
Keep your dots on the road! The true ideal road is actually the dotted orange centerline but the road is wide enough so that if you're in the right lane today you'll definitely still be on the road tomorrow.
Akrasia horizon ?
This line is a week away from now. You can only make changes in the steepness of your road beyond the akrasia horizon.
Yellow guide lines ?
These thin yellow lines indicate the good side of the yellow brick road. (It's technically a yellow brick half-plane.) The thicker line demarcates 7 days of safety buffer. (If you keep your safety buffer at 7 days or higher then you're immune to being stung. If anything comes up, just flatten your yellow brick road. It will take effect after the 7-day akrasia horizon but since you have that much safety buffer, you're golden!)