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[–]hackableyou 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

It is actually lower than 50%. It was only at 50% for a short time when feminism went into full swing in the 80s with the whole I don't need a man. Further, chances of divorce, when segregated by the number of times the couple has been married in the past, changes. A newlywed couple who has never divorced other people has a 20% chance of divorce. Further, that mgtow libertarian guy Stephen whatever his last name was did an analysis on this, there is a strong correlation between the number of sexual partners the woman has had before marriage and divorce rates. You can get your divorce chance down low if you marry a virgin.

Still, it probably isn't worth it because while divorce risk is lowered, if divorce happens you still have the same crappy laws that are against you which is the reason why most people are mgtow.