Here's Lt. Gen Mark Hertling repeating the same talking point "bold, tactical strike" over and over again on
what a fucking nightmare
according to this they were 4km off …
supposed WMD's, war-thirsty media, Democrats cheering on missile strikes, its like 2003 all over again
Basically everything wrong with the global financial system in one video
Guess I should have called my bookie last
for that I'm following you.
Yet, none of the Syrian Air Force runways were destroyed. Hmmmmm... …
1:24 -
America, where the average citizen can literally profit off of war! What a time to be alive.
It's sickening, Mr. Fang. Gambling with humanity's very existence over stock prices and alleged atrocities.
God damn these media people who perpetuate our war culture!
The world can be such a shitshow sometimes.
I love those in uniform that serve our country. But our military industrial complex, will be our undoing.
These people never do anything more dangerous than take a limo from the studio to their luxury Manhattan apartments but think war is neato.
According to Russian press only half of them hit and they didn't even damage the parking lot of the base, just a mess hall and 6 broken MiGs
Financially, most of this was baked in on election day. …
A quick overview of the obscene war propaganda by the US mainstream media.
No wonder people who actually think and have conscience despise the mainstream US and European media.
MSM is dead.
That's funny that the missiles didn't hit anything but dirt.