Hi mgtow ladies(not feminists)and gents...I just wanted to say thank you,i discovered mgtow a year ago and it did change my perception of the world...As a guy in his early twenties,i never had any romantic or sexual experience with women(only had sex with hookers)...And that is because i am disgustingly ugly(my face)...Its the truth,but i don't give a shit...I am tall (6 foot 5),i am an excellent student(doing my masters right now),educated,lots of hobbies and activities(i am into cars,fishing,playing the guitar,drawing),i've travelled the world,i have an extended social circle of friends who care about me and i care about them in reverse,i go out every weekend for shopping and the movies,i follow and read the news or scientific concepts and documentaries,i take care of myself(i dress nice,groom myself well because i enjoy it very much,not for external validation),i started working out because i am skinny as fuck and i wanted to change that...basically the motivation is there...The problem is none of this mattered to women...i was never a nice guy but not a bad boy either,i was me,my version of myself,my unique perception of masculinity,MY FATHER REALLY DID A GOOD JOB RAISING ME,TEACHING ME TO NEVER BE TOO NICE WITH WOMEN,RELY ON THEM OR BEING CODEPENDENT BECAUSE IT DOES NOT WORK FOR SHIT...i always did defend myself,i stood on my ground really damn well,i prevent the bad things from appearing and happening...as a result i've never been friendzoned or manipulated by women,and i really take pride in myself for that...i was never lazy,i was always ambitious,overly-ambitious i can say...i always wanted to lead an interesting life,a life that will be envied by others,a life that might change the perception of reality(pretty idealistic huh?)...i am extremely proud of my accomplishments,and myself in general...i was lucky to be brought into a good loving household,i have two older sisters...our parents focused on our education,so we are all pretty educated and with good careers(older sister is an md younger is a pharmacist)...our parents focused on raising us to not rely on others,to be independent,to have a good mind and will...so i am really proud and thankful of what i possess...thank god...at first i was depressed,why did a guy like me with great qualities,fell into the void,like that...Well you cannot change genetics,my ugly face is my enemy in the end,or so i thought..i was always a very romantic person..i was IN LOVE WITH LOVE...so it is not like i am the unemotional stereotypical guy that feminists paints us to be(and there is nothing wrong with that),i always fantasized about having the perfect idealistic relationship,pure of passionate affection,love and desire,but of course fantasy is different from reality...i was always aware that lots of women were trash...saw it every day,heard it every day,felt it everyday...i have a big family and our parents are pretty social,so i've had some pretty darn bad experiences...the cheating,the lying,the manipulation,the sadness,the truth,the sorrow,the abuse...was pretty much mandatory...lots of guys i know were completely FUCKED BY WOMEN,their shitty gimmicks and their bitchy attitude...so i told myself in the end,i should be thankful and happy...all goes to the gratitude for not being treated like filth by some random cunt...Most women i know are what you guys will consider AWALTS,of course...uninteresting lives,materialistic,bitchy,whiny,slutty,unfaithful,you name it...The only "unicorns"i know are my mother my sisters and one of my female friends(she is older)...but they aren't perfect either,like every other human,of course...i've been pretty disappointed not by women..BUT BY THE WORLD...what has the world came to?this planet has turn into filth...the absurd narcissism and the vile attitude of humans is ruining the planet and our civilization...we will turn into dust by our own stupidity brothers...and you will say i shouldn't give a fuck,to live my life the way i want...and i do that of course,be sure about that...i am not lying...but in the end,i am an empath...i care about others and about humanity...i don't want our world,our perception to turn into debris...its pretty depressing if you think about it...no one gives a fuck..but everybody should give a fuck,at least one or two...hehe...the selfishness of humans both in men and women has sky-rocketed and all the bullets ricochet unto our brains causing us to be even more materialistic...sad,but true...so in the end i think i will continue to do what i do already...i'll focus on myself,my hobbies,my career,my friends-family...so at least i can get some satisfaction-some good time...till i am about to give my last breath,till i am about to fade away...Thanks for listening my rant,even if its pathetic,i just wanted to spill this out of my head...take care y'all!
[–]801735 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]OneLostMotherfucker 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (1子コメント)