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The subreddit to distill useful information and have discussion on how to best resist the Trump administration and those who enable it. Note well: this is not intended to be just another Anti-Trump circle-jerk. While this rule isn't absolute, please try to focus your energy on productive action. Also, feel free to add and suggest content.
This subreddit is for organizing and discussing resistance against Trump and his government, which thrives on dividing USA by skin tone and religion. We believe this is wrong and action must be taken.
This is not necessarily a liberal or left-wing subreddit. Center(-right) and other anti-Trump people are welcome as well, as long as you agree with the common cause: To stop America from heading in the wrong direction of xenophobia and racism.
1) No Trolls
2) No Badfaithers
3) No Threats of Violence
4) No Garbage Sources
5) No Re-litigating the Primary
6) No Language Using Deprecating Words of Bigotry
7) No references to subreddits and users of those subreddits who may disagree with us
8) No memes or low effort posts
9) It's okay to be angry, but be classy.
10) If you're still a full-throated Trump supporter at this point, you probably don't belong here.
Indivisible Guide: Resisting the Trump Agenda
Resistance Toolkit
5 calls to Congress in five minutes
Claire McCaskill: Any federal employee who wants to visit, we will listen. We will protect you. 202-224-2630
Office Something
training camp for progressive candidates
Useful links compiled by Librarians
List of legal/direct aid for immigration ban-related groups
Links to Good Things
who is my representative?
see how often my rep votes with trump
Republicans are completely LOSING IT--Cruz is flying in, Ryan's fundraising, Pence is recording robocalls--KEEP UP THE PRESSURE, TEAM THOMPSON! We can flip the 4th! (self.esist)
athleticthighs が 1時間前 投稿
They know the tide is turning and Estes is in serious trouble--he's fighting the historic unpopularity of both the President and Kansas' governor. Pence, Cruz, and Ryan are getting involved with days left in the race, and the GOP's dumped $100k into an abortion-centric smear campaign to try to scare their base into voting. If you have 10 minutes, 5 dollars, ANYTHING to give, now is not the time to stay on the sidelines--you can be part of something historic: the first win of the post-Trump massive blue wave.
Epic #ResistanceRoadtrip opportunity--the campaign will host you! Phonebank link Textbank signup Donate Thompson's official page Thompson's AMA Thompson on Facebook and Twitter
Good information to have on hand while phone/textbanking: Early voting times/locations Polling place changes
And if you're a fluent Spanish speaker, PM me for the Spanish phonebank link! We could really use more!!
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r/esist is a sub dedicated to compiling resources and fostering discussion to help resist the damage the Trump administration and those enabling it are doing to our country and the world. If that sounds appealing to you, please subscribe, look at the information we've compiled so far, and help us by offering more!
Also, please check out the daily call to action, our wiki, and our twitter.
As an example of one of our resources, make a difference in 5 calls. 5 Calls is an app that rapidly finds your representatives, provides you their phone numbers, and also gives handy bullet points for talking about many relevant issues.
Please remember, this is a subreddit for discussion, education, and action. Try not to be low-effort. Do not engage people who are clearly trolling, just downvote them and move on. If you wish, report them. Automod will be removing posts using bigoted language and trump-type words. You know which ones we mean. Also do not link to subs that oppose us philosophically (again, you know which ones we mean), as those comments will be autodeleted as well.
Emotion is encouraged. Passion is welcomed. R/esistance is necessary.
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