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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

Do you identify yourself as a "typical" agnostic atheist - a person who doesn't believe in anything supernatural (including any kind of deity) and claims that we can't (dis)prove the existence of anything supernatural? I'd love to read more about your exact line of reasoning in this matter.

Not really. I don’t believe in anything supernatural. I think “we can’t disprove it” is somewhere between “technically true” and “meaningless”. In a Bayesian framework, no claim (other than purely logical ones) can ever reach 100% proof, but we can get arbitrarily close with more evidence. I don’t think we can ever be literally 100% sure there’s no God, but at that level the same is true of Bigfoot.

(I think there’s probably more chance of God existing than Bigfoot existing, but I don’t think the philosophy and math we would use to think about the two problems is different)
