My entire life I'd been brought up to consider and treat woman as equals, and I did, in fact, often I went beyond that.
My entire life I treated all women with dignity and respect even when they didn't deserve it. I've been giving to the point where I've been manipulated and I didn't care. I was blinded by the lie that the equality movement is about equality, nothing could be farther from the reality.
Women want, and women take, and men give. women want more, and they continue to take more. there is seldom a scenario where women do not use their gender to manipulate a path through life, a life that's shallow, that accomplishments are built by many, many men, manipulated and tossed aside into the shadow of the women they helped build.
I am not the only man that thinks this way, men like me are ready to admit these faults in our society and to preserve the equality or the equality movement, not to regress what has been achieved, but to stop manipulation and the disgusting way women act in our society. It all starts with educating men about how dangerous women can actually be, and become. The lies they tell, the relationships they destroy, the devious plans they construct, the mental anguish they inflict.
So, all women are scum, all women are beneath me, all women cannot be trusted, all women don't deserve an ounce of respect, or even a place in my thoughts. All they deserve is the same ruthlessness, the same emotionless and egotistical drivel they force upon everyone else, and to be cast aside.