Oh for crying out loud. And coming soon, confirmation Assad was flying the plane, with Putin as copilot. Sheesh.
Seems like you already have your mind made up before hearing any evidence. Shouldn't evidence dictate belief instead?
You could have said the same thing about the investigation into the gas attack that never happened. Only the "rebels" benefit from using gas
By "no evidence" you mean autopsies from dead bodies? Rebels don't have planes that could deliver the bombs. Eye witnesses saw the planes.
Only a sucker would believe that Assad would squander the military and political advantage he had won by doing this now.
Get ready for Trump's tweets calling this fake news & defending Russia...again. How does that guy tweet w/ his mouth so full of Putin?
yeah, he really defended them by bombing their pet projects air field.
After warning Russia who of course warned their "pet project" allowing them to move personnel and equipment accomplishing absolutely nothing
This post needs commas and it's pissing me off about as much as our political situation...I think I have a problem.
U do..most definitely. I'd say you have many. Try Thorazine for starters.
#RussiaCollusion paranoid Delusions paranoia will destroy ya ♪
Cause AP is a reliable source!!! Yesterday they said the democrats had enough votes to. Lock SCOTUS and that was wrong..
Silly. Dems had this votes to block confirmation when 60 votes required. Repubs changed the rules so only 51 votes required. Read more.
i.e., 'the' votes
what if it was russia all along & they used assad as a scapegoat?
Russia is involved with every fuckin thing. What do you expect.
Come on we already know the answer
As soon as it comes out that Putin was involved trump will somehow spit it and blame Obama
Obama gave Iran millions in cash, Iran is in Syria supporting Adsad, along with Russia. Keep up!