Random Paul says it is imperative that Congress sign off on a combat operation, but Graham says this is a misreading of the constitution...
President has total authority to use military force, says Graham. Congress only needed to declare legal state of war.
- 他3件の返信
A man moved by bodies of Syrian children killed by sarin attacks should be moved by bodies of Syrian children washing up on beaches
#Syria -
Trump is an opportunistic hypocrite shedding 100% crocodile tears. PERIOD.pic.twitter.com/z4CvT2IvKp
Is he volunteering to go first?
Here we go...the lower Trump polls numbers, the more chance we'll go to war
Let therm be members of his extended family.
only when it is a republican
How many U.S. casualties would
@LindseyGrahamSC be willing to stomach for such an adventure? Would he vote to re-institute the draft?#Syria -
Senator, if you take down Assad are you going to protect the Christians?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
@LindseyGrahamSC could live with that. Endangering 10,000 US soldiers would be to much. -
Just what we need. Another endless, pointless war in the Middle East
He thinks 7k troops can defeat the Russians, Syrians and Iranians....one day he sounds reasonable the next batshit crazy....
It's amazing to see
@LindseyGrahamSC &@SenJohnMcCain having a pulse again. -
And then what
@LindseyGrahamSC ?? We need another war?? Who will take over Syria?? Isis??