Where Are You and Your Dollars/ Career ??

Topic by Awakened


Home Forums MGTOW Central Where Are You and Your Dollars/ Career ??

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    It’s my belief that a rather large reason that our economy is still progressing so slowly has to do with so many men NOT fully participating in the economy as much as their tradcon forefathers.

    This is NOT limited to MGTOW badge wearing members, but INCLUDES Men from all walks of life.

    There are MGTOW men that value their Time over Money, and work just enough to afford to live and Enjoy their hobbies. Other MGTOW men will be killing it at the job to make extra cash, but not to spend. Instead they’re saving/investing for an early retirement. This takes all those “spending” dollars out of the economy.

    Then there are “other” men that just see their wives “waste” all of their hard earned cash, and basically say fuck it to: overtime, further education, promotions, starting small businesses ETC.

    There are Men who can see divorce in the future, and don’t want to work harder and shorten their life span just to GIVE the EX a larger alimony check.

    Let’s add to the mix the younger Men that may not identify as MGTOW either, but are also opting out of the tradcon lifestyle, and more and more are not even perusing 4 year degrees anymore never mind marriage and procreation.

    I’m assuming the Herbivore Men of japan have had quite an influence over the Japanese economy as well as the projected birth rate.

    WHERE ARE you men on all of this: spending less, or investing more, or working less, or NOT perusing job advancements due to potential divorce/alimony issues ETC. ETC. ????

    HOW Has MGTOW and/ or marriage/divorce affected your spending/saving ??

    OR, Maybe, you’re doing what you have always done……What’s that ??


    I’m chugging along thankful I’m not trying to compete for a piece of dry land in a crowded homeless community living in the woods.

    I’m burning motoroil and wood as we speak to limit my oil consumption, I’m living a much more frugal life and still have my efforts and eye on making money, the economy has been fucked for more than a decade, I can’t believe I made it this far, I’m still in liquidation mode but don’t have time with the spring planting season, getting a new flock of chickens and some turkeys too. I never had a garden until the first collapse when I lost faith in the stock market and knew how bad Obama was fucking up things and only making it worse.

    I’m positioning myself for the biggest reset in history when this house of card hustlers finally implodes.

    I’ve survived through these recent hard times on 1/12 of my former participation in the economy, they can’t tax what you create out of thin air!

    They want me to plug back into the MATRIX instead of letting go and trimming everything down to the necessities to keep a cash flow into a pool of savings. In other words next time I’m blessed with a good and stable income I’M GONNA BE A FUCKING SCROOGE!

    And you can bet I’m WORKING ON IT!


    Last year of working full time. No debts, no wife, growing investment portfolio. Quite a bit in 401k mutual funds, fixed annuities in a Roth IRA, low interest savings account ( rainy day fund), now buying precious metals as insurance against a bear market. Plenty of life insurance to leave my kids. Spending a lot of money on travel, golf, and sports. Not going to let my dick or the viagra commericals change any of that.


    Got nothing except some tools a bed and clothes . On a pension now and look after my old man who has parkinsons . Very happy having nothing . Lost everything due to wonder cunt . She still thinks in her head i have still been paying and got a life insurance policy with her on it . Daughter asked me about it at xmas . That will be a giggle when i die . Fucking amazing . My father to has been cleaned out to . We live in a housing commission unit . One and only good thing thats happend .

    I did some thinking on this a while ago . What do i want . There is nothing material i really want .

    Look around your homes . Look at how many things you have and never use .



    I’m retired, single, and live a low key lifestyle. My gas/electric bill is 40 CDN per month; groceries about 60 per week; entertainment about 200 per month including fuel for the bike. Investments are physical precious metals and some real estate at the lake. Income is from private pensions, CPP, OAS and slooowly cashing in the PM’s as I go along. NONE of my expenses are for a girlfriend. Once you cut a woman out of your life, you have lots is money. Funny that!?!? Lol

    Retired from the Wars.


    I was thinking about this the other day, at least in terms of stagnant wages. So why are wages stagnant?

    The popular opinion on that is that Corporations have been keeping the little man down. I think that’s only part of the story.

    For one thing, the cost of having an employee has gone up. I’m not sure if payroll taxes have gone up, but the cost of insurance has gone up. The cost of equipment and infrastructure you need to provide to the employee has gone up. You have regulations that you have to deal with that you didn’t before. You now need an HR department to protect yourself from the employee. You can no longer fire ‘dead weight’ on your staff, so you have to hire additional employees. You sometimes are pushed to promote the dead weight simply to keep them from being a problem.

    So I’d say yes, corporations are not looking out for there employees they way they used to, but that isn’t the entire reason for stagnant wages. You can also throw a lot of blame at the government and ‘slacker nation’ for why we can’t have nice things.

    I had a dream when I was young, A dream of sweet illusion, A glimpse of hope and unity, And visions of one sweet union. But a cold wind blows, And a dark rain falls, And in my heart it shows. Look what they've done to my dream. - Queen

    Puffin Stuff
    Puffin Stuff

    I’m lucky. When I got rid of my entanglements, my ex and bullshit, I retired at 55. I’m now 57 and it’s the best move I ever made.

    I will never let a suck back in my life.

    Remember Thomas Ball. He died for your children.

    Opt Out
    Opt Out

    I’m working part time shifts, saving money at the pace of a turtle. Looking for full time work but nothing available since middle of nowhere small town.

    Living in a decent house but with roomates, one is a psycho-cunt i do my best to avoid. My living situation is likely similar to a herbivores in Japan, multiple roomates, online world etc.

    Not what i wanted from life, but with no fulltime jobs, and no jobs that pay decent wage available, keeping head down, one foot in front of the other, praying for job opening even if it’s matrix job.

    The only arrow i will follow, is the one i have chosen.

    Old Sage
    Old Sage

    Alimony, stalled.

    Hey, I thought about starting a thraed asking what the econemy would look like if you removed the womens 85 percent of consumer spending?
    Would the 15 percent we spend sustain the econemy?
    Enough jobs for us?
    Mabey someone good with numbers could do that.
    Just a thought.

    Women are Stupid Fucking CUNTS

    Opt Out
    Opt Out

    Alimony, stalled.

    Hey, I thought about starting a thraed asking what the econemy would look like if you removed the womens 85 percent of consumer spending?
    Would the 15 percent we spend sustain the econemy?
    Enough jobs for us?
    Mabey someone good with numbers could do that.
    Just a thought.

    This reminds me of a story i saw the other day. It said single women are now buying houses at twice the rate of single men. Then another story right next to it was about the “wage gap”. They really can’t see the irony in this, it’s unfucking believeable.

    The only arrow i will follow, is the one i have chosen.


    Here’s an example of my latest frugality. Instead of buying new cordless powertools because the batteries don’t charge anymore, or buying new batteries for $45 or NOS for $25, I Purchases new nicad c-cells for $30 and for all practicality getting brand new batteries, I just have to solder them in series to get my 18v. And that’s why I want an 18v stepford wife with optional titty beer dispenser and dual purpose holding tray/solar charger! Fuck extension cords! They start fires the way I use tools! last thing I need is my bed on fire!

    I’m also urethaning and painting a cabinet drawer storage box for under my custom made Mangrille with searing torch! makes a new grille look like a Yugo! The plywood was all scraps, I WASTE NOTHING! Even the scraps scraps are being burned in the rocket stove, and that in turn is heating the garage and drying the paint and urethane! One big circle of production they can’t make any money on so I reap all the benefits! I seeking to achieve a perpetual private economy with myself, for myself, and by myself!


    It’s been over a year since I’ve spent any money on a woman (except for family) My bank account continues to rise. Sold my home of five years and made a great profit, much more than I ever expected.

    Real estate is a good investment, however, it’s a sellers market here in the US and I’m not about to invest the money I just made to get back into a large debt. Once the housing market swings back in the other direction, I’ll look into buying a small piece of land outside of city limits and build myself a modest home to grow old and die in.

    I have a full time job, I have splurged lately on backpacking supplies and plan on getting out every weekend this spring/summer/fall to backpack or ride my bike.

    I continue to place funds in my IRA, and my savings account (emergency funds) I’d like to retire as soon as I can but it’s difficult to plan for the future. Not as difficult if I had a wife and kids though. Even when I retire I’ll still probably find a part-time job so I don’t feel completely worthless. I feel like a piece of shit even if I miss work due to a sickness.

    All in all, even though it hurt like hell after breaking up with the last broad, things have steadily improved for me since I’ve stopped chasing women. The fact that I have more money now doesn’t make me happy, it’s the stress that I have removed from my life that is making me happy.



    All in all, even though it hurt like hell after breaking up with the last broad, things have steadily improved for me since I’ve stopped chasing women. The fact that I have more money now doesn’t make me happy, it’s the stress that I have removed from my life that is making me happy.


    I’m retired and loving it. I spend only what I need. Fuck the world. There’s plenty of women out there to prop up this dying system without needing any help from me.

    "Don't follow in my footsteps...I stepped in something."

    May 7 2020
    may 7 2020

    28% pay cut due to child support puts a damper on disposable income purchases.

    I make just enough to live on, as little as possible goes to the cunt.

    Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering landwhale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.


    Great topic.

    I live on about 20% of my after taxes wage. My house is paid for, and I landed very lightly in the divorce without kids, divorce rape, or ongoing financial obligations. I’m late 30s. I still travel and hook up abroad. If I do date locally, it’s something nominal like coffee – a social gesture I would extend to anyone. I will not pay for pussy, directly or indirectly.

    I have no debts currently. I use a single credit card that I receive 2% cash back from – I do not carry a balance and the credit card is paid off at the end of each month. I place everything on this card – from food to property taxes. This drops my after tax expenses to around 18%.

    Looking at all the signs and indicators, I am sensing a huge financial collapse. I’m lucky that my medical skills are transferable in any economy. Despite investing in my retirement savings plan, which is my stock portfolio, I am purchasing items with utility – supplies, precious metals, good quality tools.

    I think in the initial stages of the collapse, their will be a run on cash. Having physical cash will be key in the initial stages. Little physical cash sits in my accounts – it’s only one key stroke away from being confiscated.

    Additionally, I am investing in me. Investment in yourself cannot be stolen, taxed or leveraged. Skills I would like to acquire this year – welding and carpentry. Most of these skills I can acquire by reading a book or on the Internet.

    I live a very frugal lifestyle. Beside Internet and one online streaming service subscription I have very little other entertainment needs. I keep personal purchases (clothing, video games etc) to less than $1000/year.

    Even before MTGOW, this consumerism society has always lost on me. I never sought stuff, it was always knowledge, experience, and investments.

    - Marriage is described as an institution. You would have to be crazy to be commited to it. -"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not people or things" Albert Einstein


    Even before MTGOW, this consumerism society has always lost on me. I never sought stuff, it was always knowledge, experience, and investments.

    I was never a “keep up with the Jones” type either. I’m more into the adventure/experience, like scuba, rock climbing, hunting, etc. I will admit, I do like the gear/toys that are needed for my pursuits.

    I have switched my “career” four times in my life so far. I worked construction, went to a technical school and learned how to work on diesel and automotive. The auto industry lead me to an insurance claims company, and then I moved on to the financial industry.

    After my first divorce I had no idea about finances, so I dove into financial planning because I wanted to learn what to do for myself. It pays the bills plus a little bit. I’ve been with the present company for over a decade, and continuing to move ahead.

    I’ve been from living in a sleeping bag in a one bedroom apartment with nothing else to now owning my own home that is fully furnished. I have a lot of the “toys” I had dreamed about when I was younger.

    I’ve never worried about dollars or my career. I’m pretty humble with showing off or the like. I have manual labor skills to fall back on if need be, and I only really need to make due. careers change along with the dollars you make through life. Maybe this is why I got the “your not ambitious enough” shit test from the “she devil”. I didn’t give her an option, I made it mandatory she become ambitious for herself by letting her be by herself. Not sure and don’t care if that is still the case for her now, but “she devil” got the point, I’m sure.

    The main thing I look for is how is what I’m doing going to benefit me. I work to live, not live to work. Then again, I’m not doing what I love, but what is necessary to keep me moving through life content. Each to their own though.

    I always did want that Rotorway “build it yourself” helicopter… I’m not dead yet, so maybe there is that to strive for still.

    My inner strength is building by the day since coming to this site which is way better than money or sex for me.


    Reading from above replies, it seems like i must be the irresponsible or carefree MGTOW on this entire planet. To be honest i never ever worked under any organization, and i’m 29 never married and never will. After my graduation in engineering unlike everyone else i simply started doing freelancing and started earning little money, and since being a born MGTOW i never had the intend to attract a female or please the society, I was pretty much content with the money i was earning, even though it was very very small compared to my friends who works under multi-national organizations.

    I always had this thing in my mind like why should i earn more than what i need, after all i’m here to survive and not to prove anything. And also i never liked corporate environments (not adventurous or interesting) and hate working in a confined cubicle. Moreover this also helps me to keep women away, cause the moment they sense i’m unambitious ( in terms of money) they just disappear.

    My friends who are married and earning triple the money still finds it difficult to survive. It seems that how much ever they earn their wives are not happy with it and always need more, so they work like 24×7. However here i’m living with pretty much very little, i do have little savings in bank with interests, a bike and no debt. At present I’m very happy no pressure, no tension, work as i like, no commitments,and no future thoughts.

    And BTW this is how I am and who knows i might be a great failure in the future, therefore I would never urge any younger MGTOW’s to follow this, always be sensible and listen to our senior MGTOW’s when it comes to career and finances.

    Eric Lauder
    Eric Lauder

    Theoretically I have less money due child support and due through divorce I lost a rent (I have two houses, they were both rented, now I’m occupying one of them, hence why it’s a rent lost).
    Practically I’m saving much more money now than then.
    I’m not “trying to save more”, I simply don’t have so much to spend: I have two cars, a boat, Internet full speed, 84″ Ultra 4K TV I use as computer monitor, a set of weights for body building, a library with more than 2,000 books, a set of good dresses and shoes, two ray ban and a porsche design sunglasses. My collection of books is particularly strong about History and Art (especially architecture).
    I recently bought a 700 euro saxophone and a vintage synthetizer (Yamaha V50) to my son.
    What the hell I’m supposed to buy now?
    I’m not saving too much, but saving 27-28k euro each year seems not bad: in an emergency situation a person could live with half such sum for a whole year here, so every year I save 27-28k I’m granting myself two years of no-troubles even in an emergency.

    The worth of a man isn't the usefulness that women get from him. Avoiding living with a woman, a man isn't rejecting a lot of sex: he's rejecting sexual starvation. DID YOU KNOW THAT MGTOW ARE TACKLING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CONVENTION OF ISTANBUL? http://www.coe.int/en/web/conventions/full-list/-/conventions/rms/090000168008482e --- Article 4, Section 4 "Special measures that are necessary to prevent and protect women from gender-based violence shall not be considered discrimination under the terms of this Convention". WHAT I LEARNT FROM A GENDER STUDIES CLASS IN LUND, SWEDEN: every time feminists accuses men of doing something, odds are likely either them or persons associated with them are doing the exact same thing but a lot worse. 100% PARISIAN WOMEN ARE SEXUALLY IRRESISTIBLE http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/every-woman-in-paris-polled-in-survey-has-experienced-sexual-harassment-on-trains-10184658.html


    My family never had much money. Did paper rounds, worked in shops, warehouses when I could to help my mum/dad out with bills. We had a large family. My dad survived WWII, but his parents didn’t, orphaned when he was 10. My mum lost her mother when she was 4 yrs old. Consequently they instilled me a need for reading, education and practical skills. Be independent. Material things are not important at the end of the day, they would say. Good memories and experiences will always stay with you, and cannot be taxed, stolen or taken off you by the government or anyone.

    Well as a student who worked weekends and holidays to pay themselves through uni. Lived in shared houses to save money until I graduated. Fortunate those years ago that I got a sponsorship with an international company who paid me a grant my last year based on my results. Got a great job, travel and all expenses..but sadly got married early. The ex would rack up GBP £3,000-£5,000 on credit cards monthly (clothes, shoes, eating out, drinking, shows, makeup, and spa’s). I never really spent money on myself. But maybe that’s because I never had any money at the end of the day, she spent it and I was too busy working. When I left that job and bought a house in the UK (because she was homesick), had even less money (and lower salary). Had to take out a bank loan.

    Well after she left and we separated, I got rid of the large saloon car (on loan), sold the bike, and bought a little second hand car which I maintain, cut out eating out often, cooked at home more often, grow more in the greenhouse. Stopped spending on credit cards (to the point that my bank decided to cancel it because I never used it for 2 years). I worked freelance then and gave up my 9 to 5 job, and tried to take the best paying jobs available, wherever in the world and worked all the hours they could give to pay off the debts she racked up.

    I have paid off my mortgage, avoid using credit cards, live more simply, don’t have cable tv, have internet, a laptop, mp 3 player, but that’s it in terms of luxury items. I follow the mantra, if I need it, I make it or buy it.

    I have stopped paying into my pension when I went freelance, mainly as in the UK, a friend who is a independent financial advisor said, that once you put money into the pension, you can’t get at it until you retire. In the UK, the government has raided these schemes (by one off taxes) to point people retiring now are getting less money out than the capital they invested. His advice was not to put it in, unless you were a high band tax payer. Sure you get no tax relief, if you invest in other things, you keep the capital and decide what to do, when you want it.

    But the advice that my father gave me was, spend less than what you earn, and you will accumulate.

    I have a surplus in my account, because I earn and spend less than what I earn. I am happier because I went MGTOW. I have paid off my student loans, paid off my small house, no loans on a car or anything.

    Work unfortunately is getting harder to come by. Most of my clients have laid off between 30-60% of their workforce. Salaries and benefits have been cut. Being freelance, I didn’t get that, but it taught me to save money because a period of unemployment could come at any time, even when times were good. My married friends aren’t so lucky. Most are close to bankruptcy.

    The UK economy is pretty f*cked at the moment. We have 40% of the population on welfare. Most of our industry has been outsourced and hasn’t been replaced. The government thought financial services would replace it, but that’s concentrated in a small part of the country to a select few. The corporations that employed UK employees, increased their market capitalization i.e. value/worth by outsourcing to places like China etc but they avoided tax on that increase in wealth, so the government lost revenue, so they increased taxes on ordinary people…consequently it doesn’t pay to work in the UK in an ordinary job. Companies are cutting salaries, so people have less disposable so don’t spend in shops/going out. Consequently, they cut staff even more. The government gets even less taxes….and meanwhile the corporations are sitting on piles of cash….global capitalism at its best.

    Go MGTOW. Live simply, work hard as you can, avoid debt, avoid material possessions which are not necessary. Learn practical skills, be independent. Be kind, seek knowledge, DGI, and be happy and stress not. its only a short time on this planet and best to live it with a smile.

    D. G. I. Don't. Get. Involved. (Be happy, and stress not)

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