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    Evangelion Opening

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    Uploaded on Dec 30, 2008

    Comments • 3,492

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    Wow, they ripped off Donald trumps anime opening
    706 707
    View all 20 replies
    cow boy Adolf Hitler
    -using 4chan meme
    Jay Barraza
    hitlers was original duh
    Hide replies
    Stfu, this was first used by Cory In the House
    29 30
    +Scribbles37 um, Drake and Josh?
    5 6
    +ImpKaz Drake and Joshu had the song, Daroode Sandstorm-setsu as its opening, it's a bizarre song, but it fits the anime so well. You must be confused with the 20420 reboot of the series, which celebrated Cory in the house and the classic series, and combined the universes in the 3 season
    11 12
    +Scribbles37 right! I was mixed up. I always forget about the 20420 reboot.
    1 2
    the fuck are you guys talking about, this was Seinfeld's original opening. Seriously it's like your not true otakus smh
    5 6
    Carlos Astu
    I dont give a fuck about who was first I come here because I love this anime
    1 2
    +Carlos Astu you probably like dubbed cory in the house
    4 5
    Donald Trump ripped off Hitler.
    1 2
    +etherealEgg Seinfeld is trash Korean anime
    Isidorodavid Doro
    what the fuck are you saying? this opening belongs to the anime
    +Isidorodavid Doro Memes...
    1 2
    WOW Dont be mad just cause an anime you liked stole the openign from Trump
    2 3
    +Isidorodavid Doro lmao you must be dumb af
    2 3
    Some Gut
    Cormbage actually Donald Trump got it from the 9/11 anime
    5 6
    I'm pretty sure they ripped off Cory in the house
    14 15
    -dead meme -billy mays
    +Jogynn -posted in july
    2 3
    cow boy Adolf Hitler
    -using 4chan meme
    Jay Barraza
    hitlers was original duh
    Tamaki Suoh
    Never seen the anime ( need to watch it ) but I still know the theme song and love it !!
    249 250
    View all 17 replies
    ayoub simouhamed
    Aaron Landry i plan to read the manga can you give me tye order
    Aaron Landry
    ayoub simouhamed neve read the manga. I believe an anime should be able to stand on its own without the need to read something to understand the story.
    1 2
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    Aaron Landry
    Tamaki Suoh it's one of the absolute best amines of all time. If you're looking for somewhere to watch it, kissanime will probably have.
    2 3
    Der Scharfschüze
    Watch only the movies, the series are cancer.
    1 2
    Aaron Landry
    Der Scharfschüze I think you've got that backwards.
    16 17
    Der Scharfschüze The series is actually pretty fucking awesome, it is very well drawn for the time it was made and even recent animes don't even compare in terms of quality to this masterpiece. You probably just didn't like the ending like everybody else, making you a mindless sheep, but that's okay.
    5 6
    Aaron Landry
    Djman66666 I wouldn't even say 'Well drawn for its time', because I personally prefer its overall 'older anime' look as opposed to something newer like One Punch man, Attack on Titan, or SAO (even though I hate it, I'll admit it looks nice at least), because of how well it's executed and it's overall lack of CGI. CGI almost never blends in right with 2-d, and personally I prefer the old school cell animation.
    4 5
    Aaron Landry Well I was just saying that if you compared it to other animes being made at the time (such as the more popular dragon ball z) The animation is of pretty good quality and has aged rather well.
    1 2
    Aaron Landry
    Djman66666 oh it's definitely better than other animes at the time. Evangelion makes Sailor Moon look like Heman in comparison.
    5 6
    Rodrigo castellano
    The problem here is the stupid main character,he ruins everything with his tears...
    Aaron Landry
    Rodrigo castellano I'm definitely going to have to disagree on that. He's psychologically damaged and is completely neglected by his father. His tears are justified. They also make him a more realistic and more human character than other anime main characters.
    4 5
    Rodrigo castellano
    Aaron Landry They could made that type of character and don't show us every sad moment of his shitty days
    Rodrigo castellano Well I'm 50/50 on that one, I do agree that the main character is way to whiny but I don't think that's enough to ruin everything. It's bearable to watch.
    1 2
    Rodrigo castellano
    Djman66666 As you say,i supose you liked the last 2 episodes of the anime e_e
    1 2
    Aaron Landry
    Rodrigo castellano I did. I think they were great psychological insights of Shinji's mind. Also, I loved the ever-changing art styles to match his thoughts in that episode.
    14 15
    ayoub simouhamed
    Aaron Landry i plan to read the manga can you give me tye order
    Aaron Landry
    ayoub simouhamed neve read the manga. I believe an anime should be able to stand on its own without the need to read something to understand the story.
    1 2
    I have no idea how this show turned into a meme
    894 895
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    Tommy J
    because it's from the 90s and it has room to photoshop in hitler
    2 3
    The Bellman
    It was kindof inevitable, because it was, no memes, the show that literally saved anime in Japan, bringing us out of the shitty OVA dark ages. So it has a godzilla-sized cultural footprint in Japan (I'm pretty sure that this very song is still in the top #10 for karaoke songs).
    1 2
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    Josh Diwa
    KinghtofZero00 Search up Cory In the House Anime and you'll see why
    29 30
    Sergei Ivanovich Mosin
    Most things in life are like that, I've found. No one asked for it, no one really benefitted from it and to be honest there wasn't really a lot of room to make satirical content off of its just once enough people started doing it it snowballed and now it's been around for so long it's in some kind of ironic paradox where it's ironically ironically funny for people to make fun of
    72 73
    Duck Tales
    KinghtofZero00 Because shinji rubbed Asuka while she was in coma?
    21 22
    Because the opening is so fucking catchy.
    48 49
    Pepper Millers
    From now on I will blame everything on Shinji masturbating.
    30 31
    KinghtofZero00 same...
    1 2
    Enzo M87
    People are dumb fucktards.
    1 2
    Enzo M87 How?
    Pepper Millers
    +Clerk Because people are dumb.
    16 17
    Long Nguyen
    it's one of the most influential anime of all time with this opening considered to be the best for a Very long time you can still see its influence today, Ayanami Rei syndrome for example
    40 41
    Kang Wang
    rei ayanami expies in anime are so common
    3 4
    Let´s be honest. In what universe DIDN'T the show turn into a meme? It's just so memeable... TANG, pussy "Imustnrunaway!" protagonist, german (comatosed) tsundere, bhmcilf (blue haired mom clone I'd like to fuck) and GIANT ROBOTS, Angerus! , that god damn opening, that god damn outro, gay piano playing space jesus, GendOWND, and the biggest meme of them all: Hideaki Anno and maaaaaany many more...
    4 5
    Tommy J
    because it's from the 90s and it has room to photoshop in hitler
    2 3
    The Bellman
    It was kindof inevitable, because it was, no memes, the show that literally saved anime in Japan, bringing us out of the shitty OVA dark ages. So it has a godzilla-sized cultural footprint in Japan (I'm pretty sure that this very song is still in the top #10 for karaoke songs).
    1 2
    remember that time Shinji rubbed one out to a comatose Asuka? Classic Shinji.
    1255 1256
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    Artoria Pendragon
    Is that a Jojo reference? XD
    4 5
    go fob Jonathan off smh
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    sarah pawa
    I don't even watch this anime but this opening is the absolutely the best
    521 522
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    Stephen Byrne
    sarah pawa Is it wierd that the show confused me at the end? Also what's the point in fighting this enemy of they'll just keep coming back? I say of we give the aliens what they came for they'll leave us be.
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    Corn Kopp
    Oh hey it's that song they use in the memes
    1677 1678
    View all 26 replies
    Corn Kopp HAHAH
    1 2
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    Raun Carswell
    It's amazing how it's as if this opening is embedded into your subconscious. Know of anime? YOU KNOW THIS.
    316 317
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    Ruby Dance 루비 댄스
    Lari Unnie lmaoo
    Caramel Coconut
    Raun Carswell for real I've never even watched this anime •_•
    1 2
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    "Who came here because of Pewdiepie? Memes? Regular show? Cory in the House?" Just stop it...
    154 155
    View all 11 replies
    Barron Trump anime opening I got lost in youtube
    Nerdy Otter
    PandaHatMan regular show had this? Really?
    Hide replies
    Wilmer Quispe
    I like, love DragonBall, db Z, evangelion, Road to 2002, Slam dunk, sakura card captor, digimon, zenki.
    21 22
    View all 7 replies
    Zach Ellis
    Wilmer Quispe I loved Cory in the house, drake and josh, king of the hill, and that's so raven
    Syaredza Ashrafi
    yeah i like ned classified school survival guide, zack and cody, iCarly, how i met your mother, drake and josh
    Hide replies
    LOL Shroomz TV [Oracle]
    Insert Hitler Anime Here
    117 118
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    Underrated God
    attack on jews
    1 2
    LOL Shroomz TV [Oracle] Hitlers bizarre adventure
    Hide replies
    Ethan S
    I love this anime! My favorite part was when naruto killed goku
    2609 2610
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    Jay Barraza
    sad part was when cory dies
    1 2
    Jay Barraza
    Ethan S then the part when harambe came to live got my tears out
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    KKK StrikeBack
    I'm so glad I grew up watching this anime before memelords made funny shit from it, then cancerous kids and youtubers laugh at it and ironically like the opening... smh.
    59 60
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    Kosovo is Serbia
    someone get this hothead out of here!
    1 2
    Holographic Plus
    KKK StrikeBack But calls himself KKK StrikeBack.
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    Generated Particles
    Has anyone in the comments ever watch this? or am I alone...
    236 237
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    Anus Soufflé
    I've seen it a while back not my favorite but definitely different
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    Nicholas Langrock
    Great show, good opening, terrible fanbase.
    489 490
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    Harbona Prado
    Nicholas Langrock fuck you, evangelion is the best anime ever
    1 2
    Zachary Sprague
    *amazing fanbase.
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    Dan iele
    This is the best opening theme of an anime show ever. And this also happens to be the best anime show ever.
    48 49
    View all 11 replies
    Last two ep was the worst for me. Again the show didn't make me give a damn about them so was just boring for me.
    sorry m8 steins;gate is waiting for you
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    Dat Boi
    Which anime opening is the best: Neon Genesis Evangeleon or Cory in the house? /music plays
    30 31
    View all 5 replies
    Ilu Hullu
    Yambrey solis You really didn't get it
    Dat Boi Evangelion is just a TV sitcom that turned into a meme. Cory in the House is the best Anime of all time. Disney did a good job.
    1 2
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    Carlos Porras
    Is this Anime worth watching?
    83 84
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    こな こな
    I'm learning English with dubbed Evangelion. Keel Lorenz's voice is amazing.
    15 16
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    lmao im the opposite
    Khalil Archer
    Slimehound you mean literally the easiest
    1 2
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    Smol Rabbit whit swag
    I am the only one who actually watched the anime ?
    77 78
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    RetroGamer XPM
    Javier Sosa Same
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    Bianca Aletti
    aside from regular show, pewds and hitler, who's here because they actually watched the show? lol
    859 860
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    Álvaro García
    Kenman Rider W Productions I just said on a monday afternoon lets watch it started terrified now indiferent about it
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