Statist And Anarchist

Because statist talking points make for unintentional comedy! A shameless ripoff of "Cyanide and Happiness."
New comics every Mon, Wed, and Fri.

Sheriff Of Nottingham Explains Taxes

Prince John: Taxes! Taxes! Beautiful, lovely taxes! Ah-hah! Ah-hah!
Sir Hiss: S-Sire, you have an absolute skill for encouraging contributions from the poor.
Prince John: To coin a phrase, my dear counselor, rob the poor to give the rich.

- Robin Hood (1973)

Robin Hood is one of my favorite Disney films of all time, which is why I get peeved when socialists try to claim the character as their own. “Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor,” they argue. What they neglect to mention is that the poor were being oppressed by the rich through high taxation, and that Robin Hood was aiding them by returning the taxes that had been imposed on them by the king (government).

Go ahead and re-watch the movie! If you watch it, you’ll see the Sheriff of Nottingham collect taxes from the poor, only for Robin Hood to steal the money back and return it to their rightful owners. If anything, he was more of an anarcho-capitalist than a socialist. What else do you call a guy who fought against taxation? Maybe a “teabagging redneck”?

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