Have you recently read an amusing comment out of the states?
Of course you have! Post it here.
This is a satire sub to have a laugh at amusing comments, from Reddit and beyond, that are uniquely American in nature.
This is not a place to bring your hatred of Americans or America- we like to keep things friendly and toxic attitudes are not welcome.
Keep in mind that we are here to have a laugh, not to get angry.
Above all: we only accept submissions about stuff that is funny and uniquely American. Quality control is at the discretion of the mod team.
I. No personal information;
II. Do not vote or comment in linked threads;
III. Do not link to comment chains that you've posted in;
IV. Submission titles need to be neutral. Do not write titles heaping scorn on the person that wrote the stuff you are linking. They can be funny, but avoid making the titles too circlejerk-y. If your title doesn't meet these criteria your submission will be removed, no matter how amusing it is!
V. If the shit you're about to submit is related (even tangentially) to the following subjects, you can only submit a screenshot (or archive.is link) and not a direct link:
- Guns,
- Racial issues,
- US Foreign politics and wars;
VI. All links posted to other subs MUST be to an np version. Links to other versions are subject to immediate removal.
VII. Do not directly link (and hence page) the usernames of users in other subreddits.
VIII. Please double check whether the poster of the comment you're about to submit is actually American. Do this by scanning their post history etc.
IX. Do not link back to comments made on ShitAmericansSay.
X. No baiting other subs- submitting elsewhere then cross-posting comments/reactions here.
XI. Only links/images to Americans saying funny shit is allowed - if you want to tell a tale you can do so in the stickied "everything goes" thread, which gets renewed every week.
The moderators will enforce the spirit of these rules, not the letter. All actions are at the discretion of the moderators. If you object to any actions, please contact the entire moderation team and not the individual moderator.
General Info
Linking to comments
Link directly to the comment with the SAS, not the entire thread! Or if the comment you're linking to requires some context, add "?context=x" to the URL, where "x" is the number of parent comments you want displayed.
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