Black Men Are (Still) Venting promotes an anti-gyno-centric agenda. No, we don't hate women; we simply hate those who rebel against traditional relationship structure (where father/husbands are respected for working and making decisions in the best interests of his family), and seek to emasculate the male rather than work with him, who seek to dominate him rather than cooperate with him. Let's bring back the traditional black family....and say NO to a feminized Black America!
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Just Say "No" To Feminism!
I’m a proud male chauvinist. Not the “keep-them-barefoot-and-pregnant” kind, but the kind who understands that decisions should be driven by and based on reason and what’s in someone’s interests—not feelings. So let’s be real…there is no such thing as “gender equality.”
Men and women simply were not created equally. There are some things that men can do that women can’t, and vice-versa. We’re different, yes…but not created equally. Nor are we treated equally. Females, by most measures tend to outlive males. More male babies die in before their first year of life than female babies (i.e., have a higher infant mortality rate). It’s a scientific fact that women have a stronger sense of smell than men.
Males tend to embrace abstract and unconventional thought more readily than females, while women are better social conformers. For men, this explains why man embrace abstract-related genres and ideas reflected in science fiction, comic books, and philosophy, and the like (and to a lesser degree, it also explains why men tend to embrace anti-social and criminal behavior more). For women, it explains why more women attend organized religious services than men, and tend to be less-inclined to be anti-social (barring some—in most cases—organic issues such as mental illness, emotional instability, or dysfunctional upbringing). This same differences also help explain why—generally-speaking—men are more psychologically-equipped to handle traumatic events such as war and relationship breakups better than women, while women are better able to handle most social interactions better than men (i.e., cordially).
But what today’s women fail to understand is that that the notion of patriarchy wasn’t "built,” manufactured, or artificially-constructed. It’s a natural evolutionary process that societies that depended on men to do manual labor, fight wars, defeat rival tribes, hunt for food, and carry the stones to build the huts. Women, for their parts were charged raising children and perform tasks which were lower in physical stress (e.g.,” domestic work”). As societies advanced, manual labor became less prevalent, advancing economies, and allowing for lower stress jobs to become the norm. Moreover, this difference in socioeconomic roles reinforced the notion that women needed to be protected by way of the patriarchal ethos. But over time, women became “bored” and came to see patriarchy as an “oppressive” Boogey Man…mostly as a result of women’ inability to realize that we live in the remnants of a society that depended on male labor and female assistance. The result is supposition of feminist ideology over the traditionally male patriarchy mindset that was the basis of family and social stability over the long periods of American history.
However, to say that society grants us equal status insomuch as expectations and social institutions is more of a stretch of the imagination. In the last couple of generations, women have come to have many aspects of modern life easier than a man…which pretty much leaves men second-class in many respects. And we can thank feminism for much of these double standards.
Feminists claim that they want to be treated equally…until they don't. They want equal pay and equal rights. But will scream “Bloody murder” if they throw a punch at a man and find themselves punched back. They feel they have to right to criticize anything and everything about a man—much to applause or agreeable laughter of both men and women—but will claim “woman-bashing” and/or “misogynist” if a man dares to see something disagreeable about a woman…even if it is justified.
Male "feminists" (i.e., “simps”) are even worse. They placating agreement to feminist thinking only serve to reinforce notions of a pro-woman gender hierarchy in our modern American society. Their co-signing feminist thinking feeds women’ egos beyond what many of us can hardly endure as it is…all just so they can score personal brownie points with women (most likely, as potential bedroom partners). Real equality with women is about being treated equally across the board.... no free passes when it is convenient. No crying "victim" when that equal treatment hurts their little feelings. Yet, we see the opposite of this on a daily basis in America.
Take the issue of family planning. Though it biologically takes two consenting adults (or overly hormonal teens) to create a child, barring rape, women have more of a say in the process than men. Women choose which man she allows to seed her. Yes, a man may choose plant his seed in a particular woman, it still comes down to her giving permission. However, many women—especially black women—tend to ignore this simple illustration in accountability. She chooses the man, she chooses to lay down with him, she chooses to use the method of birth-control (including abstinence), and she chooses to allow the outcome. He helps, but it is ultimately her choice. There is no escaping the logic--cause and effect.
What’s more, her power of choice extends to his ability to co-family plan. If he decided he doesn’t want to be a father, her right to choose to carry the baby to term vetoes his choice. If he chooses to become a father, her right to abort the fetus does the same. Though he is complicit, she can force not only fatherhood on the male, but can—if he fails in his financial “obligations”—choose to make place him into the peonage of the child support system. Once in the system, if he fails to keep up his financial “obligations,” he can become a criminal. The upshot is that single fathers can potentially pay for their choices with jail time and financial and equivalent of indentured servitude to the child support system. After court-ordered deductions from his paycheck, many men are left with less-than-a-subsistence level of wages for himself to live off.
On the other hand, single mothers don’t pay nearly as dearly for their choice to become a parent. They have the option of various institutional safety nets, both governmental and non-governmental. This is to say that there are various forms of financial assistance that mothers can take advantage of. And in a few not-so-rare instances, men who are proven not to be biological fathers of children by single mothers can still be forced to pay child support. Single mothers receive housing assistance, while single fathers potentially receive jail time. Hardly seems equal (although to be fair, if such “mistakes” on the part of the man occurs more than once, he deserves to have to deal with the disparities of “the system”).
We see the same disparities when it comes to issues of marriage and the courts. Alimony, palimony, and various other forms of court-ordered spousal “support” tends to go against the men in most cases…including child custody cases. When all things are equal, women almost, always receive judgments that benefit her as opposed to the fathers…including in issues of visitation and parental rights. We can go up and down the courts to find the same level of unequal treatment when it comes to men and women…from sentencing differences, to prosecuting domestic violence, to the imposition of the death penalty…to how we even perceive the same crimes committed by men and women. For example, adult female teachers who sleep with their students are hardly viewed in the same light as adult male teachers who do the same. Women are seem as emotionally vulnerable somehow, while males are “dirty old men” who “betray the trust” of those who expected more of them.
The bottom line is that feminism has wrecked havoc on the lives of many a man—particularly black males. So much so that many more and more are becoming willing participants in the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) mindset as a natural backlash. Many of us have found that we are not as valued as we once were, to our families or to society; even our opinions don’t matter. Many of us recognize feminism for the destructive force to families, to traditional notions of masculinity, and to overall societal stability that it has become.
Many of us have come to see what happens to our communities when the notions of traditional masculinity and patriarchy become supplanted with the idea that women are always “right,” and that their every emotionally-based decision is beyond criticism. We see first-hand the consequences of their choices in laying down and procreating with the wrong type of male; staggering numbers of children raised by single mothers who are woefully ill-equipped emotionally to raise them on their own…especially as it relates to male children. These children invariably grow up in dysfunctional homes to become dysfunctional adults…who become drains on society.
It’s time for men to grow some balls and take control of our families, our lives, and our individual destinies…and say “NO” to feminism!
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