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Tagged: Done with feminism
This topic contains 19 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by Old Sage 3 hours, 44 minutes ago.
It’s official, women are now begging for us to come back.They voted for feminism to become happier… and they couldn’t be any more miserable.
They tried to increase the graduation rate of women… and all they did was leave behind a broken, marxist system.
They tried to get more women in the workforce… and jobs couldn’t be any more unproductive.
They tried to entrap men through marriage… and now women are hitting the wall marriage-less and alone with their cats.
They tried to manipulate men’s sexuality… and now women are sexually frustrated.
They said that they didn’t need men anymore… and now they wonder where all the good men went.
They tried to advocate for social justice… and now women have more problems and mental issues than in the entire history of the human race.
They tried to import illegals… and now they are scared to walk out on the street at night.
Is it any surprise that they all suddenly “saw the light”, and are now trying to go back to traditional values?BEWARE, THEY HAVE NOT CHANGED! THE ONLY REASON THEY ARE TRYING TO ACT TRADITIONAL IS BECAUSE THEY REALIZE THEY’RE GETTING BURNED IN THE LONG RUN!
Traditionalism and equality are incompatible, so what do they choose? A society that places them on the highest pedestal possible!
Do not be fooled, their sudden switch back to traditionalism is a cry for help to men to pull them out of their own fate they made for themselves!
They MIGHT get a few people to believe them but I doubt they honestly want to go back to that. Either way, it doesn’t matter to me. I took the MGTOW Underground Railroad to escape the plantation and I’m free!
Lelouch Vi Britannia commands you, all the bitches of the world, to fuck off and leave me alone!
Think about it for a moment. In the old days, vagina was highly valued. Women were seen as innocent creatures incapable of any ill doing. Men would jump in front of a bullet for women they didn’t even know!Now that they revealed their true nature, they can’t reap the benefits of being on a pedestal while living a wild life in secret. Now men no longer put them on a pedestal, and they are panicking.
Does it make sense now?? THEY’RE BEGGING TO GO BACK!
This guy escaped the institution and he’s not going back. Sorry.
I am become MGTOW. The shatterer of worlds...
too late. Too little too late.
Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering landwhale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.
Red pill Men love to say: Don’t trust anything that bleeds and doesn’t die.
Red pill Men love to say: if she didn’t love the last 20 or so guys she was with, how do you expect HER to love you?
Red pill Men love to say: You want to marry? buy a gun, put it on your face and pull the trigger!. at least the pain will be gone rather quick
Red pill Men love to say: shes not your gf, this is just your turn.
Red pill can be brutal but you must not allow yourself to live a lie.
Too little.
Too late.
But that is not our problem.
Couldn’t give a monkey’s fuck . Not intrested in pussy or nothing . They can stick the plantation up there arse . If they turned into unicorns tommorow i don’t fucking care . Fuck them cunts .
Mangina’s the plantation is yours pussy beggers . This is your future fuckers .
Did anybody actually read the article? Sure I skimmed it, but it’s about women taking political leadership.
The plantation is empty!
proud carrier of the 'why?' chromosome
Well! goodluck with that, to be a traditional woman you should have avoided the cock carousel just as a starting point. Rejecting all the guys trying with you because “not attractive, creep, do not matches my blue prince’s lists of traits like: tall, rich, ripped, funny, loyal, he exists just in my mind etc.” obviously did not help you in the long run, but you mostly think of the present time, and fuck the future, it is only YOU YOU YOU and NOW NOW NOW.
It is TOO late, you cannot undo the damage you have done, let’s say you hit the wall, sure you can try to show yourself as a pure nice girl that had only 1 or 2 boyfriends, but sooner or later that man that is with you will put his dick in your vagina, and when he feels HOW LOOSE it is, he will make 2+2, you will be seen for the cock carousel rider that you are/were, and he will leave you because you can fool a man, but sooner or later the truth comes out, and when it does the games is over.
The average girl had sex with Chad, used orbiters, and is entitled to the fucking bones, not understanding that what she has to offer is what men are now running from(STDs, unwanted pregnancy, false accusations, cheating, emotional abuse, lies, hypergamy, monkeybranching, total lack of accountability and serious commitment on her side).
My personal advice? learn from men, and live on your own, it will be sad, it will be hard, and sometimes you wish you were dead, but you wanted equality, don’t you? so get all of it.
Life is 5% what happens to you and 95% how you react to it.
Last thing I want to see are females in Politics. If you counted Congressional women I’d wager the majority were Leftists. Fuck them.
Be professional be polite but always have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
TRADCON values?
Where the man busts his ass all the days of his life, only to come home to a dirty house and burnt dinner?
Where a man provides ALL the necessities for a family that doesn’t appreciate anything he does?
He has one day off and takes everyone to church to listen to Chester the molester?
They’re NOT attracting me! FUCK THAT PLANTATION!
All those promises made to keep are broken lies where multitudes weep.----(THE HIVE)
Dear Females,
Here’s what it will take.
1) All women forfeit the vote. You can advise us all you like, but as men have all the responsibility, men will make all the decisions.
2) Divorce law reformed. If you are unfaithful, refuse to perform your spousal duties or are otherwise at fault, you get nothing.
3) Abortion illegal. If you don’t want a baby, either use appropriate birth control or don’t have sex. And if you have an accident, deal with it.
4) The end of the ‘Free Ride’. Social programs restructured so that society will save your life and the lives of your children in the event you come to disaster through no fault of your own, but society will not carry you or your offspring if you choose a bad father or make bad life decisions for yourself.
Once these four conditions are cemented in place, THEN we can talk. At this point, I have zero faith that even ONE of them could be achieved and even if all four were achieved, I’m still not interested in paying your bills. Sorry.
You had it all and then you smashed it all.
Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond... but by the end you wish you had a club and a spade.Wrong link?
Women fail to understand, gynocentric societies have taught men a lesson.
Men have recognized, TRADCON values are to the disadvantage of men.
They found a way to deal with it (of course they did, these are MEN) and found the new way, their way requires much less effort for same level (or even higher) of satisfaction.
That is basic economy, need requires satisfaction. Either reach for “Maximizing” principle – reach for highest output/satisfaction/number of goods, or “Minimizing”-principle same result with least possible effort/smallest input/tiniest ammount of resource.Men are living a happy life, there is nothing women can add to the happiness of men. The only thig they used to have, has lost any value as they have offered it to too many. It is a market, oversupply is killing business. Pussy are litterally everywhere and it is freely given, there are places where the equivalent of a burger will get you into a vagina.
As Pussy is in oversupply, there is no need for men to compete for it anymore. The value a woman had is wiped out and it is not getting better.
They put immigrants into western Europe in order to re-establish a market value of pussy (more potential customers = higher demand), but forgot the new customers are not willing to pay – pretty much like what happened to “ed hardy” shirts a while ago. First these were really high priced, then the company got greedy and put more shirts on the market, others were even copying the design (transgenders), then the price started to fall and the fall accelerated until now there is plainly no demand for the “cheap shit” anymore. And there is nothing “Ed Hardy” (or women) can do to re-establish a demand. The reputation is ruined.So women want their power back? The power women used to have in grandfathers days? where he would break his back for her?
Sorry, we don’t give you the rights anymore. We are slaves freed from the plantation so what can they do to make us to want to go back? They promise us a softer whip? guess what? we, men, still prefer our freedom, for which our fathers and grandfathers had to suffer. We owe to them, not to fall for any female’s trap ever again.
Feminists taught men the lesson, we learned it, we are happier without you. And in better shape, and healthier, and better off and and and – the advantages men have on their own outweighs anything any woman could possibly have to offer by far.
Two problems here.
1st – Even if you turned into Unicorns you have the cops on speed dial. What man in his right mind wants to sit next to a snowflake knowing that if he pisses her off for any reason she can remove his life.
So even if you were a Unicorn, who wants to be with someone who has been given the power to destroy you?
2nd – Even if that power was taken from you, and you were made powerless against any man. We have another problem.
I now KNOW what you’d do IF you had the power.
So fuck you!
Done with your asses FOREVER!
Marriage does not work. It is a lie. It is a scam against men. Today, all any woman has to do is make an accusation against someone whose name she knows and he is guilty! Yes, he’s not only guilty but basically he’s TOAST! She doesn't even have to go to the cops, she only has to make a phone call. That’s control on the level of ancient fairytales. She only has to make a phone call "Women are LETHAL to a mans happiness!" - MG Tower
Last thing I want to see are females in Politics. If you counted Congressional women I’d wager the majority were Leftists. Fuck them.
Even female Republicans, like Murkowski from Alaska and Collins from Maine are quasi-leftists and can’t be trusted.
Female nature is pretty much inevitably skewed towards collectivism. Women are very rarely individualistic. They are very much herd creatures, like sheep, motivated by fear and the desire for free shit.
All I saw was..womens path to power, and something about asparagras.
I cant listen to the dribble that comes out of bitches brains.
Women are now ..Jail. SpiritRR
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