This validates the Berniecrat argument: Trump would be less of a warmonger than Clinton
Nobody with half a brain made this argument. Stop it.
It was the concensus among Berniecrats that Hillary was a warmonger because of her vote in 2002. A stupid argument, but it helped Trump
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is a screengrab of a tweet by Jill Stein. What reality are you living in?
You're right about the screenshot but it's pretty much what Berniebot Sarandon said.
susan sarandon does not speak for me or any other Bernie voter.
Did anyone tell her that yet?
i don't give a shit one way or another. stop lumping Bernie Bros into one basket.
Let's not forget President Obama asked Congress to act in 2013 and they said NO.
Quite the perversion of American exceptionalism to always be saying someone else should be doing the hard part.
I'm absolutely horrified by what just happened in Syria, but we can't trust this clown to properly manage a pudding cup, much less this.
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Also, refuses to say anything bad about Putin or Russia, who support Assad.
> (b) Now says Obama should have bombed Assad That's on the GOP House, who refused to give him authorization for force.
Is it possible that Trump IS Assad?
Like, they've never been in the same room at once.
Republicans are idiots. They spent the last 8 years hating a black Democrat president and have forgotten how to govern.
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