Before space mining an asteroid based on hokey physics theory (neutron star collision) we can mine oceans for $4k an ounce.
#allaboutcost -
The neutron star theory is neither hokey nor a method of mining. But up-front capital costs to mine asteroid would, indeed, be astronomical.
From my experience when the theoretical physicists need a black hole and star collisions to explain something its no longer cosmology. JMO
@NobelPrize winning Oxford professor explains how to make GOLD From LEAD http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84036256/1920-04-16/ed-1/seq-2/ ….pic.twitter.com/lWMA0Ayc8e
"Escaping the black hole..." Sounds entirely plausible....
We can store value in it but this erodes the materials would be usefulness. Which can capture more value? I think it depends on alternatives