Umm could we maybe focus more on fixing technical issues that break the game, rather than pandering with stuff like this?
Its 2017, you gotta make sure no one gets their feelings hurt before you make sure that your product actually works.
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FFS it's a GAME! AN NPC! FANTASY! Good game development is NOT catering to the vocal minority! How many outcries actually bought your game?
That's been my question all along. If something like this keeps you from buying the game- chances are they weren't gonna play it anyway.
Just adding that a lot of the complaints comes from actual players who wants the final product to be better than this too.
An we just keep politics and social issues out of games? Just make what makes sense, instead of including obligatory characters to pander.
Let me guess: any character that's not cishet white and male is "obligatory" and just "to pander", right?
No, just the ones they include in several of their games that are the only one in the game, and feels the need to advertise it immediately.
So we need more LGBT characters and they should be given more nuance?
Sure, it'd be better than throwing one of each in just to tick off a checklist.
You missed the point entirely, Cisbro.
#sityourtransantagonistassdown -
So now you're insulting me because I'm not trans?
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I respect what you guys are trying to do here, but this issue feels very overblown to me. I wish people would chill.
Yeah, because trans people don't deserve respect or to be treated like actual human beings amirite?
that is not at all my point and a mischaracterization of what I am saying.
Except that it IS your point, and it's not a mischaracterization based on your comments to others.
#TryagainCisbro -
I just feel that writers should feel free to present unique characters that maybe are different than what we expect.
Except that they didn't do that. They presented a trans character as a throwaway, and did so in a transantagonist manner.
#TakeASeatCisbro -
You seem angry. I'm not trans so I can't relate or fully understand this outrage. Could you help me understand your argument?
It is not up to the marginalized to educate the oppressor. Google "deadnaming" if you want an education. I am not here to hold your hand.
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