Trump repeatedly gave Assad his support during the election despite a history of using chemical weapons on children. …
May 2016: Trump made it clear to Assad he would support his regime even when he used chemical weapons on children. …
Trump can say Obama over&over but Trump is the one complicit in this attack.
I'm still amused at people who continue to rage about Chelsea Clinton while loving the Trump Dynasty. Also HRC fans who rage at Ivanka.
Honestly. It’s who he is. He is not a leader, just a peddler. Of cheap brand (his), lies, gossip, fraud.
Find Charlie Sheen talking about 'platinum' cuff links wedding gift fr Trump. Cheap,plated,junk.
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Because Nordstroms has an impact on the family bottom line; Syria does not. Besides, who knew Middle East policy was so complicated?!
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@LauraWalkerKC or ANYTHING the Pres of#Egypt has done (he said "GoodJob") 2a guy who took power in military coup&hiscritics die -
Likewise praised Putin and duterte. Guy is too openly congratulatory to tyrants.
Yea this whole administration is pathetic
Priorities, baby, Prorities.
Great minds. I just wrote much the same.
He only uses his twitter account for two reasons: propaganda and pouting.
#pettylittleprince#notmypresident -
I tweet wherever my heart takes me. In these cases it took me to jewelry that Ivanka won't make any money from. SAD!
#dumptrump#russiagate -
What do you expect from CRAZY???
I really wish this was not a thing in my awareness these days
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