全 4 件のコメント

[–]murph55 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh please! Are you a mangina? This site and others serve to allow those that come here to heal! Many have already left as there is no more for them here. It serves to highlight the true nature of females, while regaining their strength and confidence. There are those in every community that will get fanatical..but we have enough trolls trying to shut this and other sights down. If that's what your about, we do not need or want your help!

[–]spy9911 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't recall anyone saying society should expect nothing from men- but given when society gets from men, we have a right to expect something in return- like a regard for facts and truth. I want to throw up every time I hear a little entitlement princess described as a "strong amazing woman" for doing something that is routinely expected from men. Are any men strong and amazing? you will be persectued for saying so.

[–]FuckedExistence 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Some men are like that , and I don't really like them, also what do you mean about "mind control" specifically? That it simply has an effect on the way someone thinks , or that it could be part of some social experiment, trying to find answers about the nature of men, and specific kinds of effects related to how they are approaching women, or change of reaction and reason based on trauma and that we are nothing but test animals? Or that there is a conspiracy that promotes behaviors like this one, so they can influence society?

[–]UglyPrince2000 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have seen more lazy fat entitled women than fat lazy entitled men, at least men don't hide the fact they're lazy, they will usually not defend themselves when called out or try to play it cool and laugh it off. Try calling out a women and see what happens, lol. You even answered yourself saying how privileged women are, it's easy to be a fat lazy women, no one really shames them, beautiful at any size BS. Every man in the world is and has been brainwashed by society to be blue pill since childhood, get the fuck outta here with mgtow is mind control, when society has been doing that to us since the beginning, with women being the ones manipulating men. outta here you sexy fucker!