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/loli/ - Lolis

Lolis are Love, Lolis are Life


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File: 3c916651f800024⋯.jpg (931.15 KB, 2429x1700, 2429:1700, 26.jpg)


I never understood the ending of Rustle’s Little Girl 8; can somebody explain it to me?

The dojinshi’s title is Embarrassing secret song so I guess the loli is angry that the guy listened to it. But what is the song about? Is it an audio recording of her having sex with her dad? But both the loli and the guy refer to the recording as a ‘’song’’.

I just don’t get it. Maybe it was meant to be interpretative?


8 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




Yeah I'm retarded, no idea what it could mean then.



Can someone please post a link to little girl 4?



nm im returded




it probably was one of the dudes private songs about her from the first one, maybe something that wasnt meant to be heard by anyone but her. The dude probably thought it was wierd because it was a song literally about her (and probably pretty good given that guy was succesful). Shes probably not angry he heard it just a little sensitive about it.

>does mean this dude is gonna get famous as well now?

>does explain why so many celebrities over the years have been secretly pedos?



never mind i forgot a bit at the end upon rereading it

File: 63e2f795674d042⋯.png (136.53 KB, 470x647, 470:647, fd12b51abea4e65ee678ec75eb….png)


Previous thread


The first thread has quite a few posts and replies (as well as lots of ideas and suggestions dumped which can be a handful to read in a large thread), so I felt it was time to start another one with the previous thread having 400+ posts now.

I started a Discord server here for those looking to discus ideas and development more directly.


If you don't have a Discord account or don't want to use your primary account for the server you can make a throwaway account which is pretty easy. Here we can discuss different aspects of the game and find out how different people on this board would like to get involved.

Previous ideas for the game involved a number of different genres and various sorts of potential characters and lolis, but now it's time to narrow things down so we can try getting something coherent going.

Anons can post discussion in this thread or in one of the relevant Discord server channels. Even if you don't feel you'd fit a long term role for development there's a suggestions channel on the Discord where you can dump thoughts & ideas of hintgs you would be interested in seeing or whatever you think could be something good to consider for the game.

So what kind of game would you loli anons be interested in playing? What ways would you be able to contribute and help make a loli game reality? Don't be afraid to chime in and post your thoughts.


File: 9af7181a24cb790⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 357x500, 357:500, 1410760712112.jpg)

File: 54c37efdc606308⋯.jpg (93.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1405514044286.jpg)

File: 72ddfc97a866a6c⋯.jpg (162.36 KB, 1280x1804, 320:451, 1405627793731.jpg)

File: 33c93d7dfb25739⋯.jpg (253.94 KB, 666x932, 333:466, 1405661240034.jpg)

Hello again /loli/. We have some members in the Discord linked in the OP but we're still looking for more. Also if you joined but are just planning to observe and lurk to see what kind of progress the game makes let us know in the appropriate chat channel.

Right now there are some different sort of folks we're looking to have on board, particularly artists or programmers. There are a number of different roles that could contribute however.

As of right now, here are the roles that one could be assigned after joining the server.





Sound Design (like sound effects, ambient effects, and different things of that nature)

General Design/Gameplay

Tester/QA (mainly only going to be applicable down the line when there's something playable to test and polish)

Ideas/Feedback (if you just want to chime in with ideas, suggestions, or feedback on the things already in place)

Lurker/Observer (if you'd rather see how development is going but don't see yourself contributing directly)

There are some non-development related channels in the Discord if you'd just like to come in and chat with people who are working on the game in there. Everyone is welcome to come in at any time, though the Discord is still fairly young and still not too populated with activity just yet. We'd love for more people to get involved that are interested (though if you join the server, let us know if you're looking to participate or be more laid back and lurk).

In appreciation for checking out the server, have some pretty lolis.


File: ee83bbea8ee246c⋯.png (3.93 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 16260081_p0.png)

I wish you the best, will there is a way to support you?


File: 7c10e287484c4c5⋯.jpg (54.73 KB, 619x780, 619:780, 1424750552172.jpg)

I am a huge fans of true-end themed visual novels. I could easily come up with a complex plot where a small roster of lolis were involved in a town murder case, The protagonist would go through different loli routes in order to discover a new piece of the puzzle. Once all the main heroines are dealt with, the true ending would involve a frequently mentioned loli that is the key to actually solving the crime. (Every other route is a dead end in some shape or form). I had the idea for a while, but the last thread had progressed too deep for me to feel like throwing another random idea into the pot.

But if enough people were interested in such an idea, I could essentially go deep in every aspect of project creation except for the art itself. I have skills in writing, music and (loosely) game programming, even though I have yet to finish a gaming project.



hmm,guess not?



If you like my drawing style we can join to make our own VN. I can help with the music, too.

File: 0adf51f3fb4d597⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 460x215, 92:43, stalker.jpg)

File: 7bcc82d9ef949f7⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 576x432, 4:3, homer stalky.jpg)


Hello guys I dont have my hd with me right now so i got no relevant image but can somoeone please tell which little girl (by rustle) is the one where she gets fucked by musician and it has a really sweet ending?


yo bumpity


Look it up on n/exhentai yourself, you helpless idiot.

File: caac7ed177c7743⋯.jpg (101.36 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 0aa2d8bba852b97⋯.png (234.07 KB, 592x320, 37:20, udsMp7a.png)


just naked, no penetration, maybe masturbation but mainly just nudes just naked, no penetration, maybe masturbation but mainly just nudes




I agree she a fuckin cutie, maybe throw a request over at the drawthread?




Use the drawthread

File: d476c2f29a8ff8d⋯.jpg (11.7 KB, 759x427, 759:427, 73802836-20b6-4ad4-910b-86….jpg)


Wasn't sure to just post this in this thread >>35741 but ill just make a thread. Sites that i know of.

Recommended or to look out for:


Soup.io (need feedback if this site is actually loli friendly)

http://blogs.allthefallen.ninja/ (very loli and shota friendly)

Jabarchives (feedback needed)


blogspot or Blogger.com

Not recommended:

Tumblr (too many SJWs and flaggers unless you don't mind your blog getting nuked within a few weeks or months. Only post SFW pics and if you want to get exposure)


http://nijie.info/ (like Pixiv but even more japanese, may be hard to use. Google translator is your friend)

Paheal and Rule34Hentai (only for posting your pics, Rule34Hentai allows toddlercon)

Deviantart (surprising amount of loli artist on there. Only post SFW pics and if you want exposure)

Hentai Foundry (does not allow loli/shota anymore but you can still leave your commission info or whatever on there)

If theres other sites I haven't listed, go ahead and post it.

23 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



will have a look. thanks mate!



not fully translated though. For 5 bucks a month looks quite interesting


File: fe44ce5420634ff⋯.jpg (412.28 KB, 1000x1677, 1000:1677, 61396307_p0.jpg)

File: 8c11cee674bbe80⋯.jpg (108.02 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 61482399_p0.jpg)

File: c48f980b4256b2b⋯.gif (742.42 KB, 500x730, 50:73, 1490828967896.gif)

Fairly new guy. Don't know who he is but he is heavily inspired by Mike Inel/Manyakis




who says it isn't? dude might just need a separate account for loli.



It's him. Mike is a flip, that Bastos username meaning Pervert in flipspeak is too easy

File: 5d94ac85743c3e4⋯.jpg (203.37 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, RoDTB7T.jpg)


hi my dudes, im one of the people that makes over-saturated Source Filmmaker porn of the loli variety, and im unlucky enough to live in an area where i could get in deep shit for making this stuff.

Any tips on how I can minimize my risk of being caught with this stuff, as well as reducing my digital footprint? This info could be useful towards other loli content creators, as well as those who just enjoy browsing it.

thanks my fellow perverts

14 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



i love you too



>have to go to rule34hentai for the webms

>won't let you access the site with your adblocker on

>turning off adblocker instantly sends four (4) pop-ups right into your anus




Use a script blocker instead



Paheal lets you upload webms with sound now, although it'll probably take a while for the r34hentai webms to all get there.



disable javascript for that site in chrome settings

File: 26422f1c03f0eea⋯.jpg (54.3 KB, 554x586, 277:293, Stellaris_Anime.jpg)


Getting real paranoid now given advancement in cyber security. What do you gracious anons use to protect your IP when visiting 8ch? I'm essentially coming by way of Tor. but that can be extremely slow to load anything and disruptive when trying to download any webms.

Do you guys use virtual machine as an extra layer of security?

2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



All that is part of this: github.com/gorhill/uMatrix

At its most basic it's just a glorified ad-blocker, but those are among its other features.


File: 859cdc7d2477fff⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 250x188, 125:94, lowertheage.jpg)

All good advice already said, but here's another thing:

Staying under the radar. Tor is great if you really need the robustness, but loud - both the visited website *and* the people who are in charge of "putting you on the list" immediately register you're using Tor or well known public VPN - you probably have something to hide and will show up in profiled suspect searches.

Inconspicuous obfuscation can often do wonders instead of being loud about your illegal thai cartoons.

Another thing with public paid VPNs is IRI/CD. Indeed "civilized" companies don't give out logs, until they receive the warrant ordering them to do so - for your particular home ip. Read FBI indictments sometimes. Generally the way around that is to get VPS from some shithole company in kazachstan, belarus, romania… the usual guys who host pirate streams, botnet C&Cs etc.



Could you describe "inconspicuous obfuscation" a bit more, please? I understand the concept, but do you have any specific advice on how to successfully achieve it?


File: 75d0d4828119ea0⋯.jpg (64.55 KB, 800x800, 1:1, aautism.jpg)


It's not a trivial concept unless you have understanding how your traffic appears "on the wire". So what is incospicious? An example:

A (presumed) https connection to amazon EC2 server instance with elastic IP - there's ton of regular (often mobile) applications doing that, and there's no way one particular instance would be suspect. Amazon is just an example, any sufficiently *large* cloud server provider will do, keyword is large and frequently used by mobile app companies.

You encapsulate the vpn connection in http tunnel (via stunnel or socat, and through that tunnel connect openvpn (naked ovpn by itself can be "seen", thats how GFW often blocks it). From the amazon instance, you can route another vpn to end server in the middle of nowhere as I mentioned earlier.

Here is how the SSL tunnel is set up:


It's basically a bit like carefuly managed, personal Tor, designed for performance and to emit traffic signature of normal traffic, so that mass-surveilance tools will not profile you (they have selective filters to pick up only "fun" traffic at the collection stage, as logging everything is not practical). Finally, you can use this chain as a *first* hop into the Tor network to gain true anonymity on the other end, and there will be no association made between your home computer and your Tor usage (the sites you visit will always know, though) as there would be normally.

If you are not the technical person enough for this, the best you could do is use a Tor bridge - https://www.torproject.org/docs/bridges While these can be detected (the pattern looks unusual enough), those are still far less "loud" than pPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Basically, I don't do anything illegal.

Loli is legal here.

The absolute age of consent is 16 here.

It's not australia so flat chests are pretty fly for any age.

The state has spoken and I'm not an ebul pedo, just another law abiding citizen.

The thing with laws is, if you don't like it, you can move.

File: 715312b4a1c38c3⋯.jpg (146.23 KB, 850x1124, 425:562, sample_e3c129629f50709b810….jpg)


Glad to have this section working again. I hope you contribute to make Lolicon a greater success. With more quality pieces such as Unteralterbach, Lolicon Angel, Shoujo Ramune, etc. and uncensored.


more kanna lewds plx

File: 1525393d3374e0f⋯.png (284.58 KB, 1200x698, 600:349, PAL.png)


Hello all fans of Palcomix, Palcomix-Vip, ST, YH, RD, MU, DH, PPL, EU & FUR34. I'm sorry to say that our last place on stormfront has been shut down and we need a new site or board to call our home for these pictures, so if any of you has a good idea of what that stie or board would be please put the links to them here.

File: 70613f2649bd119⋯.jpg (46.1 KB, 600x869, 600:869, 1428856320371-1.jpg)


Post your loli pee stuff here.

37 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: cf0b114723ad4c7⋯.jpg (210.24 KB, 550x697, 550:697, 1527292.jpg)

File: 18d11ad2e0fa0a5⋯.jpg (234.65 KB, 600x787, 600:787, a_350.jpg)

File: c06da9f91952b5f⋯.jpg (163.9 KB, 1200x1680, 5:7, 15.jpg)



(This is leading to a cute diaper story I promise)

Part One:

Beth was really excited about her coming day. Today she and her family were going to Disney land! Right now she was siting in the window seat on a California bound plane looking out the window as the plane taxied away from the terminal. Suddenly she realized in the excitement of boarding the flight she had forgotten that she needed to pee while she was in the terminal.

"Can I go use the bathroom?" Beth asked.

"No you can't get up until the pilot turns off the fasten seatbelt sign", her mother answered.

"When will he turn the light off?" Beth asked, squirming a little in her seat.

"Not until we are higher in the air," her mother answered. "You can hold it, you are a big girl aren't you?"

"Yes I am!" Beth said, and she settled back in her seat.

But Beth could still feel the pressure of her bladder, and as the minutes ticked by and the plane waited in queue to takeoff that pressure was building.

"How much longer?" Beth asked her mother.

"I don't know, you just have to hold it" she replied.

Beth tried to relax and think about other things. She crossed her legs and clenched them tightly. But it was starting to feel like her bladder might burst if she held it much longer.

Then to her horror she felt a single tiny drip slip out and slide down the cleft of her pussy,then land in the cotton crotch of her panties. That was all it took to open the tap, and the drop became a steady trickle that poured out and soaked through her panties and the front of her pants.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Part Two:

"When can we go to Disneyland?!" Beth asked, jumping up and down in excitement. She and her mother had just finished checking in to their hotel and were now so close to Disneyland that Beth couldn't stand it.

"Soon" Beth's mother said. "But there is one thing we have to talk about first. At Disneyland there is a lot of waiting in line, and we both know that you sometimes have to pee a lot. We don't want to have to leave the line and lose our spot, but we also don't want you to have an accident in front of everyone…. and that's why on our way to the park I want to get some diapers for you and I want you to wear them today" Beth's mother finished.

Beth didn't know what to say. She hadn't worn a diaper since she was a little baby. "But it will be embarrassing!" Beth protested, "None of the other girls my age will be wearing diapers".

"Remember what happened on the plane?" Beth's father said.

Beth did remember, and she blushed at the memory of the pee trickling out and soaking her pants and underwear as the plane took off.

"Yes" Beth answered meekly.

"You don't want that to happen again in front of Princess Elsa do you?" her mother asked.

"No" Beth answered even more meekly.

"Okay good, its settled then" her mother said.

Soon they were back in the car, driving toward Disneyland, but as promised her mother pulled off to stop at Walmart. They went inside together and Beth's mother took her to the diaper section. She selected some diapers that would fit Beth properly and then they went to the register and bought them. Beth hid behind her mother as her mother paid for the diapers, embarrassed to think that the cashier probably knew the diapers were for her.

But then the diapers were purchased and it was time to put them on. Her mother took her into the Walmart batPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


File: 154716a81af70f6⋯.jpg (416.6 KB, 744x1052, 186:263, 9a2e974dbf8becaa04a43979a1….jpg)


File: be096d67426c1cd⋯.jpg (147.33 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 48dea33c39efb228ec3cd4738c….jpg)

File: 8c8fa29bf411d2d⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2104x1488, 263:186, 64f27ade6c161934ec32f9babe….jpg)

File: 12908d34c0cf1cf⋯.jpg (192.47 KB, 1221x841, 1221:841, d4255bf44a28ed2bc7650ab08f….jpg)

File: 9e6833f36da34ba⋯.jpg (296.79 KB, 591x874, 591:874, fbd605f12cfb5fc40ba5e0e84f….jpg)

File: aeeb3210f6ead3b⋯.png (9.59 MB, 3000x5000, 3:5, Gruftine 001.png)

File: f98887c8d818bc9⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 3000x5000, 3:5, Gruftine 002.jpg)

File: dfb9fee18548d72⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2400x4000, 3:5, Gruftine 003b.jpg)


Is it all right if I shill some of my stuff here?

this is my pixiv account ok


currently I'm making some Loud House stuff

6 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You do you own stuff or is this just assembled colored stock models?



I'm just like every single other DAZ hack bud



Meh. As long as scenes are set up in an interesting fashion, it's okay.


File: 2dd63c80cb8a03e⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1400x1659, 200:237, I saw god's face.jpg)




Mein nigger/10

Do you have any web page? or Pixiv account?



>Pixiv account


File: 1429030582214.jpg (349.93 KB, 700x940, 35:47, 1242136581912.jpg)


Cootchie coo!

My commission is in the lineart phase and I'm all kinds of hype! Post some tickle stuff with me and you guys will be the first to see the commish when it's done!
154 posts and 390 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



So uh, pretty much everything in this link can be found in this thread, but this is just something like a catalog of a lot of my successful commissions and request endeavors. So everything there due to my influence in some shape or form (in addition to the artists that did them of course!) Pay a visit if you will.


File: e04e6a1911e7ea1⋯.jpg (300.58 KB, 1417x1609, 1417:1609, 40ca06f0fc38eb4fffde41ddd2….jpg)

File: e35c9938a205ab5⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 428x604, 107:151, 43db5b8f28d6f45240518407f2….jpg)

File: 47dcbb940d910dc⋯.jpg (237.18 KB, 800x522, 400:261, 47dcbb940d910dca7fea3643c3….jpg)

File: 4dd6c5fa1881650⋯.jpg (815.76 KB, 1148x1200, 287:300, 61609855_p0_master1200.jpg)

File: fbbc41ca360b44c⋯.jpg (626.22 KB, 1148x1200, 287:300, 61609855_p1_master1200.jpg)

Either way it goes, spread the joy and (especially) laughter!


File: 95b72f26477909a⋯.jpg (272.16 KB, 595x842, 595:842, 4c417ce1d4b8980169eba3de11….jpg)

File: 042a1aff5f43785⋯.jpg (125.7 KB, 673x500, 673:500, 1487487022534.jpg)

File: f7ee51a7df61e59⋯.jpg (59.94 KB, 996x721, 996:721, kiki.jpg)

File: 1f48bb33e3d925a⋯.jpg (2.69 MB, 2336x1646, 1168:823, 8260005_p0.jpg)

File: b35a8f6344549a5⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 2893x4092, 263:372, chino_n_aoyama_in_the_park….jpg)

It's been pretty slow for me lately, but I'm still at it. Maybe there will be bombshells in the future.


File: 20f0af8fa920b6a⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 3696x2526, 616:421, Casho4YXiil5t6Z2TSoQopQOBV….jpg)

File: 3de6c0bd774a5eb⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3696x2526, 616:421, Yi0iTLOGMW5Nvud2ip7RBaPo5J….jpg)

File: 1d104f2aeebf2ba⋯.jpg (9.51 MB, 3006x4800, 501:800, comm3_by_radi0activecockro….jpg)

Phew. It's pretty great to be back~


File: a9cb2bda5228a29⋯.jpg (3.89 MB, 3625x5000, 29:40, asdasdada_by_radi0activeco….jpg)

File: b9b6fe348c70a59⋯.jpg (3.86 MB, 3625x5000, 29:40, asdasdada2_by_radi0activec….jpg)

File: 85c66de6ed61288⋯.png (614.69 KB, 1000x687, 1000:687, bonnidage.png)

File: 86eec00fe56e446⋯.png (525.15 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, child_of_the_light_giggles….png)

File: 758ab24cafe21ab⋯.jpg (109.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ballet_training_by_tom65hg….jpg)

File: 7e2d8d4ad5ba511⋯.jpg (708.55 KB, 1129x700, 1129:700, IMG_5976.JPG)



File: 39c9a2c0107d761⋯.png (877.07 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 18.png)


Welcome all artists and lolicons to Drawthread 18! We encourage everyone to keep our activities nice and civil!

- FOR REQUESTERS, please add "+REQUEST" in the subject title. This makes easier for artists to look for request posts.

- Give detailed information about characters. Avoid the artists to make unnecessary questions.

- ONE posting of references allowed for a request during the drawthread. You can BUMP your request in the next thread, but accept your request isn't appealing after one or two consecutive bumps.

- FOR ARTISTS, try to add "+DELIVERY" in the subject tab.

- Also, please check for old requests before seeking for the new ones, even in old drawthreads. A good surprise for an anon's old request is always appreciated!

- Constructive criticism is encouraged. Flames are not!

- Please, avoid to respond to spammers, trolls and shitposters. Simply REPORT THEM.

- This is a thread for original art. If you are looking for nude filtering, see >>54294 , or coloring/editing, see >>33289 .

- COMMISSIONS: If you want to ask for a commission, or if you are an artist wanting to offer your services, please see >>35741 . Support your favourite artists!

And most importantly, have fun!


78 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: adcfe6d70e36a69⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1378x2039, 1378:2039, ronnieann.png)





File: 5b8a48422a042a3⋯.jpg (127.66 KB, 1176x502, 588:251, 0PAB.jpg)

File: f4988ef752f6f00⋯.png (802.7 KB, 1132x698, 566:349, decorate.png)

Requesting this Alien Villain getting fucked Atomic Betty costume Penelope Lang Please do not take off the costume


File: 1b4edc322898bc6⋯.png (716.69 KB, 1513x3333, 1513:3333, 040517 ronnieannie.png)



ooof was planning on doing but got caught up in changing things up to draw betterly.



Cute pic. Just one thing, Ronnie doesn't have missing teeth, she has buck teeth.

File: a8ca720c3e111c3⋯.jpg (183.72 KB, 1280x610, 128:61, tumblr_onndctiVJY1vf1py9o1….jpg)

File: 599d25f217bd6e1⋯.jpg (421.03 KB, 1280x1218, 640:609, tumblr_onndctiVJY1vf1py9o2….jpg)

File: d316411db9b9c15⋯.jpg (308.25 KB, 1280x1515, 256:303, tumblr_onndctiVJY1vf1py9o3….jpg)


Hi, I haven't seen a thread like this on this booru, so here I am.

Basically, this thread is for people who don't want to pay for loli content on Patreon (myself among them). Hopefully, some kind soul will dig into their wallet and post these images here for others to enjoy, with their caveat that these files aren't distributed anywhere else, and are deleted after 24 hours.

Here's a few pics I'm interested in. They all come from the same artist: https://awesomesirbrushes.tumblr.com/post/159014127997/dibujitos-de-mi-patreon

If anyone would be kind enough to send me these images, it would be very much appreciated.

2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 373c977b2eea560⋯.jpg (326.51 KB, 2362x2795, 2362:2795, 14835214538264004066.jpg)

I was able to get the emoji girl.

You can use a fake email and fake CC number to get most stuff posted on patreon.

It won't work on accounts that process payments immediately.


File: 78c0d93cc7f8cdf⋯.jpg (715.23 KB, 2362x3282, 1181:1641, 4a8611877cf735109a138da8d0….jpg)

Oh, I remember seeing this artist had done some Lily pics.



Definitely. I can see a commercial service opening eventually, just to scrap greedy artists on patreon - if they're dumb enough to withhold paid content forever - sane people on there hold it for a week to month and then post it free.

Usual tragedy of the commons.


File: 629528bc43e0a58⋯.jpg (472.71 KB, 1800x2000, 9:10, 1482587786645.jpg)



i really hate how they taunt us

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