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Subreddit of the week: /r/LibertarianLeft

Anarchism is a social movement that seeks liberation from oppressive systems of control including but not limited to the state, capitalism, racism, sexism, speciesism, and religion. Anarchists advocate a self-managed, classless, stateless society without borders, bosses, or rulers where everyone takes collective responsibility for the health and prosperity of themselves and the environment.
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/r/Anarchism is for discussing topics relevant to anarchism. The moderation structure and policies are not intended to be an example of an anarchist society; an internet forum is not a society. If you join the discussion here, we assume that you are an anarchist, an ally, or want to learn more about anarchism. Review the Anti-Oppression Policy to see how you can help make space for marginalized people.
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submitted by BlackFlagged anarchist
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton
Anarchists should be more aware of this than anyone - it's the whole reason we uphold opposition to hierarchy as our prime directive.
Reddit is set up to operate as a forced hierarchy - the admins are at the very top of the ladder, with the top-most moderator of a subreddit occupying the next highest rung. Because the top active mod is above all the other mods on the hierarchy, no one below them can demod them.
Since we are anarchists, we of course tried to override this unjust hierarchy by making our mods answerable to the community in r/metanarchism. We decided to elect and remove our mods according to popular vote.
Once someone has been on our mod list for years and years, the mods above them eventually drop off, and they rise to the top mod position. At this point, the true character of our comrade is tested - will they abide by the community's wishes? Or will they instead force their will on us, knowing we have no recourse to remove them?
Our current top active mod, negroyverde has been tested in this way. He posted an article that suggested women be more understanding of their rapists. This offended several women, who complained in r/metanarchism - asking the article be removed. negroyverde laughed at them and threatened to demod anyone who removed it.
In the comment chain of his article, he used the word 'bitch'. Another mod (a woman) tried to remove his comment and asked him to not use gendered slurs. He refused, ranted about them doing 'the deep state's dirty work', and reinstated his comment.
Another thread was made in r/metanarchism, this time asking that negroyverde demod himself for his actions and dismissive hostile attitude towards the community. The proposal received overwhelming support and passed easily. But negroyverde wouldn't even make a statement. Since he now refused to show his face in meta to answer to the community, several users called him out on the main sub.)
The most vocal person calling for negroyverde to step down as a mod for his behavior was banned unilaterally from meta by negroyverde. He gave no reason for the ban and refused to answer any questions about it. Anyone else that has asked him why he refuses to step down is quickly labelled a troll by negroyverde.
His stock responses to all his critics are 'meta is garbage', 'you're all just trolls', 'you won't still be anarchists in 6 months', 'idpol' and even 'I don't care about anarchists'.
His superiority complex actually enables him to believe he is the one true anarchist that is keeping this sub from descending into chaos and that refusing to listen to the will of the people is somehow heroic:
I'm not letting this place go down the tubes like /r/soc did. If I am de facto "king", and I reject all doctrines except reason, what does it matter?
The moral of this sad little story is that no one - even a respected post-left egoist anarchist like negroyverde can be given power and then just walk away from it. When he was elected as a mod 4 years ago, I doubt he ever suspected just how easily he could become corrupted. And if even the minuscule amount of power a reddit top mod is given by the admins is enough to corrupt - this is proof that ALL power corrupts absolutely.
all 16 comments
[–]Copernikepler 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
I warned you assholes about this person years ago, but no one listened to me then. I told you folk then you would get exactly what you deserve. Everyone instead said "approve". Morons.
[–]LookslikeaBunyip anarchist 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
So... what do?
[–]ComradeDamo 1 point2 points3 points  (8 children)
I think we should have an election every month or 2 months and that the person elected can be removed by popular vote at any time the people of the sub deem necessary.
[–]Copernikepler 5 points6 points7 points  (6 children)
That is not how how the reddit software works. There are levels of mod, and this "mod" waited until they had a top spot and couldn't be removed to start their shit pronounced enough that others saw they were a problem. They've always been a problem, mind you, but they said reactionary things that were popular on the sub (eg like todays "bash the fash!" empty comment that doesn't do ANYTHING, but people like you if you say it), and idiots gave them the power they asked for. This person wasn't even around very long before people wanted to make them a mod, and all they had to do was regurgitate a few edgy sounding things in every thread that came along. I've always assumed they were a cop.
Either way, this subreddit deserves it.
[–]AbortusLuciferum- fash sit down or get put down 1 point2 points3 points  (1 child)
That's the problem. People will look at this situation and say "See! Anarchism doesn't work!", but the fact is that in anarchism we would be able to make the rules, in reddit we don't.
[–]Copernikepler 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
That's a problem. Another is that people here elect very bad leadership. For a long period of time the only thing you had to do was regurgitate catchphrases and make posts complaining about how you were trans and disadvantaged. That's specifically how we got here. I honestly thought this mod was a cop, they were very specifically crafting all of their content and replies. Everyone ate it up.
[–]ComradeDamo 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
I'm quite new to reddit tbh
[–]Copernikepler 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
All good, and welcome!
[–]0x800703E6tranarchist 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
That sounds like something that could be done by a bot, tbh. Top mod being a human user is setting us up to fail.
[–]Copernikepler 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Try saying that to our top mod. Oh wait...
BTW: You're two mod takeovers too late for this discussion. It's basically comedy to me at this point.
[–]necrodisiac communalist| mod | can memes exist without a state? 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
You can make proposals in /r/metanarchism to demod people.
[–]chriscarrcrash 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
This should be the easiest sub to mod. Seriously thought out post on how this little bit of authority can feed people's fucking ego. It's human ego that's poisoning our planet. People need to get over themselves.
[–]AbortusLuciferum- fash sit down or get put down 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
This is scary. I like to think that if I got respected enough to rise up to a position of high power, but then did a goof that got people to vote me out I'd probably try engaging with the people, explain myself (think "fair trial" type thing), and if they still wanted to de-mod me I like to think I would de-mod myself.
But I have never been in such a position so my brain hasn't taken the myriad of logical steps that the brain of a person in that position has. I can't say for sure that after the process of being put in high regard and after having to consider and make all the decisions that someone in that position makes, that my brain wouldn't then be different enough that I would find a logical justification to act in that manner.
[–]Bananasauru5rex 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
this is proof that ALL power corrupts absolutely.
The problem I have with this kind of pronouncement (though I know it's rhetorical) is that in some ways it mitigates responsibility---as if all people abuse power, or that power is the source of abuse. This person's thoughts and actions are responsible for abuse, and power only lets them express their abusiveness that was there the whole time.
[–]class4nonperson 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Requested to join the meta. Not really sure what else we can do.
[–]necrodisiac communalist| mod | can memes exist without a state? 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
/u/negroyverde please step down.
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