If you accept this simple truth life becomes more fun and more easy. I conluded social anxiety and generally a lot of problems is caused by desperate need for being liked and desperate need for attention.
If gather some random people together you will notice they will do everything to impress other people and make them like them. And it upsets a lot if they fail to achieve the 'likeability'. But ... the redpill truth is people liking you is rather connected with status than with who you really are. Attractive people, famour or rich people can do all kinds of nasty shit and people will still like them and try to gain their favour because they want something from them be it sex, money, favour or ego boost. If you would born charismatic Chad you could be asshole but people would still crave you at the same time you can be nicest, coolest, smartest, kind beta Bob but people may resent you. With women it's even more obvious.
Stop caring about people liking you or not. It doesn't matter. What matters is that you like and respect yourself. Stop fighting for people's attention or status in the group. If they are not 'nice' to you or ignore you, that's fine, nobody have to like you and you don't have to like everybody.
I wish somebody told me this in high school but the advice is still valid. Believe or not, people who didn't go through MGTOW catharsis, still didn't grow up from high school.
It takes sometimes solitude and pain to grow.